PES 2008 demo - patches, files etc

ok , I'm Fucking Angry with this Turf , I imported it OK but ingame it's now Black ... I'm Sure the Texture is Opaque but ingame it looks Black now ...Damn , I don't want to continue anymore cuz I exported DDS from that Program that FCH told me but still have problem ...

Ingame :

The Place of Zlib :

Link of My Bin :

;) Pray for LinkiN :roll:
There are 5 ZLIBs in unnamed_39.bin in cv_1.img

ZLIB 1 has something to do with sky?

ZLIB 2 has one DDS file

ZLIB 3 has 8 DDS files

ZLIB 4 has 8 DDS files (all the same)

ZLIB 5 has 10 DDS files (all the same)
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I made this adboard for test purpose:

Then i replaced every DDS file one by one. It only took effect on the upper adboards:

And only the second DDS file in the ZLIB 3 has changed this. All the other files took no effect on the Demo stadium:(
There must be another file for the adboards on the field.
Guys you're great Adboards and turf and the Demo would be perfect,i think we don't need a full pes08 game at all. :D
Thanks to Juce and all the others,DonCerveza,good luck on finding the right file for replacing the ad's
unnamed_40.bin in cv_1.img has 3 ZLIBs.

ZLIB 1 has something to do with the goal?

ZLIB 2 has 3 DDS files

ZLIB 3has something to do with nets?
We've checked all cv_0.img


230-231 ??????????
232-269 supporters
270 cameraman ????
272-277 cameraman ????
278 tabella quarto uomo coi minuti di recupero
279-288 ????
364-367 ????
368 Fifa fair play bandiera e bambini (volto e maglia)
369-372 altri ragazzi
373-385 coppe ????
428 president
430 volto di un arbitro e bump maglia
431 donadoni!!!!!!!
432 altro allenatore
434 giacca
437-442 giacca e relativo modello 3d
445 maglia(rossa e verde) e scarpe
447 abito allenatore
448-455 kit arbitri
456-457 giacca
458-474 paramedici
563-722 diffuse map (forse delle bandiere nazionali,sono 55 files)
727 bg_anywhere
729 bg_menu scelta squadre
731 bg_system
736-738 ??????
852 ball previews
868 bmp tasti (PS3)
869 bmp tasti (XBOX)
872 home-vs-away tex
998 bmp loading (pes2008 e il logo konami)
1000 title.txs
1009 player settings
1019 parti del main menu
1021 stadium previews
1025 preview di una fase di gioco
1027 keyconfig x360
1029 keyconfig ps3
1031 keyconfig x360
1037 keyconfig x360
1040 emblemi delle leghe nel menu di scelta squadra
1046 logo africa cup
1047 logo america cup
1048 logo asian cup
1049 logo europa cup
1050 logo World Cup
1051 logo konami cup
1053 logo pes2008 esibizione
1054 logo FA cup
1055 logo coupe de france
1056 logo ISS cup
1057 logo TIM cup
1058 logo eredivisie cup
1059 logo Copa del Rey
1060 logo Premier League
1061 logo Ligue1
1062 logo International League
1063 logo Serie A
1064 logo Eredivisie
1065 logo La Liga
1066 logo Master League A
1067 logo Master League B
1068 logo Master League C
1069 logo Champions League
1070 logo Master League D
1071 logo Uefa Cup
1072 logo Master League Division 1
1073 logo Master League Division 2

1076 bmp animazione (bolle blu) nel menu selezione maglia
1078 una texture strana e diverse palette (40 circa)
1271 5 bmp con bump map e trasparenze di una maglia
1272 bmp strana
1406 bump map di un volto
1409-2355 faces
2356 ????
2357 bump map face
2377 Numeri e font generici
2389 Numeri + piccoli
font (512x128)
2413-16 font francia
2425-28 font portogallo
2429-32 font spagna
2437-40 font argentina
2441-44 font brasile
2873-76 font turchia
numeri (512x256,256x128,256x128,256x128)
3437-40 numeri francia
3449-52 numeri portogallo
3453-56 numeri spagna
3461-64 numeri argentina
3465-68 numeri brasile
3897-3900 numeri turchia
4450-5520 Hairs
5703 guanti
5734-35 8 palette di colore bianco (???)
5741-7031 texture occhi
7091-7198 volti dell'edit mode ?????
7238 bump map volto dell'edit mode ???
7240 parti di volto dell'edit mode ???
7493-7508 scarpini
7529-7530 kit francia
7535-7536 kit portogallo
7537-7538 kit spagna
7541-7542 kit argentina
7543-7544 kit brasile
7759-7760 kit turchia
8035 template
8036-37 maglia verde??
8037 database 2 (cambiano gli ID dei giocatori)
8038 database 1
8039 database 2
8040 database 3
8041 database 4
8043 database 5
8046-54 file utf
8055-66 file vag????
8067 ???????
8068 file PDT???
8070 file PDT???
8071-78 file sbk???
8079 file xgsf???
8080-87 file wbnd (sound???)

I can't understand some files,like wbnd,pdt,utf.....
ok , I'm Fucking Angry with this Turf , I imported it OK but ingame it's now Black ... I'm Sure the Texture is Opaque but ingame it looks Black now ...Damn , I don't want to continue anymore cuz I exported DDS from that Program that FCH told me but still have problem ...

