PES 2013 Discussion Thread

Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Do not know about you but for me PES 2013 site does not look very serious! It's look very cheap and amateur .. I do not want to comment on the previous write like "coming soon .."
I think a series, BIG series like claims to be the PES, the site had to be far more professional, although it is not ready (day and a half before anounce ) ... I hope the presentation of the game to b much better .. PES community deserves more respect of that cheap " coming soon.. " or amateur background with poor quality .

It's only a website...
Correct player stats would be nice.
Seeing as they don't have licences they could spend some time on stats.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I'm not sure if a new engine is needed. PES2011 was a game i thoroughly liked.
PES2012 is a massive step backwards, this game is broken. I scarcely play it anymore, this year i prefer FIFA by far.

I find this interesting. PES 2012 is the first Pro Evo since 6 that I've enjoyed playing on a somewhat regular basis. PES 2010/2011 had their moments, but that was just it. Moments. I couldn't deal with seemingly non-existent off the ball movement, nor could I stand the lack of player strength/collision system. Your players interacted and felt like paper. You'd get the ball nicked off you far too easily. It was ridiculous.

As someone who has played hundreds of hours of FIFA 12 (mostly online) I still find PES to be more enjoyable offline. Both titles are flawed, but until FIFA figures out how to properly implement inertia, momentum, foot planting and better first touch controls, my opinion will remain the same. I'm also tired of FIFA players being able to do 60 yard, no look, 180 degree spin passe that a marksman would be proud of! There's also a lack of errors in terms of control from less skilled players, nothing really seems labored when it should. Not that PES has this down to a T, but it's superior to FIFA in those aspects. That, and FIFA is still catering to the "skill move" crowd.

Yair's gameplay patches certainly help as well. :P
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

So what's coming on Friday? My guess.....PES 2013 video by that German company that done the Messi intro for PES 2011.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Have you seen Chelsea vs Barcelona today?

Chelsea was parking the bus after it made its goal for most of the play-time, while Barca played slowly, waiting for a mistake in the defense. When that didn't happen and only a minute was left, Barca finally played faster and nearly made the goal.

Had they played this fast for the last twenty minutes Barca would have surely made two goals, but they were lazy today. I guess they figured, losing 0:1 in England is not as bad and that they would win it all back at home.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Have you seen Chelsea vs Barcelona today?

Chelsea was parking the bus after it made its goal for most of the play-time, while Barca played slowly, waiting for a mistake in the defense. When that didn't happen and only a minute was left, Barca finally played faster and nearly made the goal.

Had they played this fast for the last twenty minutes Barca would have surely made two goals, but they were lazy today. I guess they figured, losing 0:1 in England is not as bad and that they would win it all back at home.

Well if we will talk now about Chelsea vs Barsa, the biggest problem for Barsa it was not Chelsea , it is was Bad Luck and Fabregas ... He was like player from PES 2010.. slow and stupid .
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Lami can we get a update only thread like last year please? Im done on the hype train shenanigans.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Well if we will talk now about Chelsea vs Barsa, the biggest problem for Barsa it was not Chelsea , it is was Bad Luck and Fabregas ... He was like player from PES 2010.. slow and stupid .

Serves Fabregas right. He criticised Chelsea the day before and has been nothing but a loose player within an otherwise well drilled Barcelona system. Thinks he can take cheap shots now he's at the best team.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Chelsea are worthy of criticism. All those millions to play like Getafe or Stoke. I want my money back.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

What money? Did you pay for their transfer fees or wages? I think Fabregas was also saying their was no system at Arsenal. Again another cheap shot from his ivory tower. But anyway - enough off topic chat.

Interested to see what announcements are made on Friday. I'm not a fan of the hype and waiting. Getting teased with a snippet and then waiting a month for another short tease etc. Hopefully I'm pleasantly surprised :)
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I need an all-new ML. After turning to FIFA and thoroughly enjoying its career mode, it's unthinkable of to go back to ML with its unrealistic calendar and that scout bullshit that made transfers a mess.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Well if we will talk now about Chelsea vs Barsa, the biggest problem for Barsa it was not Chelsea , it is was Bad Luck and Fabregas ... He was like player from PES 2010.. slow and stupid .

Yes, Fabregas was not good, but the whole team played slow and lazy, trying to get that equalizer with as little effort as possible. Puyol, Iniesta and Messi were imho the only ones trying to do more than that.

Only in the last minute the whole team stepped up their speed and voila Chelsea's defense opened up and a very good opportunity came about.

The reason why I posted this here is to draw attention to a feature of real football that somehow is nearly completely missing:

Players are able to shield the ball, they can put their body between the ball and the defender and jog with it, only a very good defender or two defenders can then get the ball from the shielding player.

In PES 2012 only the shielding against a player coming from behind is possible.

So I hope realistic shielding possibilities get introduced with PES 2013. Just to make it clear: I don't want an automatic shielding, it should be an additional button to use and it should be stat-based how good a player is with shielding and against which level of defender he can be succesful with it and only while standing or jogging.
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Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

All aboard the Hype Train.

Destination: October 2012

Calling at:

Agreed mate. It will be the exact same again for a lot of Football Game Fanatics who will then switch to FIFA 13 and see its shortcomings as well.

