PES 2014 Discussion Thread

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I am playing manual shoot and 1 bar passing on top player

Add lack of headed corners scored by the AI to Konamis blooper list.

not even the com have figured out Konamis diabolical heading mechanics.

I get it right now with one touch to jump and on more to execute the header but the AI clearly have not
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PES 2014 is all about creating a railed experience. Every single event feels railed and rigged, You do not feel the freedom and reward for creative play which previous football game gave You. You do not feel the freedom, fun, joy and satisfaction previous games of the series gave you (even if they feel arcady).

The implemented momentum, ball physics, collision and AI pressure of this game is just faked difficulty, making the game harder for no apparent reason. Running momentum is an excuse to make your player run along a railed predetermined path, meaning straight into the path of an opponent. The exaggeration physics of this game make it a laborious chores and constanly frustration, not an enjoyable experience any more. The only feeling You have when you play this game is blocking, obstacle, obstructions, unstoppable railed running at every turn.

Players in real life has more control over their momentum, body centre of gravity, stopping and taking evasive action than this infuriating game. You feel You have no control over your movement because of this exaggeration of realism, which is in fact a disgrace to the beautiful game of football.

Your player run into an opponent and stop dead like hitting a brick wall, tumble and fall over for very little colision, being carried by opponents on their feet like a mannequin.

The pixel detection in collision of this game is not based on physics of the muscle mass the human body, it is based on statue made of concrete blocks, that why when player/player and ball/player collision, the result seemed very unnatural and forcefully scripted. The ball behaviour based on these collision is inconsistent and illogical at times. You can not read the game and play it due to the ball inconsistent behavior.

The pixel detection of dispossession of this game is not based on skills, but stats and scriptings. Therefore dexterity and response reaction speed of player is not applicable. You will be dispossess, no matter what.

You know certain event is gonna happen, but unable to prevent it.
The script is snapped in before your control input. For example. when you passed to a nearby player. Upon receiving the ball, the player you control either stop dead, paused, dazed or run instantly along a force railed path into an opponent's path, without you have the time to input anything or your input takes such a long time to come into effect that You feel wrestling with an invisible player which also holding your controller (ghost in the machine).

It is because the transition/switching between the AI and your control is too slow. Therefore there is a lot of moment whereby your controlled player seem stopped in their track or running aimlessly due to sudden a brain dead ( a state when neither AI routine nor your control is controlling said player).

The unnatural pressure the computer put on your players is also a unnecessary faked difficulty. You do not have any time to play creatively. The intense pressure and the built-in advantage of acceleration and speed the computer has will constantly create a sense of faked urgency on your decision. You do not feel you are allowed to play creatively. You have no breathing space with a constant tiring missile homing in and 100 percent dispossession from AI.

The concept on constant pressure and force error from your part is exaggerated and the outcome of pressure is also faked. The computer assumed and decided that You will make an error due to you are being under pressure, not based on the outcome of your dexterity and reaction.

Sometimes, you make a successful evasive action, but the program will make an error outcome for you because it believed that You should make an error under certain condition.

You can win in the end, but mostly your goals are contrived and unsatisfactory because You can not play creatively when the AI of your team is so poor. You can only win the way the game want You to do to win.

The game does not reward You for playing well, for playing with inspiration and creativity.

Although I do not agree with the overall tone of your post I do have a similar point of view about the incessant AI pressure. However, I reluctantly learned to accept and deal with it months ago. Needs changing in PES 2015 to allow a bit more creativity.
Started playing this via PSN Plus but I'm struggling to connect with it.

The game fails to interpret what I'm trying to do, everything feels tense.

The game wasn't without its faults but I miss PES 2011.

How do you change formation during a game without pausing?
I'm not fun of manual. Lets talk about assisted (2 bar level). Every pass goes over the receiver and never in space. Long passing the same.

I agree that pes 2014 has good base but the same time KONAMI have to fix and improve many areas of the game. Like passing, shooting, stamina system, individuality, AI, player awareness, (again) GK, team id and better built-up play form CPU and many more.

Agree with you on those issues too. They need to be improved.

One-bar passing assist is pretty "free" to me, I can choose the space rather than the player. Plus you can use at any moment the r2 button for manual pass on the more difficult/more scripted situations (namely in near the opposition area). I use it allot on those situations and it works very well.

Plus the advance shooting is just awesome. Takes a while to get used, but is very fun. Nothing more satisfying that putting a curled ball on the top corner with the GK "glued to the ground", just watching the ball.
...making the game harder for no apparent reason.

