I there any way to play on PS3 co-op against CPU? Or we should try multiplayer between us? I really can't stand multiplayer gaming in any sports game if it isn't with fair and well known people.
Yes you can.
It works this way: you can invite people to your locker room and then you can either set up a private match where you can choose the teams and players and difficulty level and time (so if 3-4 people choose players from the same team they will play against the cpu). ideally you should invite 10 people for a real game
Playing the AI on hard level is pretty toughh though.
or you can decide to play against other people and the on line system will automatically find other people and random teams (5 minutes games). But usually most people quit the game so eventually u end up playing the AI anyway.
After the patch the game is better because people get foul out for spamming the steal buttons.