Sami 1999
- 28 June 2015
It can be done. But its not a convenient process. And the game worked fine before. So these kind of solutions are just temporary solution. But I think I know the reason why his game is bugged out.Can`t you just make your desktop resolution to be the same as the DSR one and still play the game with DSR on and without the bug ?
As soon as I'll be back home I'll try mate, thanks!
EDIT: No luck for me, just gets stuck...
As you can see I try Alt+f4 too, no luck, it's just random.
Hey, I just saw you bug. Your screen is flickering.
Looks like it's the issue that I faced when I used Resolutions having weird aspect ration.
Would you tell me what resolution you're playing at?
If you selected a resolution that has weird aspect ratio [That is, if it's ratio can't be simplified] then the game will have the black screen flickering issue.

^ That's my DSR resolutions. The ones I marked Green works in PES 18 and you can see that its aspect ratio is simplified.
But red marked resolutions like 2494x1559 can't be simplified [It's aspect ratio itself is 2494x1559] and these resolutions caused black screen flickering on my PC.
Hmm, try other resolutions and see if it works now. At first I thought your game would totally blackout [Which was happening to me after Windows Update]. But looks like I had different problem [Which I solved with cahanging DPI scaling in properties].
Let me know if it works for you now.