Orange Box HL2

I think you are looking at the game in a wrong way Jack, the shooting is a bit poor because it isnt so much a FPS but more of an adventure puzzle game. Atleast to me thats how Ive played them. Ive gotton stuck a couple of times during the game, and just checked the walkthough. Im not one to want to go wandering around for ages, I want to move on through the game. So I get not liking that, but seeing as the pc is nearly next to the 360 I dont find it annoying.
Dags you don't like any games either so your opinion don't really matter to me!

I love SWOS, Guitar Hero, CoD4, Rainbow Six Vegas, Forza 2, Mass Effect and Burnout Paradise is pretty good at the moment too. And that's just the 360 games I have at the moment, I've played others which I love too. So I do like games, not really bothered whether my opinion matters to you or not though.

Like Jack said, I'll give a game it's fair dues. When would you want to read a review that just says "This game is perfect! It's so great that if you don't like a single thing, you're an idiot, it's great!"? You wouldn't. You read a review to find the good AND bad parts and balance it out. I'm all for saying the good parts of a game but I also acknowledge the poorer aspects of a game. No game is perfect, no game has no flaws. I like a lot of games, it's just a lot of games have negatives which outweigh the positives. And I'd rather someone came into a discussion about a game and gave objective comments like Jack telling me it does have flaws, and what they are, rather than someone going in and saying "PGR4 IS AMAZING!!!" and leaving it at that. No other comments other than to say they love it to bits and act as if it doesn't have bad points. At least Jack tells it how it is. I try to as well, and it does come across as moaning I agree, but at least I try to point out the flaws to give people an idea that as good as a game is, don't expect it to be perfect.

It's like when a game is released and you go to the game official forum. All you see if people complaining that X doesn't work right, Y is a bug, Z crashes the game. How many people go on and praise the game? VERY little. The fact is people only have something to say when there is something they're not happy about. When people are happy, they're content and quiet. You could spend your life thinking "oh my, the 360 is an AWFUL machine! Look at all these people saying they've had three red lights!", but what about the millions of other people who haven't experienced this? They wont go on a forum and all say "mine is fine" but they will when it breaks.

So it does look as if I'm being negative all of the time, but flaws are easier to point out, they stand out more than something which works well as you expect things to work well. And half of the time, you don't even notice them working well, we take it as a given. I enjoy a game discussion where people are saying "I love the control scheme, I love the level design and I love the AI" and then someone can balance it out and say "True, but the game save options are rubbish with them being so limited, the game has a rubbish map system and it's too short". Balance, ying and yang ... or something.
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Fair points Dags. I have gripes about a million games too so I'm being a bit of a hypocrite I suppose. I want to like Burnout, I just can't. My brother is lending it to me next week so I'll give it a good going over. :)
Played Half-Life 2 again last night, was on it for hours. Is it just me or is this game HUGE?! I think I'm near the end now. I can't get over how beautiful the graphics are at times - I am travelling through this deserted prison and have them sand spiders helping me. Such a good game, gonna try and finish it tonight so I can move on to the next Half-Life. Can anyone tell me what the other two Half-Life's are like? I haven't even tried them yet! :)
Played Half-Life 2 again last night, was on it for hours. Is it just me or is this game HUGE?! I think I'm near the end now. I can't get over how beautiful the graphics are at times - I am travelling through this deserted prison and have them sand spiders helping me. Such a good game, gonna try and finish it tonight so I can move on to the next Half-Life. Can anyone tell me what the other two Half-Life's are like? I haven't even tried them yet! :)

Shorter than the first thats for sure.

They are worth finishing though :)
Dunno how far in I am (though the save game says 1hr 10mins).

I am in the buggy crossing the beaches and clearing the huts. Just at a bit with some sort of 'sticky' balls that electrocute you?

Love the creativity in the game - i.e. these balls, you can whack em with the crowbar, shoot them etc - but my fave is to 'suck' them in with the grav gun, turn around and hoick them into the sea or over the mountains! Great fun!!

