No don't scan anything. If you want the guide you pay for the guide, anyone found to be using this site in any way to distribute illegal copies of the guide will be banned as they would for any other illegal activity.
tell me something: does this huge guide finally brings some simple, accurate light on shoot direction vs. your position as it has never been well explained before by konami or does it include one of those annoying explanations like "if you want to put the ball to the right, press right"
And yes, I know the piggyback guide, I bought last year's copy and yet... it didn't quite explain it as one would expect on such a huge guide.
yep, I saw it on the downloadable shooting guide right now . So easy to guess.
I understand that no simple awnser is available on how to make good shots but that text is ridiculous. Not being able, on so many pages, to give a proper explanation of which directional buttons you should push to direct the ball to a particular place when coming full frontal, on te sides, paralel, etc. The efect of pushing directional back, etc.
It's not that great, there was a lot more simple and (IMO) better guide available on PESFAN last year and that didn't cost a tenner. It's got some useful bits in it, looks at what the attributes actually mean (rather then Konamis rubbish help section on the game: "If a player has a passing star, it means they're good at passing") but not worth a tenner I think.
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