Nicest British Accent



Would have to be the Southern Welsh accent for me, gorgeous!

Although the Geordie accent is very close, with some Scottish accents nice too.

These are accents on women, for some reason I find them annoying on men, especially Scottish accents.
Females Geordie and Welsh accents are awful, sorry to all, but I don't like them, blokes aren't bad but there's just something that annoys me. It's like I don't like many female accents at all, some female American accents are horrendous and grate my ears i.e Janice from Friends. Anyway, my voice is annoying to me so... meh.

I like London accents though, females too.
That's interesting, I really don't like London accents at all. Especially the John Terry type of accent. Really hate it.

Cardiff accents do it for me everytime :)
When i was at uni (20 years ago) i liked the accent of every girl that was nice and attractive....good luck.
London accent, but females. When i hear that I feel like dipping my testicles inside of whoevers talking mouth

But then you wouldn't be able to hear their accent ;)

Northern Irish can be nice too. We have a couple in the office and some of them are quite nice... (it beats the robotic Scandinavian voices we have around the office anyway!)
Queens English, nuff said. Not plummy, Camilla Parker Bowles-esque, but proper use of 'T's and 'H's please. Although there is something quite endearing about a well-spoken English gent, like Steven Fry. Probably because they are a dying breed.

A soft southern Irish accent (such as a Cork accent) on men or women can be very endearing. Dublin is a bit coarse.

IMO, there are few things more painful than an Essex or 'saaaaf Laandan' accent, particulary on women. Nails on a blackboard for me. Exceeded only perhaps by a proper broad Leeds accent. No offence to anyone here, but I find it very difficult not to judge someone 'a bit thick' when I hear a Leeds voice droning on.

Far and away the worst, most vile affliction on the English language is the Rising Intonation, which seems to affect all accents across the board, particularly in young people. When everything ends on a high note like it's a question. Making a statement which should end on a normal low not but doesn't. See here for more:

God I HATE that. I've berated my g/f for it so much, I think she's really sick of it now but it makes people sound so simple.
Far and away the worst, most vile affliction on the English language is the Rising Intonation, which seems to affect all accents across the board, particularly in young people. When everything ends on a high note like it's a question. Making a statement which should end on a normal low not but doesn't. See here for more:

God I HATE that. I've berated my g/f for it so much, I think she's really sick of it now but it makes people sound so simple.

I agree mate, when I'm on the bus back from work and the college kids get on it drives me insane! It's the girls mainly, the way they talk goes through me!
Anyway, my voice is annoying to me so... meh.

I like London accents though, females too.

I honestly cannot figure out what the Sheffield accent is like, assuming of course you have a Sheffield accent.

Oh and you need shooting for the last part, southerners have horrible accents :BLEH:


If only.

I'm saddled with a lisp and spots, and she's gorgeous, etc. Plus she never seems to be around. Ah well, I can dream eh? ;)

Oh and whoever said the rising internation is awful is bang on.

One of my two best mates is living in at Manchester, and whilst he's been there, he's picked it up. It's horrible, I feel like pulling his tongue out and wrapping it around his neck. The only upside to it, is the fact that me and my other best mate constantly take the piss out of him for it and he's not realised he's doing it yet, so it just carries on and adds to the fun.

No matter where you're from, it sounds almost southern, and it's like you're being constantly asked a question from them.

If anybody saw the South Park episode with the hybrid cars, where Kyle moves to San Francisco. The San Franciscan accent from that is pretty much the American version. It's horrible.
Far and away the worst, most vile affliction on the English language is the Rising Intonation, which seems to affect all accents across the board, particularly in young people.QUOTE]

Blame Neighbours and Home and away for that.

Standard English for me. Do you remember that TV show UFO? There were a couple of women with purple hair and silver tits and their accents were gorgeous. Great pronunciation that made them sound well educated.
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