I'm still probably about 25 hours away from the finish line!!?
You have a while to go mate! A good while!

I can'r get over how good this game is, it's so well crafted. Jack, you should really focus on getting past the first part of the game (which annoyed me too) as it keeps getting better mate. :)
You have a while to go mate! A good while!

I can'r get over how good this game is, it's so well crafted. Jack, you should really focus on getting past the first part of the game (which annoyed me too) as it keeps getting better mate. :)

God yea, the 'jetski' section dragged on and on (and on) - glad that ended.

The game now is so much better (oh, the Zombie town was a bit annoying too)
I'm on the jetski section now, been on it for ages and it's shit. Can't wait to get past it but while it's on this shitty jetski, I've got no urge to play it at all.
Guys the game gets much, much better after the jetski section (which I admit did grate after a while.)
I can't believe how well crafted this game is. I really feel like I have travelled miles unlike Bioshock where I never felt that achievment as everything was close to each other. I must be close to the end now, I've done fucking LOADS of stuff.

Apart from PES 3 on the PS2, this is the best game I have ever played. Simply genius.
The vehicle segments in HL2 are the low point of an amazing series of games, and even they aren't that bad really.

Valve is one of the few developers I have absolute faith in; they have never released a bad game (They didn't handle the PS3 port of HL2 ;) )
Fucking hell, how much more of the game to go?!

I have done the prison bit now I am in charge of a military squad rampaging the streets of City 17 or whatever it is called. This game is HUGE!
Still got a little bit to go now mike, and then you get to do the 2nd half of the story with the episodes :D Great, isnt it.....
Fucking hell, how much more of the game to go?!

I have done the prison bit now I am in charge of a military squad rampaging the streets of City 17 or whatever it is called. This game is HUGE!

Thats what we need. Games like COD are making so much money for only 4-5 hours of gameplay.
Depends on how you look at it though, doesn't it? I'd prefer a game was short and blew me away, rather than so long you're constantly thinking "please let this be the last bit". You know a game is really bad if you start thinking that.
You know a game is really bad if you start thinking that.

But has nothing to do with game length but quality. I was thinking that just playing the turningpoint demo. HL2 I hoped would continue, but realised after playing it for such a lenght that it would end soon.
True, saying that I found after two hours of HL2 that two hours was enough for me. Gears Of War I didn't realise was near the end until I finished it, it was a bit of an anti-climax actually because I was enjoying it so much.
FINALLY finished this last night lads. Ending was a bit crap but it REALLY makes you want to play the next two! Fucking brilliant game.

Graphics: 10/10 (some of the visuals are stunning, like when you are on that huge bridge with the sea beneath you.)

Sound: 9/10 (perfect gun-shot sounds, real moody music which fades in and out during different parts of the game.)

Playability: 10/10 (action, adventure, a few puzzles - this game has EVERYTHING.)

Overall: 10/10 (the best game I have ever played. Bioshock stole so many ideas from this game which speaks volumes. If you haven't played this game yet, PLAY IT NOW!)

FINALLY finished this last night lads. Ending was a bit crap but it REALLY makes you want to play the next two! Fucking brilliant game.

Graphics: 10/10 (some of the visuals are stunning, like when you are on that huge bridge with the sea beneath you.)

Sound: 9/10 (perfect gun-shot sounds, real moody music which fades in and out during different parts of the game.)

Playability: 10/10 (action, adventure, a few puzzles - this game has EVERYTHING.)

Overall: 10/10 (the best game I have ever played. Bioshock stole so many ideas from this game which speaks volumes. If you haven't played this game yet, PLAY IT NOW!)

which game in the box set should i start out with?
As Dags said - Half Life 2 first, then HL2: Episode 1, then HL2: Episode 2.

What a fucking bargain though, HL2 is worth £40 ALONE. :)
Well it's time to start HL2: Episode 1 now! Will be playing this until Burnout arrives methinks. :)
I know, I just ordered it, if it's not much good or the frame rate is too bad then I can get £21 cash for it at computer exhange, so it will just cost me £1.
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