PES 5 Discussion

2 player ML. I mean come on playing on the same team is poo i want to be able to play my friend in the UEFA Champions League and domestic league ect...
I would like a Master League (maybe not PES5 but a future version of WE/PES) to have an option where you can be head hunted by a club to become their new manager. You could be rated as a manager on your success not only the pitch but also developing new players. This would allow you to progress up the ladder to become say coach of a national team....just an idea.

I just feel after playing nearly 11 seasons of the same team in ML, it becomes slightly tiresome.

Also the AI needs tweaking.
Would be funny to see how hard your shot or header was after a goal or a goal attempt.

Also take care of the many small bugs we dont like in the gameplay.

And players like Cristiano Ronaldo and Rooney should have their spesials in the game.
Oh, and I forgot...
I absolutely loved WE8LE music. I hope they follow the same line.
And I hope they go back in a future to a WE6FE style interface, colourful menus, some eye-candy you know. WE7 and WE8's haven't nice on the eyes at all.
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3rd kits
full licenses
and the players should kick the ball... i hate when the ball is like... middle height and the player lowers his head or dives to head the ball when they actually could kick...
1. I would like to see the ability to choose the nationof your choice and when international games come around you get to control those games as well.
2. The ability to move your wall, and adjust the number of players in there.
3. the Birds eye camera from PES4 but vericle instead of horizontal like the old kick off and Goal! games.
Oh, and injuries that like, occur from goalies landing awkwardly.
I think there should be more injuries. Im not being funny but in ML you hardly get any, whereas in real life, a team often has many.

Or maybe u shoud be able to control the injury frequency.
pires i get an injury every other game, i think there are too many injuries...
amadeus said:
pires i get an injury every other game, i think there are too many injuries...

Ive been through an entire season with just gettin a couple of injuries.
Every other game is about right, but not long term inuries just short ones.
What PES 5 needs is FULL licences. No more excuses. By now, they should be getting it right.

Also, a new and improved set of ways to nutmeg your opponent, and a way to practice them in an empty court, with vocal or written assistance until you get it right.

And most importantly - EVERYTHING should be random in the game. PES 4 felt too scripted to me. certain things always happened at certain moments. That's no good, until I got tired of it and stopped playing.
There was a mention of PES5 in the Star yesterday...

"Chelsea skipper John Terry has been signed up to become the new face of the UK version of Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer. Terry, 24, will be closely involved with the next instalment of the franchise due out later this year. The Pro Evolution Soccer series is renowned for its realism and is the best-selling title for any games console. The England ace is a confirmed fan and regulary hosts tournaments at home for his team-mates and takes copies with him when away on international duty."

I suppose that's good news, the more big players Konami get aboard, the more people who will buy the game, the more money, the more licences.
For most people who are demanding full licences, you have to remember EA bought the full licence permitting the to full use the likeness of almost all players and clubs. Konami can not get a full licence till the Fifa deal with EA ends, or if EA allow Konami to have rights too (likely not). Something like this happened to Sega's ESPN NFL 2k5 when EA bought the licence of ESPN for NFL games. Sega can now not use the ESPN licence anymore

That is why Konami are trying to get altenatives. The best will probably get the licence from each individual country but that could cost more than they would gain
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I'd like to see the computer get smarter and more varied in it's gameplay in PES5. PES4 was a step in the right direction with its tactical substitutions and formation changes.

In Future PES I would love to see a career mode instead of the masterleague, were you can switch clubs and also be mational coach.

Remember Sensible world of soccer ? Image a game like PES with all the statistcs and the career mode of SWOS.

And lets say it all Sensible World of Soccer was launched 10 yrs ago and im surprised no other companies copied its career mode (witch included almost every club and player in the world)

I think it s up to time someone take care of this issue at Konami.
ClassicD said:
That's because the AI does on occassion cheat it's ass off! While it provides a challenge, it's precisely the reason I want to see them implement online play better, online play is so much tougher, but fairer. PES5 will be at least their third (possibly even fourth if WE9 arrives first) attempt at online play, so I hope they have learned some lessons.

Master League, well a few versions ago I had given up on it but I am playing it again with WE8LE. What I really cannot understand is they have these licensed leagues, and they don't use them in the ML? They have enough teams from each nation to create a more realistic feel to the game yet they limit us to 4 leagues of 16 teams and then force the Division 2 sides' promotion to go into your league, screwing up any chance you had of 'keeping it real'.

A real nit-picky point here but I feel it's worth mentioning - fire whoever is doing the menu desgins because they are terrible. I don't know if they look ok to a Japanese-reading player but the alpha character set looks so out of place, it's big and ugly. Something a bit cleaner and smaller would suit better.

Stadiums would be nice, it's always cool when they put new ones in and you find they play well (eg Delle Alpi in WE7).