For me, this is one of the core failures of the games past 2012(included). :))

Breaking with PES concept and soul of the series heavily, things such as balance and playability went out of the mind, trying to simulate real life behaviors into the game in a way that makes sense, for me they lost this.
I don't know how people play this game comfortably on manual passing. Players receiving the ball don't react to the 'loose ball' very well and you can't control two players as quickly as you need to (passer and receiver so to speak) so problems will always be there in the current system. The game still doesn't feel as if Manual Passing is anything but a novel alternative put in place because people wanted the option when it became a new thing for football games in general. It's been this way since they introduced it to be honest so the problem isn't something exclusive to PES 2014. One-bar assist seems pretty necessary to me and that works pretty well I think in the spirit of the way the game plays.
Agree with this as well, for me neither 0 nor 1 pass bar feels right, player switching interferes with it badly too.

btw, because someone mentioned it(PES5..), for me WE9LE plays like 1 pass bar assist on newer games, but with much better player switching
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I fear for this series now. Will PES deliver on PS4? I hope so, FIFA gets boring after a few months, PES used to stay fresh all year round until the next installment.
You're surely one of those easy to please people, lucky you, I'm even a bit jealous.

What a disgusting thing to write.
We are back to the mood from 4 or 5 years ago where people who liked PES where seen as retarded untermenschen ?

Well, i like PES2014 a lot.
It has his flaws (lots), but in term of emulating football, it is the best game ever.

By the way, i think you should apologize after a post like that.
Don't think he has the maturity for that.

Opened my eyes this morning and needed to have a PES session.

5 games into my ML and i can't switch it off
This game is so so good. Had Konami released this game as is now they would have had a much, much better response
What a disgusting thing to write.
We are back to the mood from 4 or 5 years ago where people who liked PES where seen as retarded untermenschen ?

Well, i like PES2014 a lot.
It has his flaws (lots), but in term of emulating football, it is the best game ever.

By the way, i think you should apologize after a post like that.


Interpreting way too much into my posting, there was no pun whatsoever, some people just are easier to please than others, not more not less is my message.

You guys aren't from sugar are you?
Don't think he has the maturity for that.

Opened my eyes this morning and needed to have a PES session.

5 games into my ML and i can't switch it off
This game is so so good. Had Konami released this game as is now they would have had a much, much better response

Come lets play.
@ ImpossibleYesbutItsTrue

It doesn't take much interpreting to understand what i understood.
Maybe you should be more carefull if you write things.

But to be fair, i sometimes make the same mistakes. I'm not better than you...
If you didn't meant harm, i apologize for my reaction...i reacted because things like that (what i tought you meant: feeling superior because you like or don't like a video game) happens quite regularly in this thread, which is the worst thread on this forum...

I come here because you can find some news between all the bickering...
This actually concerns me. I think PES14 has a good core. They should be focused on channeling the criticisms of people to patch up the shortcomings and release an improved tweaked product.

If they're trying again from scratch then we can expect another transition year full of excuses. I thought PES14 was them revamping the series.
Nooooooooo work from this base you bloody muppets.
Theres a solid football game here at its core.

Honesty Konamis business sense is astounding.

PS I got a pk off Vidic! Thats 7 in 2 seasons of Ml so far

Fine by me. PES2014 wasn't the change I was looking for. Felt too rooted in the old engine.

Mind you, we've heard this all before so my expectations are at an all-time low, but I will accept another transitional year if PES2015 delivers the much needed change.

Tell that to Jimmy and the gang thats back on the PES2013 railroad of robotics...and hate PES2014....
I think there's too much of the same old codes on PES 2014. The AI needs a revamp. Just hope they focus on improving the mistakes, gives a solid gameplay, without any major new features that are awesome, but when the game is released it does not work, because they simply didn't have the time or manpower to implemented properly and result on a messy game. That's my biggest fear.

PS: I hope the supposed Konami's UK studio would take care of non gameplay aspects (and non graphics), like game modes (A good ML for a change), commentary and online content. I think the Japanese team are out of touch with reality on that regard.
What you wrote up there is your point of view but yet you use all them "You´s", and "your´s".

Seems like some people wanna force their opinion to others with a different one.

I have fixed my post to reflect my point of view (Replacing YOUs with MEs, Your with my etc...!
Why someone doesnt inform the EPL and Bundesliga that EA is releasing a subpar product on PC?
I can bet my arm that they have no idea.
Lets see if EA wants to pay them for a "non profitable" platform.
And if EA loses the PC license KONAMI can grab it for cheap....
As a PS4 gamer I had no option but to buy FIFA14 which is great in some respects but just doesn't offer the fluidity and inviduality I seek for in a game, presentation and modes are great....doesn't help when the game becomse a bore after a few weeks or months.

I'm really hoping for PES to deliver with PES 2015 but there are so many things they need to add(more stadiums, faces, editabilty) that it is quite worrying. Luckily I guess gameplay has been good after the latest patch from what I could gather.

Anyway, quick question: Did they transfer the player individuality feature from PES2013 to 2014? Quite enjoyed it in 2014.
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