;) Pray for LinkiN :roll:

Hmm, i wondering a little bit why the turftexture looks like this:

if i unpack the .zlib you say the texture looks like this:

i change only the 1st zlib from the four you post and my turf are also black :)

better wait for obocaman and his new GGS ;)

till this -->
you can change the system settings in the game. more or lower green,red and blue. for me it looks good enough now, but the settings doesn´t save for next matches, maybe in the full



and no, germany isn´t in the game, its yust a test ;)
@ninuzzu: great research. can you make the list in english?

google :)

Thx for the List ninuzzu :applause:


232-269 supporters
270 cameraman?
272-277 cameraman?
278 table quarter man with the recovery minuteren
368 Fifa fair play flag and children (face and mesh)
369-372 other boys
373-385 goblets?
428 president
430 face of an arbitrator and bump mesh
431 donadoni!!!!!!!
432 other trainer
434 jacket
437-442 jacket and relative model 3d
445 mesh (red and green) and shoes
447 dress trainer
448-455 kit wills
456-457 jacket
458-474 paramedici
563-722 diffuse map (perhaps of the national flags, they are 55 files)
727 to bg_anywhere
729 bg_menu chosen squares
731 bg_system
852 ball previews
868 bmp keys (PS3)
869 bmp keys (XBOX)
the 872 home-vs-away Tex
998 bmp loading (pes2008 and the logo konami)
1000 title.txs
1009 player settings
1019 parts of the main menu
1021 stadium previews
1025 preview of a phase of game
1027 keyconfig x360
1029 keyconfig ps3
1031 keyconfig x360
1037 keyconfig x360
1040 emblemi of alloys in the menu of chosen square
1046 logo Africa cup
1047 logo America cup
1048 logo asian cup
1049 logo Europe cup
1050 logo World Cup
1051 logo konami cup
1053 logo pes2008 exhibition
1054 logo AGO cup
1055 logo coupe de france
1056 logo ISS cup
1057 logo TIM cup
1058 logo eredivisie cup
1059 logo Copa of the Rey
1060 logo Premier League
1061 logo Ligue1
1062 logo International League
1063 logo Series To
1064 logo Eredivisie
the 1065 logo Liga
1066 logo Master League To
1067 logo Master League B
1068 logo Master League C
1069 logo Champions League
1070 logo Master League D
1071 logo Uefa Cup
1072 logo Master League Division 1
1073 logo Master League Division 2

1076 bmp animation (blue bubbles) in menu the selection mesh
1078 one texture strange and various shovels (40 approximately)
1271 5 bmp with bump map and transparencies of one mesh
1272 bmp strange
1406 bump map of a face
1409-2355 faces
2357 bump map face
2377 generic Numbers and font
2389 Numbers + small
font (512x128)
2413-16 font France
2425-28 font Portugal
2429-32 font Spain
2437-40 font Argentine
2441-44 font brasi they
2873-76 font Turkey
numbers (512x256,256x128,256x128,256x128)
3437-40 numbers France
3449-52 Portugal numbers
3453-56 Spain numbers
3461-64 numbers Argentine
3465-68 numbers brasi them
3897-3900 Turkey numbers
4450-5520 Hairs
5703 gloves
5734-35 8 shovels of color white man ()
5741-7031 texture eyes
7091-7198 faces of the edit mode?
7238 bump map face of the edit mode?
7240 parts of face of the edit mode?
7493-7508 scarpini
7529-7530 kit France
7535-7536 kit Portugal
7537-7538 kit Spain
7541-7542 kit Argentine
7543-7544 kit brasi they
7759-7760 kit Turkey
8035 template
8036-37 green mesh?
8037 database 2 (change the ID of the players)
8038 database 1
8039 database 2
8040 database 3
8041 database 4
8043 database 5
8046-54 rows utf
8055-66 rows vag?
8068 rows PDT?
8070 rows PDT?
8071-78 rows sbk?
8079 rows xgsf?
8080-87 rows wbnd (sound)
Hmm, i wondering a little bit why the turftexture looks like this:

if i unpack the .zlib you say the texture looks like this:

i change only the 1st zlib from the four you post and my turf are also black :)

better wait for obocaman and his new GGS ;)

till this -->
you can change the system settings in the game. more or lower green,red and blue. for me it looks good enough now, but the settings doesn´t save for next matches, maybe in the full


u extract all 3 off dxt from one zlib?

only the 1st is the turf the 3th is the alphaimage, don´t know what the 2nd image is. i´m boring with this method, still waiting for new GGS
for those who have speed problem in game try this tool

"Game Speed Adjuster" find on google

put scrol on left almost till end and than aply and minimalize aplication on windows whan you play demo , for me i see difrence
good job :applause: seems that need also another alphaimage

Here are some by Frenkie again


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There must be another file for the adboards on the field...

Saddly, that´s true :(


You can see this ones have an alpha layer (transparency):



You can see two images of file here:


File in ZLIB 2 have transparency too:



Must be the same with ZLIB 5


First file in ZLIB 5 is this:



Scoreboard? Maybe the other 9 are differents.
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