Re: PES 2013 Discussion Thread .......
You can't please everyone, naturally, but there has to be a middle ground somewhere, or we'll all go crazy! For me with any complaint/flaw/bug I wonder, even as infuriating as it may well be, a genuine grievance which the PES team seemed sloppy on, or certainly could have done better on, throughout the overall vision and achievements of the game, how much is this really really really affecting me? Is it a game-destroying-game-breaker that makes me want to scream, howl, and play fifa, ditching pes completely or can I live with it, manage it through gameplay and strategic choices and enjoy the game's good points, even in bursts as you've said Danny? Without wishing to patronize anyone, it is the old cliched glass half full/half empty notion. Most of the major complaints I see on here aren't gamebreakers for me personally post-patch, some big ones need to be definitely addressed and shouldn't be overlooked but as I keep repeating there is enjoyment to be had there, if you want it.
Whatever they do with 2013, it'll get criticism, and praise, but how many critics will be willing to give a fair balance to the positives and enjoy the game, not make it out as another terrible game from Konami who are used to producing terrible games and only make terrible games. In fact, there's no point looking forward to 2013 according to some, as it'll probably be a terrible game...