the site is still down...

i wanna watch the new pics :(
hey guys, I've sent a msg to KAiWAi, hopefully they'll be up soon.

Sorry ppl
It's such a shame that WE9/PES5 appears to be basically WE8LE reincarnated.

The gameplay in WE8LE was rock bottom in the series. The AI is utter garbage, basically just one big, boring script. In fact, I barely hesitate before bringing the word "crap" into the equation.
Thanks for reposting.

Sounds like some good stuff, momentum, linig up properly before shots etc etc. Perhaps the com might prove more of a challenge this time.
damn, no important changes in the ML, this totally sucks
plumbers_x said:
It's such a shame that WE9/PES5 appears to be basically WE8LE reincarnated.

The gameplay in WE8LE was rock bottom in the series. The AI is utter garbage, basically just one big, boring script. In fact, I barely hesitate before bringing the word "crap" into the equation.

just like you played the game allready and know every detail - you rock man! :roll:



plumbers, although iam on the same boat as you, and iam also unimpressed with the vids i see, i really think we should wait until we get our hands on the game before we start slagging the game off. But yeah i totally agree with you that WE8LE is pretty scripted not to mention 7, 7int and 8.

Heheh maybe we should start a new thread about the scriptedness of the game in the WE forum since i doubt other ppl will appreciate us ranting on about it.
seconded!! Especially when I think your talking shite, but hey thats for another thread ;) For me PES5 soudns amazing, people continue to say "it's not much of an improvemnet is it" Well for me it's a big improvment from we8le and a massive improvment from pes4. You should always judge the improvement from series to series and if you do you can see they ALWAYS make it better. The way some of you go on I wonder why you bother to keep coming here and playing the game. Just don't be so negative all the time, especially when you've not even played the game even for a second. Fair enough you can say games ypu've played are shit, but making assumption as some of you are is silly.
'Memorial Match Mode'

What's that all about? Classic matches? I would love it if they brought back the old 'Senario' mode like they has on ISS on the SNES. Also, why did they get rid of all star games? A bit contrived but they were good fun on multiplayer.
Its for matches between freinds whereby you can save the results and stats of every game 2 users play.

You can even save a game at half time.

Basically its for those amazing games you have with certain friends and a way of lording it over them when you stuff em week in and week out.

I'm sure PES5 will be a sufficient improvement on PES4. THAT'S what matters here - not if it's any different/better/worse than WE8/9 or what have you.

Reading the magazine article, it sounds as if more attention to real life detail is being incorporated, eg defenders unable to turn on a six pence, momentum favouring an attacker as he leaves behind a defender (hopefully the defenders won't catch up anymore), lining up properly for a shot, otherwise it will most likely be sliced.
I was wondering if someone can confirm the claims about a fully licensed Bundesliga in the September issue preview are really true? They even claim a licensed Celtic. They say they played the game at a Konami office, wich I do believe, but I’ve not read these same claims they made anywhere else. So does that mean that Konami really told PSM2 the big news first, and only to them? Also why would Europe get all these extra licenses that aren’t there in WE9? It all makes no sense. Personally I think that PSM2 is just FULL OF CRAP, and only tells stuff so that peole like me will buy the magazine (Oh my god, a whopping 10 euro over here in Holland!). I mean, when this claim proofs to be false, and every sign points in that direction, then you can never ever trust PSM2 again. And they certainly lost a customer, and hope other people will do just the same. Why buy a magazine, if you are better informed in places like this forum. Maybe if everyone will ask the same question at they will actually come up with anwsers...
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