PES 2015 Discussion thread. PC

Steam version of pes 2014 wasn't even available to buy in my country (Baltic states region).
If pes 2015 not available too, I won't get it for sure. Buying retail is expensive (none selling pes in CD here and have to overpay with shipping cost from elsewhere). Way to lose customers Konami.
If its only cross-continent online modes lock, I don't mind. Anyways by the time zone I play games, its like lunch or breakfast time in America and usually don't wanna face with ppl from africa online due to lag.

What I meant is that the online servers will be region-restricted. Every Sunday night I have a session with some mates in New York. Looks like the fun is over. I won't be buying a PS4 to play one game.

I take it that Baltic states = EU so should be no problem to buy a retail copy online for the same price as everyone else.
Also, I didn't know that Steam restricted games per country. Is that even legal in the EU?
EU versions of some free to play games doesn't allow baltic states too (restricts us to play in Russian server, which sucks as barely any1 speaks rus in Lithuania for example). Its indeed illegal, but there is nobody to stand for us and fight for our rights there, so no1 gives a shit..
Borderlands 2 publisher attempted the same thing, but massive backslash from community made them change it and give ability to purchase worldwide version.
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EU versions of some free to play games doesn't allow baltic states too (restricts us to play in Russian server, which sucks as barely any1 speaks rus in Lithuania for example). Its indeed illegal, but there is nobody to stand for us and fight for our rights there, so no1 gives a shit..
Borderlands 2 publisher attempted the same thing, but massive backslash from community made them change it and give ability to purchase worldwide version.

That's messed up. My sympathies.

You could set-up your own private cheap VPN and login from an IP in another country. I don't know how tech-savvy you are, but if you want to get your hands dirty, these are just perfect for VPN - and only 3 euro per year.

I suggest the NL server. Their forums are helpful too.
Middle "not giving you a penny" finger is what i'll give em for this.

Used to overlook this nonsense as I didn't care about those region locked games at all. But this time I'm touched with this and afraid of it spreading further.

Thanks for help, i'm familiar with VPNs, but not going support any company for this.
What about this?

You can use a code that leaves the price of $ 31.99.

...The question is: Will it serve for patches?
Middle "not giving you a penny" finger is what i'll give em for this.

Used to overlook this nonsense as I didn't care about those region locked games at all. But this time I'm touched with this and afraid of it spreading further.

Thanks for help, i'm familiar with VPNs, but not going support any company for this.

I might just wait for a Steam sale. The PES2013 servers are good until January.
Wait until 23:59 Alaska time...just like how one guy says in one of the previous pages. haha

For now, just sleep or do your own things. lol
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Steam could be risky if mods rely on hacked executables.

How reliable is this?
Can I use multiple Steam accounts on one computer?

Yes, you can access different Steam accounts from one computer. However, you may only access one account at a time.
The accounts will share the core files for any games the accounts have in common, but each account will maintain its own custom content and configuration files.

Taken from Steam Knowledgebase

I'm thinking about creating secondary account for so-called "modding risky" games, especially if it is possible to re-use payment methods from my primary account on secondary too.
Has anyone tried anything like this before?
There is no future on steam, and it sucks big hard dude.

And we lose our steam account for adding mods.
It is a big risk. :Y1

Wow, most people usually declare their total devotion and love to steam nowadays.

If you tamper with files you are not allowed to tamper with you could recieve different type of bans. Never heard of someone "loosing steam account" though.
Konami should add the workshop to PES on Steam for a smooth and risk free modding, but I guess that will never happen. Probably because of license issues.
Thanks Hawke. Do you have any thoughts/recommendations for multiple Steam accounts on one PC? They seem to be legit, just how flexible are they?

Do I have to try hard to hide my identity on secondary one, i.e. the fact that secondary account isn't my brother's, for example? Payment info could be the problem, if Valve doesn't really want me to have multiple accounts for myself.
Wow, most people usually declare their total devotion and love to steam nowadays.

If you tamper with files you are not allowed to tamper with you could recieve different type of bans. Never heard of someone "loosing steam account" though.
Konami should add the workshop to PES on Steam for a smooth and risk free modding, but I guess that will never happen. Probably because of license issues.

I get blocked forever on the Mortal Kombat Fórum on Steam, because of one troll ask about protection... and i speak just a simple word ".exe" to use mod skins. You see the point now. It's dangerous! Never again i talk about this on steam fórums.
If we need so badly PES Mods we need to use the offline force. (If this fórum accepts the risks for now on).
Or will forget it, and we use the small tricks quietly at or own computer.
This is a small trick for konami destroy the modders.
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Thanks Hawke. Do you have any thoughts/recommendations for multiple Steam accounts on one PC? They seem to be legit, just how flexible are they?

Do I have to try hard to hide my identity on secondary one, i.e. the fact that secondary account isn't my brother's, for example? Payment info could be the problem, if Valve doesn't really want me to have multiple accounts for myself.

Sorry zlac i have no idea.I usually go for the disc versions.
PES 2015 requires Steam? KONAMI is dead to me.

Don't buy this crap. Don't even download, it's not worth it.

ye man, i used to use steam but now it can fuck off, it sucks, no point gettin PES15 if you gotta use steam to fucking play it tbh..
Steam is not the problem in this case. Konami is the one to blame here, again.

Why on earth PES game structure is so outdated that it still requires .exe hacking? On FIFA, modders never have to touch .exe, as all files are accessible via .BIG files (graphics, sound, gameplay, db, etc).
I just realised in my country (Singapore) that a few game shops already had PES 2015 on sale since 10th November! but only for PS3, PS4 and X1. the PC version came in one day later on the 12th for one of the shops.

But I think I will wait for the demo first and if Steam starts selling it cheaper in my region.
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I get blocked forever on the Mortal Kombat Fórum on Steam, because of one troll ask about protection... and i speak just a simple word ".exe" to use mod skins. You see the point now. It's dangerous! Never again i talk about this on steam fórums.
If we need so badly PES Mods we need to use the offline force. (If this fórum accepts the risks for now on).
Or will forget it, and we use the small tricks quietly at or own computer.
This is a small trick for konami destroy the modders.

Sorry, I don't understand everything. But community banned is not the same as "loosing steam account". Right?

There are hundreds of games that can and are being modded without risk of banning the users. The modders just need to adapt. Hopefully they can.
I just realised in my country (Singapore) that a few game shops already had PES 2015 on sale since 10th November! but only for PS3, PS4 and X1. the PC version came in one day later on the 12th for one of the shops.

But I think I will wait for the demo first and if Steam starts selling it cheaper in my region.

May I know what shop is that? Thank you
Sí, Cronos, acabo de comprarle y ni siquiera me deja instalar los archivos hasta mañana :(

What a shame... I'm not fan of Steam, the modding it's going to be more complicated than earlier.

Vaya mierda... No soy fan de Steam, además que para el modding va a ser más complicado que antes.
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