And of course, the regular slew of gameplay enhancements would also be appreciated. :mrgreen:

My guess would be that the cpu's players has an invinsible bonus advantage when it comes to the stat "response". This is the only stat that truly matters in the series and changing it has a huge impact on the gameplay.

I've played plenty of we8 online at first. Every game was the same though, as always I pick a lesser side since I hate fast uncontrollable players, Villareal is the team I pick this time.

I try playing the game the way its supposed to be played, I really do , keeping possesion with nice short passing, to no use unfortunately.

WTF are my players doing?! Most of my midfielders just fecking take off! Come bacK!I only have the ball at the half line and my midfielders starts making runs into the box! What the hell...?

Anyway there's a brave soul, standing there in the middle of the pitch, he found some space too. I think I'll give him a pass. Passs!
Anyway, I lose the ball, somhow I always do. I am playing someone using Milan btw, obviously a team with higher response and thats the piont! IT really shows! Anyway, he has no ambitions, he doesnt keep possesion, he dosnt pass but he does hes dribble. He's ryuning with Kaka making tripplets and all kinds of tricks. I tackle him cleanly with x and the ball just decides to bounce to seedorf. I give him space this time, tryicng to close him down with two players using [] and x Same shit happents again, I tackle and wins the ball...I think, the bounce again magically bounces to some other Milan players who magically finds finds space just outside the box. AGAIN I try tackling him and the ball bounce back and forth between players and in the end ends upon an unmarked Crespo in the box with a basicly open gaol! Ooooh!!!!!!!!!!

What the hell!? this guy cant be enjoying this! I know I know I certainly dont! I try keeping possesion for the rest of the game creating chances the way its supposed to be done but in the end I just dont. And of coures I let in 3-4 crap goals.

He tells me I dont know how to play, that I am playing sloooow and boring. I apparenntly cant dribble or shoot. I tell him I'm only losing cus I try making this look like football but but it just aint possible!
Whatever whatever...
This thing also happens to me when I play against my friens, and he does not always have better team than i have.

I try to play short passing football like u sad but seams tha game engine works better for those who play long balls :(

I would like this to be settled in future.
Oh sorry about that message, I eh, oh well :)

But, exactly, its not much about long or short passing though, but when you're facing a crowded defence instead of passing it around wating for an opportunity for a through-ball or dribble, its just better to take on, even if its up to 3-4 players, and hope for fortuna to be on your side. The physics just sucks and the ball can end up anywhere, just as well in the feets of a team-mate with an opportunity for a shot.

Its really how it is. Try playing something that bear any resemblance to football and you will lose. I often lose against people that hardly plays the game except when they're here for christ sake. The learning curve just sucks, there's no real balance here, or a sense of satisfaction since it all feels extremely scripted. I dont feel I ever improved on WE8/WE8:LW or PES4, the game play is just way too limited/scripted.
Official Konami Europe Website said:
Also returning in improved form will be the Master League wherein players can build and develop a team of no-hopers into an unbeatable team with a trophy room full of cups and accolades.

Hmm, I feel i've heard this before.


As I sad before I really have the feeling that the master league structure is not improved a little.
Madrileno said:
In Future PES I would love to see a career mode instead of the masterleague, were you can switch clubs and also be mational coach.

Remember Sensible world of soccer ? Image a game like PES with all the statistcs and the career mode of SWOS.

And lets say it all Sensible World of Soccer was launched 10 yrs ago and im surprised no other companies copied its career mode (witch included almost every club and player in the world)

I think it s up to time someone take care of this issue at Konami.

I completely agree with you, i have thought this for several years now. SWOS was outstanding, Konami should be copying this format in pes5. I also think that they have to do something a lot better with the replays. The angle that you get some replays are just plain ridiculous, all you need is a real time replay from the angle you are playing the game and also a replay from directly behind the player who is shooting (i don't know how many times ive hit a freekick that just whizzed past and you get some crappy replay from an angle that shows you nothing. You shoul dalso be able to get a replay of a shot even if it goes past for a bye kick or a corner, coz at the moment you have to press start almost as soon as the ball goes over the line or you cannot view it.
As for all those people who want a dive button, you are off your heads. Hasn't anyone played This Is Football? It just makes a mockery of the game , coz as soon as you get into the box people automatically want to dive and you end up gettin men sent off (for doing what pires & petrov have made a career out of). Please people, a dive button is a very bad idea
The dive button would definitly ruin the game just like the option to kick the reff and so on, Imagine playing against your friend and you are leading 2-0 and he knows its difficult to grab the draw than he just stops trying to score and throws the game in this rubbish diving and kicking etc witch would result in a game suspended.

That would take away too much from the game.
does anyone know if the same online mode of winning eleven 9 will be on Pro Evo beacuse i 2 on a team would be awesome
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