- 29 July 2010
I'm loving this, it arrived today with my PS4 and I'm actually blown away by how much better it looks and feels over PS3/360. The presentation is stunning, graphics are far, far better and pretty gorgeous, and so far the only slider I've felt the need to alter is to increase my power bar.
Normal speed feels just right too, and I absolutely LOVE the broadcast camera, set to maximum height and zoom. Makes the game really hard to play but it looks just like it does on TV. I played with Arsenal at the Emirates and the camera was panning and zooming in and out as I was playing. I don't care if the game is easier on a different camera angle, this looks as close to real life as you can get.
The graphics are lovely though. The blades of grass flying around on replays is something else.
That said I'm getting my arse handed to me, after several years of PES I'm still getting used to the different feel to the game and the controls. I've modified them to suit my needs but after PES 2014 I keep using the right stick for stuff and pressing triangle after shooting etc![]()
Glad you're liking the game. It sounds like your first impressions are much like mine.
I've gone two weeks pretty happy with just playing with default sliders, but recently I've been tempted to begin messing around with them more. I'm already on my third CM because I keep getting fired! I'm playing on WC but, like you, I'm getting schooled by the CPU, kinda like I was getting schooled on current gen before they patched it. Defending around my box is killing me right now.
Honestly, I think it might be more me than the CPU. I think that as I've gotten more used to the game, I'm playing less cautious and it's costing me. Mistakes in this game can be very costly against the CPU.
Can't wait to see what evo-web thinks of this game and what slider changes people go for. Personally I can't decide whether I like the game more with or without slider adjustments, but if I'm going to ever make it past the first winter transfer window in a CM, I might need to make things easier with sliders.