Unless something major happens PES 2013 will be a huge disappoint IMO. I thought 2011 was only a Marginal Improvement of previous ones and 2012 has messed everything up again.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I need an all-new ML. After turning to FIFA and thoroughly enjoying its career mode, it's unthinkable of to go back to ML with its unrealistic calendar and that scout bullshit that made transfers a mess.

There is not enough leagues/teams in PES to have a realistic manager mode. It's always going to be fantasy until Konami start putting money back into the series.
My 360 bores me. I only really play PES as no other games interest me. So last two years I've hardly played it but it still found time to break!
If PES13 disappoints I'll sell my 360.
I have MW2 & 3 but they don't hold my attention.
I was thinking of getting Pc for PES13 after seeing that blokes in the pes12 goal thread.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Too soon for the HUGE changes that they must do to the game.
IMO this is the last chance for the Burial or Revival of the franchise.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

The things that need to be implemented for me to consider going back to PES after the shambles of 10,11 and 12 are

Better Animations for a smoother experience
Much improved goalkeepers again with more animations (they are awful at present)
Proper full manual controls
Customisable cameras - as good as FIFAs
Ball control - PES 12 at times was like it was on elastic

If they implemented all of the above then I will give it a proper shot..if not pass for me again
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Agreed mate. It will be the exact same again for a lot of Football Game Fanatics who will then switch to FIFA 13 and see its shortcomings as well.

Unless something major happens PES 2013 will be a huge disappoint IMO. I thought 2011 was only a Marginal Improvement of previous ones and 2012 has messed everything up again.

yep, first days and weeks i felt 011 the animations were better and more etc. but after a while it all felt repetetive and rigid again, manual passing was kinda boring after a while too.
and 012 is like lets throw the maximum on top of this crap engine to see how it turns out in the end
neither the right stick cursor change is well implemented nor the offensive off the ball movement with it, pain to use in manual mode
removed some essential player cards like man mark and covering, some stats too, less and less player individuality, it turns into a fifa clone in front of our eyes..

WENB said they got more influence since pes 011 so here we go, wenb are noobs, they say we're not into design decisions etc. but still, this cant be a fluke
010 almost everyone said its not responsive its slow blabla now konami listened to the wrong ones and the result is shocking
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I think keepers are improved a lot from last year and even the first version this year but they can always be improved, especially animations wise.

Agree on the camera's. No excuse for lacking those options.

Not sure on the manual controls. I much prefer PES' natural ocurring stat or context based errors. To go full manual would require a total freedom of the ball, which I'm not sure can be handled in the current engine anyway.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I'd be interested to see anyone give a legitimate case for fully manual controls (like those in FIFA) creating a more realistic football game than something semi-manual or semi-assisted. I can appreciate why some might think the slower pace and increased turnover is more realistic, but the means by which it achieves that and the resultant football achieved are pure arcade.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

I think keepers are improved a lot from last year and even the first version this year but they can always be improved, especially animations wise.

Agree on the camera's. No excuse for lacking those options.

Not sure on the manual controls. I much prefer PES' natural ocurring stat or context based errors. To go full manual would require a total freedom of the ball, which I'm not sure can be handled in the current engine anyway.

I think the cameras are limited to hide the poor animations as they would be more noticeable I guess.
The collision detection was also bad. At times ive seen headers where the is such an obivious gap between the head and the ball and same with fouls where there is blatantly no contact. Die hard fans will claim diving or whatever but in reality its just lazy design
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Here's my wishlist for PES 2013 (fully knowing that it is the same engine):

1. If there is no new engine, then Konami should at least get the stats for the players and for the teams right. At least so that they resemble the real teams for about 80%. And I ask for the removal of the cards- and styles-system and base everything upon the stats.

2. Allow manual passing/crossing/shooting without having to press L2.

3. To provide sliders ala Fifa 12 for passspeed, ballcontrol, turning-speed...

4. Customisable camera-setting!

5. Considerably improved goalkeepers.

6. Shielding-possibilites with the push of an additional button. Real players have bodies and some of them have some serious muscles and weight in them and they can shield the ball while standing or jogging against a single defender!

7. Night-game-graphics and lighting needs a serious upgrade. Or at least the option to play all single-player-modi in sunny daylight. Most games in the singleplayer are at night and it looks awful. If the nightgames can't be made to look much better, then I'm all for leaving realism and make all games playable at sunny day!

8. Better ballphysics.

9. To control a second player with the right stick without having to push it down. I hate pushing down that right stick to activate the second player-control, it's awkward and takes too much time. The second player should be immediately controllable with the right stick or if an activation is absolutely necessary, let the first direction with the right stick be the activation.

10. To remove the bug that lets defenders leave two opponent attackers free in the goal-area for headers.

11. Better play-models: What happened to them? They got worse and worse since PES 2010.

12. Third kit.

13. A two-tiered stamina/fatigue-system.

14. An online-community-feature that allows for up- and downloading of usercreated option-files directly from within the game.
Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......

Less obvious wish list:

- Kick off coin toss for god sake!
- Motion Blur OFF

pleeeeaaaseeee Konami
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