PES6 - Reviews and First Impressions

Re: Drekkard review (with some anger right now)

mnemoniak said:
Is this a joke ?

For me WE10 was 'arcade', PES4 was 'arcade', but this one is nearer to WE9 or WE9JL ! I think we are not playing the same game, or not the same way ?!
WE10 was a joke, after a few games me and my mates go back to W9JL, more realistic, again, with PES6, we gonna enjoy playing.

of course, those feelings are subjectives, but I can't be alone to feel like that.

You are spot on there i also thought we10 played a poor game very unbalanced you score a goal i'll score a goal scenario, so i went back to JL9 because of the more balanced gamplay, the only problem i had with that though was it's maybe too easy to defend so in all i was winning most games to nil, although this must be said with top top players. Now i have played PES6 al i can say is FANTASTIC it just wipes the floor with WE10, and the 2 main reasons are that the have slowed the game slightly so this gives u that bit more time on the ball to play passes and makes it easier to defend than in we10 (but still harder than in prev pes) i've had the cpu go past 2 defenders and nail 1 past my gk on a few occasions already. Second is that the dribbling seens more reel than it was in we10 i remember dribbling the whole lenght of the pitch with Jamie Carragher in WE10 and scoring, it just didn't feel right. Now try doing it in PES6 you may do it which a Ronaldo or Ronaldhino but not with Carragher..So fo me in the Gampley i'm very happy, for everythink else i'm like everyone dissapointed. Still no difference to ML loosing more licenses than gaining no WS mode for PS2, while it must be said it plays silky smooth comapared to some prev versions. All in all the best PES to date at leat for me and after 30 or so matches..
drekkard said:
Well, I've been playing all day and I can say it's the worst pes I've ever played. And it's sad! Look, after the "it's new" sensations tears away, you'll discover that this game is like a pinball-soccer. When defending, it DOESN'T MATTER at all if you are in a good position. Positioning is a concept that has no place in this game.

I agree !!!
Re: Drekkard review (with some anger right now)

Id say PES6 is a very good game but so was PES4 a very good game, ill still play it, but really they need to take a big step forward like EA did with FIFA, they have given us gameplay tweaks which we all expect anyway, but they need to give us something new, brand new.

@jimis Well said!! :applause:

Zygalski said:
Let's go back to PES3, who's with me? ;)

Or better yet WE6FE! :D
Isslander said:
Since PES2 I have been reading constant bad reviews of PES from PES-forums... and each year I totally love the game. Reading this thread doesn't worry me the slightest.

And thats why Konami never will change something!!! You guys buy everything called WE/PES when its from they did it right give the crowd what it need, only a new Package, new Intro, some new skills, and a new Ballphysik!

When you guys are happy with this Ok you desicion!But for me its the same as i Play now for years only a few changes, this dont allow a full price Game!!!! Who buys a new Grandtourismo only because the have changed the Colours of the car, and give you one new stage! or who buys a new Tekken only with 2 new Moves for marshall law???or will someone buy a new resident evil 4 because it has now a new titlescreen and 2 new weapons???? Think about that!
That's the thing, maybe it's because I only play the PES-versions, but I don't simply don't see these "slight tweaks in the gameplay" everybody is talking about. What I see are big changes, good changes which make is impossible for me to go back to an earlier version. Ok so the ML hasn't changed much but I don't really mind because I'm nearly 30 and at that age, I have work and all sorts of stuff and I don't really have time for an extensive mode like that... I go for the games with my friends and cups and leagues... I have been playing the same prem. season for quite a few months now.
Both PES4 and 5 dissappointed me at first but then I whacked them up to full six stars and after a while I was hooked.
I'm sorry but while Konami gives me a game each year which makes me happy I don't really see a reason to complain! For the rest of you, it's too bad you don't enjoy the game but it's not going to make me lose much sleep either.
polakis said:
To jimmy:

Re jimmy ti na allaksoun?afou to gameplay einai sxedon teleio,poses allages perimeneis pia?min eisai ypervolikos...

Gameplay is nearly on Perfection????? Hahaha tis time the Ballphysik is taken from superpinnball5, when you play on expert and you come near the Box you have two defenders on you, then they takethe ball and ping ping pingpng no one knows for two seconds who has the Ball!!!!

