Nike - Rooney Conspiracy

:lol: Complete arse :lol:

I know a girl who works for Nike's PR agency (Freud Comms) and believe me, there were extended crisis meetings surrounding Rooney's injury and a lot of desperate last minute releases to quell the media frenzy that his Total 90s were to blame. Nike have spent a shed load on promotion (a lot of it featuring Roon) and were more than vexed that the media jumped on his boots (as it were).

Noticed how these stories have now pretty much dried up? Ahh the power of influence ;)
FAKE, of course. Nobody would EVER write that if they actually had the intention to pull it through and do it. These things are written in napkins or whispered in restrooms, not filed for a briefing or emailed to

Imagine I post a picture of a letter saying:

"A new way of attracting railroad clients. Let's crash two planes in the WTC and then hype the benefits of railroad transport". You wouldn't ever believe that somebody would WRITE that, do you? :D
Gedtillo said:
"A new way of attracting railroad clients. Let's crash two planes in the WTC and then hype the benefits of railroad transport"

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