Michael Crichton 1942-2008


3 May 2003
Orrefors, Sweden.
Sheffield Wednesday
Gutted, didn't even know 1. he was that old and 2. had been fighting cancer for some time, one of my favourite authors, his books can be a bit fluffy but as a collection they're a wonderfully varied series that few authors can rival (in terms of topics and scope).
One of my favourite authors too, though 'Next' wasnt as good a read as others in his bibliography. RIP Michael.
I've read a couple of his books.
I think he was seriously overrated...he wrote some sort of thrillers. I liked his themes (there was one about sexual harassment that was very good) but i did'nt like his writing style.
There are "thriller writers" that are producing "literary" books: Didbdin (died last year), George Pelecanos, Dennis Lehane and Ian Rankin to name just a few.
But whether you like him or not, he was a giant...

Edit: of coursr thoughts go out to his family and friends...was kind of rude of me not to mention that. Never knew that he had anything to do with ER (which i never saw...).
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