News on next Xbox console and why next gen will be steam box vs PS4

Do any of you think that maybe MS were hanging back to see what Sony were doing. Or is it a bit late for all that?

The next Xbox despite what rumours say or don't say will be very very similar spec to what the PS4 is, if not it wouldn't surprise if like the PS3/360 the XBOX will end up the more powerful machine, as Microsoft now know the spec of the PS4 they will now be working round the clock to get a system slightly more powerful for the same price.

i hear valve gave up steam box and will launch valve box.
can anyone confirm that please? durangoroo? kangaroo? whoever? please:CRY:

The box is still called the Steam box, but no one knows the specs of it as yet, they were talking off a similar to GTX 560ti last I heard.
The steam box is a very interesting device but the problem is after reading people's opinions, it seems to me that console gamers aren't keen on having complete digital distribution. Personally being a PC gamer I would never go back to having a disc base system, I am a Steam tart now and refuse to buy anything that doesn't activate on Steam, even if I buy a boxed game I activate the key on Steam and through the box and disc away.

Also the Steam box could have a couple of killer games if they keep Half Life 3, L4D3 and Portal 3 all exclusives to the system.
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I'll get a PS4, eventually, because I am a Sony-man. Not necessarily a fanboy, but it has been my console of choice so I can only see that continuing. I don't think I'm alone in that way of thinking, Next Xbox should be on par with PS4 at least (wouldn't Microsoft try to squeeze something a bit extra in there now that they know PS4's specs?) and people who have owned Xboxes before will probably buy that one.

Only thing I'm not hot for in the PS4 is the social integration - F**K that. I don't want my or others PS4-gaming on my facebook feed. Will be as annoying as seeing farmville sh*t in there.
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