But the point for me is now for games withall the japversions we have:same Graphics, same stadiums, same Flags, same Pitches, same Faces(some new ok), and now lowres Kits that looks terrible!

now for 4 Years we are standing on the same point! Konami doent go forward! that makes me angry!!!! Look at EA they have improved their Fifa... step for step they go forward! i know that no one can be perfekt! And i dont want the 100% perfect game that is only a dream but som new stuff.., and i also dont play ML i am 33 now, playing VG for years, i have seen so much games getting better and better!Watch resident evil or MGS or splinter cell, Tekken series,(i know this are not Footigames)! But the programmers gives you really new stuff, better graphiks, real new moves, real new gameplays! who will buy a tekken 5 times with the same stages, only new heroes but same stages exactly???? No one but in a soccergame its OK???

There is only one Konami and one WE/PES and allways they make big shit with the european version, why we have to wait so long when nothing changesfrom WE to PES... give me the reason!
every Patch from we10 is better than the original shit from PES6 and we are not professionals!
listen to themusic from replays and menus...same shit every year, no one can tell me that konami is programming for months this Game!!!
But they want 60€ from me for what for an WE10 with bad Ballphysiks???
The point is commercial, konami wants Money and they get it because there is fanatism with Konami soccergames, i was also the biggest WEfan, but know i see that we get F***ED! iam pissed with this situation!

everyone will see when we10 J.league comes out that konami gives shit on Europe!!!
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jimis said:
Gameplay is nearly on Perfection????? Hahaha tis time the Ballphysik is taken from superpinnball5, when you play on expert and you come near the Box you have two defenders on you, then they takethe ball and ping ping pingpng no one knows for two seconds who has the Ball!!!!

But the point for me is now for games withall the japversions we have:same Graphics, same stadiums, same Flags, same Pitches, same Faces(some new ok), and now lowres Kits that looks terrible!

now for 4 Years we are standing on the same point! Konami doent go forward! that makes me angry!!!! Look at EA they have improved their Fifa... step for step they go forward! i knoe that no one can be perfekt!
But look at the music from replays and menus...same shit every year, no one can tell me that konami is programming for months this Game!!!
But they want 60€ from me for what for an WE10 with bad Ballphysiks???

I think that you're right when you say "60 euros..too much for a simply 'upgrade' "...
Konami is in stand-still since two-three years if we think about master league format, pitches, licenses (this time went away bundesliga and came in french league...bahhhhh) ecc ecc
But...the only thing that is important (for me) is GAMEPLAY
If we speak about PES6, we have to be happy considering the new direction taken by Konami
PES6 is slower, harder, more real compared to WE10..

The point is: PES6 is slower, WE10 is arcadish, WE10 J-LEAGUE will be again slower, WE10 INTERNATIONAL (for example) arcadish again...WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the english...i'm italian
Seabass1977 said:
I think that you're right when you say "60 euros..too much for a simply 'upgrade' "...
Konami is in stand-still since two-three years if we think about master league format, pitches, licenses (this time went away bundesliga and came in french league...bahhhhh) ecc ecc
But...the only thing that is important (for me) is GAMEPLAY
If we speak about PES6, we have to be happy considering the new direction taken by Konami
PES6 is slower, harder, more real compared to WE10..

The point is: PES6 is slower, WE10 is arcadish, WE10 J-LEAGUE will be again slower, WE10 INTERNATIONAL (for example) arcadish again...WHY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for the english...i'm italian

Konami thinks that european player uses more FIFA than PES and when you watchthe sellingsttats fro we and Fifa you can see there is more Fifagams sold ! so they make the game easier for the european market to get the Fifa fans! But EA did exactly now the other way they get nore realistic and they will do an Simulation! OK ea needs a lot of work, but i am sure on next gen it will be a hard fight for konami, if on x-box comes the PES gameplay near, with better grapics, all licences, better stadiums and Pitches, than konami will loose this time the Throne!

