Pes 2008 (ps3) demo release ??

Is it true that game companys are making games for the 360 and then just porting them over to the ps3 because it is easier than making games for blue ray , i really hope not because pes has always been a playstation game in recent years and this will spoil everything i hope it is not true.

It's got nothing to do with the blu ray disc. That's just a storage medium. It's all about the Cell CPU which requires different coding techniques, whereas the 3 core PowerPC CPU in the 360 is more conventional, and thus easier to get on with. You can port a 360 game to the PC with ease and vice versa, so it makes sense that they'd be the primary development platform.

However with PES, Konami has always done the PS version first. It showed with the last 360 release, which was crap. This new version, I don't like either. So I'm hoping, and the video footage on WENB gives me hope, that the PS3 version will be better, and more like last years PS2 version. I'm buying 4 360 games in the next 3 weeks, and am hoping to complete that with 1 PS3 game (PES) but if it ends up playing just like the 360 version then I'll pass on this years PES.
the PSN sucks ass. Sony need to get their act together and bring out numerous demo's per week.

At the moment we're lucky to even get ONE demo a week, sometimes none.

It's a joke really. The console is still in it's early stages, this is when the store and stuff should be givin a lot of time and attention and should be updated more frequently with a lot more content as Sony tries to win new customers.

I wouldn't hold out hope for a demo. If they do bring one out, they'll probably do what they did the "The Darkness". release the demo after the game has been out for ages already.

They'd have to have "numerous" games coming out per week to justify demos coming out for all of them, and lets face it the PS3 hardware sales are poor, let alone the amount of software being released on the system.

More interested to see how the Wii version works actually, I downloaded the PC demo and to be honest thought "pretty much same game as the my PSP PES6 version but better graphics".

In fact some things, like the new goalie camera angle when you have to save a penalty, some weird neck animations when the players run (also noticeable in close ups) I thought were worse than the old version.
No its not! My bro works for Sony as a games tester and they test demos and they need to be passed b4 they can be uploaded.

You dont say...of course they have to be tested. Sony decide when to put them on thats a FACT!

They have had Ratchet & Clank for ages. Thats releasd next week.
Its on WinningElevenNextGenBlog about it, unoffical was the word but the guy that run that site have said they have spoken to people in the games industry and it will be another week (next thurday) before PS3 owners can d/ld a demo.

The winningelevennextgenblog site has offical back of Konami and I would guess from what Ive heard on there podcasts that the officals they were talking about are Konami ones who they are in contact with.

But my guess is Konami are giving Sony an updated version of the demo, for the PC one is not that great. It could be called PES2008 on Ice with the amount of 1 and 2 footed sliding or skiing the players do and the keepers are awful.
You dont say...of course they have to be tested. Sony decide when to put them on thats a FACT!

They have had Ratchet & Clank for ages. Thats releasd next week.

I dont say, you are right. You was the one who said they just send them and Sony decide when to put it up. That is not entirely true.

I cannot say why this title failed (bro's job would be on the line) but it is not gameplay related. Whilst it is highly likely that next week will see the demo on PSN that is not absolutely certain just yet either.

Ratchet & Clank has been at Sony and passed but PES was in earlier so whoever is giving you your info is not up to speed.

Just thought I would reply as it seemed like you were trying to patronise me.
this is crap. and why would they release the demo here and not in the UK? first the game ships there next month and in the states not for a few months... additionally much fewer footie fans in the US.

i guess it's next thu ..
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