Nick Cave
Wrexham fan for my sins...
So my HD TV has gone to be fixed and will be away for 3 to 20 days so I'm back to playing on a SDTV. And I now have a big problem. The speed of the game somehow has increased immensely.
Everything zips around at a super fast pace and it's become terrible to play. I'm having to pass the ball asap because the ai players are super fast and close me down in seconds and when a loose ball happens by the time I've seen it and pressed a button the ai has already reacted and is walking away with the ball or my player has controlled the ball and so he stands there locked in a 'control the ball and then adjust to shooting animation' giving the AI plenty of time to intercept/tackle.
I've lost count of the amount of goals I've missed out on scoring because I can't keep up with the pace and my player has controlled the ball before I can react and hit shoot.
I have no idea why it's happened but has anyone else found this? Could it just be because the sdtv is much smaller in size and its just my eyes are fooling me into thinking its quicker as there is less space on screen?