lo zio
- 24 October 2005
- Palermo
I don't agree.
Some people are being TOO critical of Bayern's defence nowadays and talking as if Lucio and Van Buyten are $hit players and have totally forgotten about Valerien Ismael who is good but just very unlucky with injuries since joining Munich.
Yes, Bayern does have some problems in CB position when you compare it to some of the biggest and best clubs in the world. But, their defence is not any inferior to the other ones you mentioned in my opinion. Naldo better than Lucio? Krstajic who is slow and gets sent off so often and gives penalties away constantly, better? Delpierre? Tasci who is very promising but has only had one good season, better than Lucio or Van buyten?
In my opinion, NO! Bayern's defence can be improved to match the quality of the rest of the world-class squad. BUT, it's already just as good if not maybe slightly even better than the other clubs including those you mentioned.
well, i have to say i'm one of those people u're talking about :mrgreen:
i'm too lazy to write a long post at the moment, so i'll just quote what i wrote time ago on another thread...
i'd say that's bayern's weak point. Here in italy we use to say " to build up a team u need 1 good cb, 1 good central midfielder and 1 good, and preferably tall, foward" that's the "skeleton" of a team, around them u can build up a team.
well, if i have to be honest i don't like at all bayern's cbs.
Lucio has always been very overrated, imo. he has good foot, ok, but that's not the most important prerogative for a good cb. he has no discipline, and that's what makes him a bad cb, imo. he often leaves his spot in the defence creating dangerous holes in the defensive line. that's an unforgivable mistake for a cb... that's an amateur's mistake.
About Van buyten, well, bad positioning, just decent timing, not a great technique, and he clearely doesn't speak with his "rolemate" Lucio, as they never give u the idea their movements are coordinated, wich is very important for a defensive line.... we could say that they have no "chemistry" , that they don't act as they were a "one man defence" (but that's also lucio's fault).
he could be good enough for a mid-class team, but not for bayern.
Ismael doesn't look very reliable, too many injuries... and btw he's not even a great defender.
about demichelis and ottl, i'd consider them defensive midfielders rather than cbs.
all the cbs u mentioned before (delpierre, tasci, Krstajic, naldo, meira) probably aren't really better than the bayern duo, but at least they are more coordinated. at least they don't leave their spot in the defensive line.... actually naldo and meira do it too sometimes, but with better timing than lucio.
as for ismael, he's a good cb (sure better than lucio and van buyten imo) but nothing more than just "good" in my opinion... and btw, he's really too injury prone to be considered a reliable player.
anyway theese are just my personal views and i could be wrong (but i don't think so :mrgreen

talking about demichelis and sagnol, i totally agree with u, nice points