Microsoft Xbox


World Cup Winner
11 August 2003
Exeter City
Microsoft have announced their next generation console.


Nothing as yet has been stated about what is actually inside.
Size is a concern, are console gamers going to be happy with what looks like a compact PC under their TV.
Dimensions are estimated to be 31x16x16cm. The dimensions of the Xbox One X are 30x24x6cm, so it's not really a big difference.
Dimensions are estimated to be 31x16x16cm. The dimensions of the Xbox One X are 30x24x6cm, so it's not really a big difference.

10cm in height is quiet a difference IMO, don't think many people would like 3x Xbox One's stacked under their TV.
You can lay it flat apparently.

That is what I mean though.
Even laid flat it is the same length as an Xbox One, but is 3 of them stacked on top of each other height wise.
It should fit in my TV stand, but some people might have an issue and finding where to put it.

I would also expect the PS5 to be similar in size.
Rumours are surfacing that the new Series X is going to have a "Windowed" mode which will allow the console to access other Windows gaming platforms like Steam and the Epic Store.
In Theory: Can Microsoft deliver next-gen experiences while still supporting Xbox One?

This does make sense.
Xbox is well known to be running a varient of Windows 10, and uses Direct X for games just like a PC.
So building games for the systems is exactly like building for a PC, it is just like one console using low settings and the other using ultra settings.

It seems Microsoft are certainly trying to win the next gen market.
They have the more powerful console, with certain rumours better features.

The only problem for Microsoft and always has seem to be the issue, the exclusives are not in the same league as Sony.
If I didn't have a gaming PC I would be incredibly torn, better system or better exclusives?
Made this thread (formerly known as Xbox Series X thread) the new sticky for general Xbox related talk.
Just sounds like a way Microsoft can profit, by putting an expensive add-on to the console.
I am sure you will be able to still plug in a normal USB external hard drive as well.
Yeah. Thought so as well when the other company filled out a patent on “cartridges”.
If apple can do it... “why not do the same?!” they probably thought.
Yeah but Apple won't be getting along with it much longer.
EU legislation has just passed that all mobile phones must have the same charger if sold within the EU.
I meant this more towards storage! The fruit company selling those GB upgrades for horrendous prices!
So I thought gaming companies would follow.
Easy to attach and handle, sexy in design, adding another 1 TB, ripping some 200 euro out of you pocket... ^^

i dunno - i'm skeptical of next gen.

harness the power to understand human minds from birth to death.

provide scenarios as "games".

sell data while replacing reality with a virtual world.

i think the innocence of gaming as a fun pasttime is being lost.

the new gen won't even be able to see any difference cos they'll be lost in massive virtual worlds in their very own homes. when they realise its not the real world will be when a fire truck is lifting the sofa out the house cos they're literally stuck to it in the middle of a room of pizza boxes and cola cans.
So first video starts...

Gameplay may differ and is running to what is expected Xbox Series X quality... Hmmmm

2nd Video - Game in development, to expected Xbox quality...
watched to the end of Valhalla - no gameplay...

Unfortunately there was nothing to see except loads of cinematic trailers and of nothing that looked interesting.
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Unfortunately... i can't see true next gen games here.. all games that Microsoft show today, or at least 90% of the games are for Xbox One and will have " optimization " for XboxSeX. Maiden and FIFA basically will be current gen games but with optimization for new consoles... i expect Konami do to the same witch will be SUPER disappointed but they do not care , they makes tons of money from MyClub so.. they don't care about evolution.
Every game shown was enhanced for Xbox Series X.

You won't see any true next gen games for a couple of years, as every studio will still release versions for Xbox One and PS4.

Graphically the games will get better as they will just look like a high-ish end PC.

I am really hoping for improved AI, the reason current gen really sucked is they put Netbook processors in the consoles, and you couldn't do anything with them.
But now with 8 core processor running @3.8Ghz on 2 of the cores, so is most likely a custom made Ryzen 3.
If games are specifically built for the machines then AI should move on massively from current gen.
AI has been the massive problem for me with current gen, and it hasn't improved in games for years.
Most of these games were 3rd party somany of them are coming to PS5 as well. Underwhelming, sure. Only a bit hyped about Medium as it has the Silent Hill composer and his themes are always haunting.
The difference in this gen change will be far less noticable than what we had last time in terms of graphics. Even then the most major one was the resolution and fps.
The difference in this gen change will be far less noticable than what we had last time in terms of graphics. Even then the most major one was the resolution and fps.

I dont agree with that.
Games will be truly 4K and not fake 4K like quite alot of the games are currently.

The next gen consoles will be able to have current Ultra PC settings and most importantly 60FPS instead of 30 which most current games are.
The graphics difference from a PS4 Pro to a high end PC is very noticeable, and with RTX certain to improve with DX12 Ultimate and improvements to hardware implementation in the next gen, I think graphics will improve significantly in the next gen especially in 2-3 years time when games are developed specifically for next gen and PC.
I dont agree with that.
Games will be truly 4K and not fake 4K like quite alot of the games are currently.

The next gen consoles will be able to have current Ultra PC settings and most importantly 60FPS instead of 30 which most current games are.
The graphics difference from a PS4 Pro to a high end PC is very noticeable, and with RTX certain to improve with DX12 Ultimate and improvements to hardware implementation in the next gen, I think graphics will improve significantly in the next gen especially in 2-3 years time when games are developed specifically for next gen and PC.
No 4k tv here. I think only resolution, fps, also sorry depth of field will increase, level of details too. Some minor not really important details you miss either way. In gta 6 the whole crowd will be hd in 1km radius and every tree will be hd in 1km radius. Not such a huge leap. PS1 was a big leap and PS3...PS2 kinda. But even the last gen ...i can still see beautiful games on ps3 and on x360. And my ps pro looks great...of course those games which are done right as there are still a bunch of indie games or just crap games.
I only hope facial animations can be upped somewhat in next gen.
So im not in a hurry to change thats all. Not fussed about it.
Resolution is such a boring update. 8K can go f itself. True 8K will likely not be possible on next gen and I would love it if they gave up on anything higher than 4k altogether. There is just no need for it. Stuff like Ray tracing is neat but I am not going to play through a game because of it. Give me innovations in gameplay and AI, hell, if developers don't use all the processing power rendering a spider walking in grass or other tiny shit I won't notice, there might be some left to to new stuff!
The Xbox X has support for 8K resolution when the TV's become available, however no game will have 8K resolution.
BF5 on PC they got running in 8K @60FPS, but they used 2x Nvidia 2080Ti's which are over £1000 each.
Tomb Raider only got to 50FPS, with minimum frames at 22.
So if two GPU's which are above what is in next gen can't do it, the Xbox Series X would be lucky to hit 20FPS in 8K.

As you stated the thing I want most is improved AI - It was on the massive improvement about a decade ago, but AI did not improve at all in the last gen and certainly needs to get better.
However for at the least the next 12-18 months we will have nothing but enhanced games for the next gen.
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