But thats good for us so i hope we will se something new on the next gen!
But what i have seen on videos and what i have read in magazines PES6 on 360 is a port from the PS2 version and misses a lot from the editing area of PES6 on PS2! so you only get a high resolution PES6 on the 360 nothing more....inst that bad??? only Gameplay nothing more???
To me it seems sluggish, unresponsive and the passing system is quite random.

I feel the end of the evolution is here. It'll be interesting to see just how this series progresses next year for the PS3,360, Wii ;)

The game is slower, a lot!!!

I really hate a game made to be "easier to defend". One thing that I really amazed me on WE10 was the difficult to defend Henry, Shevchenko or Kaka. If that is not real, I dont know which can be real. See the real football, to defend those guys is pretty difficult. Now a moron can defend those guys and for my particular opinion that is pretty pathetic.

Other thing that really annoys me is the fact that the shots are less powerful. That is the only thing I like from PES5, the powerful shots from players like Adriano (in real life Adriano shoots and it is a pretty powerful shot). In WE10, the shots were less powerful but realistic at least, now the shots from gunners like Kaka or Seedorf seems like shots from my 7 years old nephew (lol).

For me it is really a step backward this game. It is not worst than PES5 (the worst PES I have played ever) but it is pretty bad. I will play WE10 until WE11. The speed of this game sucks. A little tweak would be ok, not this pace like PES5. Just the online mode does not deserve the buy of this game.

In the positive side, I think that the GK's are pretty improved. At least that... in WE10 the keepers were the worst of the game.
That's funny to read that only people complaining about the game are posting messages, as the other ones are enjoying it! ;)

I really love this PES6, which is really different from WE10: it's slower, so it feels like a simulation - less like an arcade game (but is fast enough to have fun), players and the ball are much heavier, we can really "feel" them, when shooting, running or taking different directions. Goalkeepers seem to play better then in WE10, which is an important thing, defenders don't get beaten by fast strikers, passes seem not as "automatic" as in the previous PES/WE so you have to play well in order to score (super-heavy-long-distant shots don't come as easily as in WE10), etc.

Technically, no improvement here excepts for the fact that it is SUPER FLUID every time: a real pleasure to see how smooth it can be.

To my eyes, pace is perfect this time and this PES will provide many thousand hours of pleasure for every soccer simulation fans. the king is back in great shape, this year.
Kimura said:
That's funny to read that only people complaining about the game are posting messages, as the other ones are enjoying it! ;)

I really love this PES6, which is really different from WE10: it's slower, so it feels like a simulation - less like an arcade game (but is fast enough to have fun), players and the ball are much heavier, we can really "feel" them, when shooting, running or taking different directions. Goalkeepers seem to play better then in WE10, which is an important thing, defenders don't get beaten by fast strikers, passes seem not as "automatic" as in the previous PES/WE so you have to play well in order to score (super-heavy-long-distant shots don't come as easily as in WE10), etc.

Technically, no improvement here excepts for the fact that it is SUPER FLUID every time: a real pleasure to see how smooth it can be.

To my eyes, pace is perfect this time and this PES will provide many thousand hours of pleasure for every soccer simulation fans. the king is back in great shape, this year.


Pes6 is 10 steps beyond than we10
Kimura said:
defenders don't get beaten by fast strikers,

That's worrying, I thought they fixed it this year???

You can't say its not realistic, Henry could easily do someone like Stam for pace.
And still lots of people talking about the speed of the game. Look the speed of the game is terribly unrealistic because of this:

- The ball is slower than players too many times (I like to play short passes and I see totally horrified how my opponent is faster than the ball. real life is not like that)

- While passing is slow, you can run and beat defenders by running VERY easily. Playing in human vs human you can run 3/4 of the field with cristiano ronaldo and your mate won't catch you. Granted.

- As a defender, you can do NOTHING to avoid a pass. You can't intercept a pass. I've spent time and time positioning my player, to cover any pass lines, it's impossible, the pass is done anyway. The only way you win the ball is because the pass goes straight to your feet or in 1 vs 1 situations, that are a mix of pinball and tekken and hurts everytime I see that in the screen. But you CAN'T defend well by positioning. Even the old flaws like sidebacks and cb running away of the position in ridiculous runaways are still there.

