Started a new career tonight as Bolton manager - played a friendly against a Greek team (I forget who but their star rating was higher than mine). Played on Top Player and won 5-0, with them getting very few chances.
Played my first league game against Millwall, put the difficulty up to Superstar, and lost 5-1... Talk about no middle ground!
I found it much more enjoyable than the save I'd started with Liverpool, though. First half passing accuracy seems to be around 70% for second-tier (two-star) opposition, with it jumping to 86%-90% at full-time (not sure why that's the case). Usually I have the same amount of shots as the opposition and that's where my problem lies - I seem to hit every shot straight at the goalkeeper despite attempting to direct it either side of him, whereas the CPU strikers always seem to be on great form...
This game is hopeless in Superstar, it feels like playing Fifa on legendary with default sliders. CPU boost is clear, they have superhuman speed, reflexes, pass accuracy ang goalkeepers. It's like playing against a machine and not a human-like simulated. That's very disapointed because superstar on previous PES was never so cheated and unfair like this year. The only way i can play the game is on Top Player, 1 bar pass support, advanced through ball and power bar off.