PES 2020 Rumours Discussion Thread

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I know a lot of people will say they'll be through with PES if ML isn't improved much, but I know, that you know that a new generation with PS5 will bring hope when it comes to PES 2021 being announced.

No matter what, whether we're primarily PES or Fifa fans we still cling onto some faded hopes that this year will be great changes.

I'll be annoyed if microtransactions pave the way for better offline modes, but in this day and age you generally need to spend quite a bit of money in order to get fun out of a game. Unless it's a game built for a single-player experience. Would rather both games dropped their £50 fee every year as it would justify what they're doing a lot more.
I really hope that's something big.
Every year, we see this and with the retail game...
If no hype = the real return of the King, i'm ok with that:BAND:
Nope. We're actually in year -1 (minus one) of the PES 2020 cycle and Year 3 of PES 2018 is about to begin.

For those that seek knowledge :
Yes, this is what I meant. The overall game series cycle began with 2018. My "ins" were just anticipatory, since specifically the question was asked about which year of the cycle 2020 falls in. So we had (1) 2018, (2) 2019 and we are "in" (as in, about to enter) (3) 2020.

The ML cycle is staggered one year later than that, so that we are in (will be in) year 2 of the cycle. The first year was very much pisspoor in terms of positive changes, as Emroth details below. I think Adam just wanted to have something to communicate to the offline players last year, so it was spin on what makes more sense:

Really, there was a plan* to improve ML over the two subsequent years, not including PES 2019, so on 2020 & 2021. But that's a harder sell, right? So instead 2019 becomes the "first year" of the cycle, which is now 3 years long.

*the massive caveat with all this cycle stuff is that there's a large chance it's just a marketing gimmick to kick the can down the road, basically. But we all know that!

Lets get something straight here.
This will be year 2.
2019 was year 1.

I know its a lot of bullcrap, nonetheless according to them 20 is Master League year 2.

Year 1 the improvements were:
- losing CL & EL licenses.
- removing D2's
- streamlining AI, so it doesnt confuse us with complex behaviour
- ICC tournament, where you have to play PSG, Real and Liverpool when playing with FC Chernobyl
- and breathtaking scoreboards.
Kinda hoping that the talk around banning of loot boxes in games aimed at kids has made Konami realise they can’t put all of their eggs in one basket and that they’re starting to look towards the ps5 era and trying to vastly improve offline modes and gameplay this year as part of some sort of contingency plan incase the loot boxes do get banned.

That’s probably what I would be doing as a long term plan, rather than trying to milk myclub until it becomes illegal and being left with nothing to fall back on. But I have a feeling, and history shows, Konami don’t think as logically as that... $$$
Kinda hoping that the talk around banning of loot boxes in games aimed at kids has made Konami realise they can’t put all of their eggs in one basket and that they’re starting to look towards the ps5 era and trying to vastly improve offline modes and gameplay this year as part of some sort of contingency plan incase the loot boxes do get banned.

That’s probably what I would be doing as a long term plan, rather than trying to milk myclub until it becomes illegal and being left with nothing to fall back on. But I have a feeling, and history shows, Konami don’t think as logically as that... $$$
I think ultimately the profit motive will win out, even if that means coping with the loss of lootbox-style MTX. So the question we should probably ask is what they'll see as the most profitable direction for the game to go in. And I think no matter how you look at it, from their perspective that will always be online play. Even if the online play doesn't make huge money through MTX after a lootbox ban, it's still the reason they'll estimate most people will buy the game. So I anticipate that improvements will always come first and foremost to the competitive online modes of the game.
I really hope that's something big.
Every year, we see this and with the retail game...
If no hype = the real return of the King, i'm ok with that:BAND:

Don't believe the hype, they are massively hyping the game because they are now so close to Konami they were invited by them at E3. They are more Konami PR now than fan community. It's the usual hype cycle, nothing new here.
Don't believe the hype, they are massively hyping the game because they are now so close to Konami they were invited by them at E3. They are more Konami PR now than fan community. It's the usual hype cycle, nothing new here.
Is that the "so welcome ladieeees and gentlemen" bloke on youtube?
It seems the pr department knows full well the 3 year cycle, ohh no wait it's really good now just wait and see, hyperbolic bullshit spiel is not working anymore. Hence the silence.

Or at least that's what it looks like to me. Could be im wrong and it's just a brilliant ploy to show as all the awesome features,gameplay and totally revamped ml at JUST the right moment !

Could be.
That is Thetruebrits and he seems actually balanced in criticizing Pes, these are the guys that gave exclusive access to option files if you paid.

About that

I'm very much against PES Universe and their exploitive methods of making money from the community, yet with all of the editors dropping out this year they'll probably get even more of a stranglehold on it. Sad.
That is Thetruebrits and he seems actually balanced in criticizing Pes, these are the guys that gave exclusive access to option files if you paid.

About that

Thanks. Will give pesuniverse opinions a wide birth then as it seems they have a vested interest in flogging something.
I have 2 question regarding pes universe buisness model
1. Is it legal? Essentially profiting from copyrighted kits that Konami refuse to pay for
2. What stops someone buying it for a 5 pound then selling loads on eBay for 3 pound and under cutting them
I have 2 question regarding pes universe buisness model
1. Is it legal? Essentially profiting from copyrighted kits that Konami refuse to pay for
2. What stops someone buying it for a 5 pound then selling loads on eBay for 3 pound and under cutting them
1) It'll be carefully constructed to not do.
2) Absolutely nothing. They don't own anything they produce as they replicate copyrighted material.
Don't believe the hype, they are massively hyping the game because they are now so close to Konami they were invited by them at E3. They are more Konami PR now than fan community. It's the usual hype cycle, nothing new here.
Konami are running out of people to hype their game for free. So, as I understand it, they have turned to people that sell kits for a profit that the other football publisher pay a lot of money officially for. One desperate game publishing company that have only got themselves to blame.
I'm at the point where I just want PES 2020 to be more about fixing the gameplay issues and improving ML. I don't want them to reinvent the wheel with Feature A, B, C and D. If you rewatch the trailers from PES 2019 or 2018, how often were those features even used? Did it even make that big of a difference?

I know that is wishful thinking, but the subtlety that KONAMI have not had would be a welcomed change.
I'm at the point where I just want PES 2020 to be more about fixing the gameplay issues and improving ML. I don't want them to reinvent the wheel with Feature A, B, C and D. If you rewatch the trailers from PES 2019 or 2018, how often were those features even used? Did it even make that big of a difference?

I know that is wishful thinking, but the subtlety that KONAMI have not had would be a welcomed change.
They have neglected offline gameplay and ml for so long though that it is going to take a lot of fixing.
Tbh I don't think it'll be fixed completely, just some makeup here and there, nothing substantial I would say. That's not where the money is nowadays I'm afraid, and konami are desperate to keep milking the cow..
Guys off topic, but now for a reason or another i remember pes 2017 demo was a great game, i played 2 matches vs my flatmate with france vs germany, and the game flow and variety of shots on basic was there, they somehow messed the game up when the full game came, i wish we could have pes 2017 demo gameplay as a full game gameplay
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