So, what happens when passing is terribly slow but terribly accurate, but you can run and drible a lot and can't defend? You see, that makes the game NOT a simulation at all. You'll see that at the end tihs will be a very arcadish and truly bothering version to play with all that overdone physics. This is a game where skill and vision of play doesn't make much difference.

PS: It's the first time a say this in the first days of a new pes. Normally I get angry when the cheats start ruining the fun (that's after a couple of months playing). Really I'm shocked with this version. I feel really bad about the series. And I hate fifa and ea, but I begin to see things in which fifa is clearly better, like deflections, positioning of players (specially in defense), etc... that had never happened before. The thing is I won't pay konami again until they show something in exchange. And no more kits, faces, boots or videos by me for this game. I don't want to.
Isslander said:
Since PES2 I have been reading constant bad reviews of PES from PES-forums... and each year I totally love the game. Reading this thread doesn't worry me the slightest.

:applause: This ^

Every October before release date is the same. You get the 'hardcore fans' (who don't even support Konami or the PES series because they DOWNLOAD the friggin' game) saying "OMG THIS IS THE WORST PES EVER!1111111" or "I DONT EVEN LIKE FOOTBALL I JUST WANT TO SIT AT HOME EDITING PLAYERS FACES ALL NIGHT BECAUSE I HAVE NO LIFE!!111111".

The point is that PES is a fantastic football game year-in, year-out (with the exception of PES2) and no other games company even gets near it for realism or depth.

Bring on the 27th where I will BUY the game and enjoy many hours of footballing FUN! :)
After playing 5 matches (vs computer, hardest difficulty) on the PS2, my first impression is that PES6 is GREAT!

WE10 was really bad and I was very sceptical about PES6... but Konami managed to correct the most important problems of WE10.

Of course I need to play more (and vs human) to be able to really judge it and to see if it has some serious issues, but as I said, my first impression is very positive (with WE10 it was catastrophic).

I can't wait the for the PC version to be out so I can try the online mode and see if they improved it from PES5.
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Re: Drekkard review (with some anger right now)

Zygalski said:
Let's go back to PES3, who's with me? ;)
PES3 had that nasty 'hands' feature. A good idea, but they overdone it. Overall,the gameplay was rather nice, compared to other versions. you're right about that
Yeah Konami could have done more. And I agree that this game is far from perfect. And it is true that this is just the same outdated engine which has been tweaked for the tenth time. And if you are angry at Konami for only taking babysteps with every release of PES/WE, you probably will still be angry after playing this game. Konami seems to be very lazy, especially when it comes down to non-gameplay elements.

Having said that, the gameplay is very fluent and realistic. The pace is good (much slower than WE10 if you play on 60 hz), the balance has improved, there are lots of little subtle changes and improvements that make this game WAY better than WE10 and easily the best PES/WE ever.

And most important of all: it just feels GOOD and it is a lot of fun to play.

I have played lot's of 2vs2, 1vs1 games and games against the CPU and I can assure most people on this forum that don't have the game yet that they have nothing to worry about. If you like pes, you are gonna love this. I absolutely cannot believe that some people are actually saying that pes5 or we10 is better than Pes6.
drekkard said:
- As a defender, you can do NOTHING to avoid a pass. You can't intercept a pass.

This just shows that you don't know how to play this game, i can upload you thousands of videos and teach you how to intercept passes, I can do that easily especially at the midfield, i wonder if you ever look at the radar? or maybe you just aren't smart enough to guess right
Dunno why but I think this game is faster than Winning Eleven 10. But alot better regardless. Maybe it seems faster because the gameplay is more fluid,though because of that there's hardly any fouls.
Still I'll reserve judgement since the PES5 beta last years was terrible,and the full version wasn't much better.

Now that I think about it, it seems more like the Korean Livewire version to me.
Anyone remember original sensible world of soccer?
It had almost all world leagues and players and national teams (even small and exocit ones :-); you could play league 3 and battle you way to premier league etc.

it was so much better than WE/Pro-evo in that department.
My mate who doesnt own a console and plays pro evo whenever he comes round to mine, and came over to try PES6, said

"Its the same as PES5"

Sums it up really.
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