Plan the Evo-Web Official PES 2012 Feedback Thread?


BF3 Addict
1 September 2007
Hertfordshire, England
Newcastle & Barnet

Seeing as Lami (I think?) said that Konami would welcome feedback from the Evo-Web community shouldn't we plan the Feedback Thread and how its structured? I'd like to try and help with this, imo all the feedback should be collated in the first posts of the thread, and split into categories. Konami for too long have listened to other communities and I feel that evo-web's pro evo players really have their heads screwed on and are knowledgeable enough (well, mostly :D) to really give Konami constructive & important feedback.

How do you think we should split the categories if we're going to do it that way? And what should the categories be?

Would be good to pre-plan the feedback thread so it's not just a massive thread with no structure whatsoever

Let me know your thoughts, would like to assist with this, it's important Konami hear our feedback, especially ours and not listening to the types that smash X all the time and complain about ref's being too strict, you know the types! ;)

How do you think we should split the categories if we're going to do it that way? And what should the categories be?

I'd say keep it simple and just have the following categories:

- Gameplay
- Graphics, Presentation & Audio
- Offline Modes
- Online Modes

Good idea though. If Konami people do actually visit Evo-Web then having a 'go-to' place to view feedback is very useful.

Worth a try anyway.
I'd say keep it simple and just have the following categories:

- Gameplay
- Graphics, Presentation & Audio
- Offline Modes
- Online Modes

Good idea though. If Konami people do actually visit Evo-Web then having a 'go-to' place to view feedback is very useful.

Worth a try anyway.

- Animation ?

Btw for gameplay it could be divided into

Core gameplay i.e AI, attacking/defending systems, tactics/strategy etc
Gameplay Animation i.e animations, ball physic, etc

Why ? because i think there are quite many people when talk about gameplay, they talk mainly about how good football player being animated, ball physic, passing feels etc
- Animation ?

Btw for gameplay it could be divided into

Core gameplay i.e AI, attacking/defending systems, tactics/strategy etc
Gameplay Animation i.e animations, ball physic, etc

Why ? because i think there are quite many people when talk about gameplay, they talk mainly about how good football player being animated, ball physic, passing feels etc

I would be wary of diluting feedback down into too many categories. Keep it simple. Animations would come under graphics and presentation for instance.
Would be brilliant idea but I doubt we'd get the attention, were far to vocal. PES 2012 is looking to be a good game so most voices are happy and would give good feedback, say PES 13 is crap then the whole place would just tell Konami that and I don't think it would work from a PR standpoint WENB cater to that better than we would.
Would be brilliant idea but I doubt we'd get the attention, were far to vocal. PES 2012 is looking to be a good game so most voices are happy and would give good feedback, say PES 13 is crap then the whole place would just tell Konami that and I don't think it would work from a PR standpoint WENB cater to that better than we would.

Konami have said already that they'd welcome evo-web's feedback when Lami went to the playtest.

Obviously we shouldnt be listening to "PES2012 is shit" - constructive feedback should ONLY be given, and there's nothing wrong with that.

It's about time Konami took on board evo-web's pro evo community's viewpoints, like I said in my first post, people here in the most part are very much more clued up than other forums and there are a lot of good ideas for improvements that I've read over the last few months since PES2011's release, things that could easily be implemented into PES2013, for example.
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I think it's an excellent idea providing they would listen to the feedback, which i'm sure they would. I'm relatively new to these forums, but already i can see that there are a lot of clever people about that certainly know their stuff. They would be fools not to take notice ha ha.
I'd say keep it simple and just have the following categories:

- Gameplay
- Graphics, Presentation & Audio
- Offline Modes
- Online Modes

Good idea though. If Konami people do actually visit Evo-Web then having a 'go-to' place to view feedback is very useful.

Worth a try anyway.

I would add "- Edit mode" to this, with offline modes i think of exhibition ML BAL 2vs2 Cups etc
The key to doing it well is being able to collect, collate, and organise the feedback. We are no doubt capable of producing incredibly deep feedback - arguably we can do that better than anywhere. Then again it would not be that useful to get Konami to read long thread of gameplay feelings, 30 pages long full of 1000-word posts and arguments per topic. The important step is managing to take that, and to remove the clutter, semantics, arguments and repetition and put it into something concise and comprehensive.
The key to doing it well is being able to collect, collate, and organise the feedback. We are no doubt capable of producing incredibly deep feedback - arguably we can do that better than anywhere. Then again it would not be that useful to get Konami to read long thread of gameplay feelings, 30 pages long full of 1000-word posts and arguments per topic. The important step is managing to take that, and to remove the clutter, semantics, arguments and repetition and put it into something concise and comprehensive.
Yeah, then give them all the details and say there you are, get on with it.
The key to doing it well is being able to collect, collate, and organise the feedback. We are no doubt capable of producing incredibly deep feedback - arguably we can do that better than anywhere. Then again it would not be that useful to get Konami to read long thread of gameplay feelings, 30 pages long full of 1000-word posts and arguments per topic. The important step is managing to take that, and to remove the clutter, semantics, arguments and repetition and put it into something concise and comprehensive.

Yep, precisely why I suggested having the first posts of the thread reserved for the feedback, 4 posts for 4 categories for example, one in each.
So perhaps one of the key questions is who will actually set up and maintain each thread because it will be a lot of work (probably shouldn't be people with moderator power as they can do it anyway if needs be).
Yeah, true Rod. Even though feedback thread could consist of many posts, it will be nice if, eventually only one single post or two will be created that concisely contains most of the thing that most people here over EW agreed upon. So will be handy to be read by Konami teams as well as being translated to japanese. :JAY:

Btw really appreciate Simcut's effort. End of January or at least Feb, could be a good deadline i guess.
Sounds good to me :)

What if there was a section for 'Other Feedback' which would cover things such as Edit Mode, Extra Content ideas, DLC ideas, Stats, Leagues, etc.
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Sounds good to me :)

What if there was a section for 'Other Feedback' which would cover things such as Edit Mode, Extra Content ideas, DLC ideas, Stats, Leagues, etc.

To me personally (just one man :P) Edit mode is too huge to put with Other feedback (Stats/Extra content DLC/Patches etc). But then again you might just get 7+ threads if you do it all separately.

I'd go with:

Audio/Video (graphics/sound same)
Online/offline modes
Edit mode
Other feedback/content

What do you guys think?

5 threads give or take?
Well, there will be ONE thread with the first however many posts reserved, one post per category.

So, at the moment....something like this?


Graphics, Presentation & Audio

Online/Offline Modes

Edit Mode

Other Feedback/Content
I always thought it'd be a great idea to have a sort of feedback council, a group of intelligent PES lovers, who can filter through the crap and maintain a list of things the community really wants to be improved.

That way we don't make better textured socks the number one priority for the Konami team :P
Which category does player stats (and everything it contains) fit into?

EDIT: I should have read the final list first, never mind.
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