Mass Effect

In all the videos I've seen they've been bragging about "if you interrupt someone it will affect their response" - does this not happen any more? You mention a queue system...

You can interupt them, but I've not seen it effect any response - you can press X at any time to skip the dialogue too, which is good.

By queing (maybe I meant 'cue' LOL) - just you can make your response before the other person finishes talking, so when its your cue to talk there isnt a long pause, it just flows seemlessly.

Just had my first proper big battle this morning and its pretty hard! The squad commands works well though and the 3 of us managed to flank and cover through the mission.

Really, really good game. I feel the same about AC as you Jack and sold it last night for £32 - this blows it out of the water!
How does the speech work? It doesn't sound like it uses 4 lines of dialogue from your mini review?
How does the speech work? It doesn't sound like it uses 4 lines of dialogue from your mini review?

Hell no - theres loads - and more once you get more of a personality.

What I like about it, is your speech choices arent 'exact' - more of you as a player, posing a question you want answering, via the questions Shepherd asks if that makes sense.

So the AI could say "the aliens are on the planet"

And you are thinking 'what aliens?'

One of Shepherds choices may be "Aliens?" - which you select and then he will say in game "the aliens? you mean the Xanti that come from the planet kak-kak and have mind powers?" (ok, made up, but you get the point!)

The game does a great job of filling out the information you need, without you having to read through reams of possible replies.

Trust me, it works very well!
So it is still giving you X amount of reponse lines? Like KOTOR and Jade Empire?

Ah yea, in that respect it does. Sure you've seen, but its like a wheel that pops up at the bottom and you choose one of the responses. Sometimes its 2 options, most i've seen is 5.
Nice. This day is going REALLLLY slow, I bet my train comes late on the way home too. Then my bus from PC World to home will be late ...

I might throw a sickey :)
I'm still in two minds about this. I LOVED Oblivion at first but quickly went off it. Also, the fact that it is in space/future with laser guns and what have you - I wish we had something like this in present day. I will wait for my brother's response tonight, he usually loves the same games as me.
Just bought it ten minutes ago, will be giving it a blast before the missus arrives in a couple of hours.
Good game, I'm enjoying it. :)

I'll get the negatives out of the way first; I hate how complicated the story is. Or rather, the way that they explain the story that makes it (for someone like myself) impossible to follow because it's so needlessly long-arsed. All this stuff about alliances in the journal, there's about three different space alliances and organisations, an hour of drivel that I don't understand. I don't know who I'm working for, who the goodies are, who the baddies are... I wish they could just tell you, as simple as possible, without overcomplicating it into pages upon pages of crap. You work for these guys, these are the bad guys, this is why they're the bad guys. But saying that it's a Bioware game, and they are a company of geeks.

The actual gameplay is great, though. I didn't like the film grain effect, I thought the telly was playing up after our electric troubles yesterday, but (and I thought this was great actually) they give you the option of turning it off. I don't understand why anyone would want it on, it just adds interference to the picture, but whatever. I'm very grateful they let you turn it off, I don't think most games would let you do that.

I love all the chat and all the different options, it's done really well. I can see it getting boring for those under 16 who just want to murder and pillage, but for me personally I think it's great and really well implemented. And when you get onto the planets it's good solid action, the level up stuff is done just right so it feels natural, not like something that's a pain to do (which I feel it is in most RPGs - I'm not a big RPG fan).

So yeah, it's good! Next up for review is Kane & Lynch...
Good game, I'm enjoying it. :)
I'll get the negatives out of the way first; I hate how complicated the story is. Or rather, the way that they explain the story that makes it (for someone like myself) impossible to follow because it's so needlessly long-arsed. All this stuff about alliances in the journal, there's about three different space alliances and organisations, an hour of drivel that I don't understand. I don't know who I'm working for, who the goodies are, who the baddies are... I wish they could just tell you, as simple as possible, without overcomplicating it into pages upon pages of crap. You work for these guys, these are the bad guys, this is why they're the bad guys.

For me that's enough to put me off the game. I only play games in 1-2 hour spells and have a terrible short-term memory. It happened with Oblivion: I would get quite far in a quest, save the game and go to bed. I'd pop the game back in a few days later and completely forgot what I was supposed to be doing.
I read the same complaint in a review, eurogamer i think, about the lack of direction from the off with regards to the story. But they did say that once you get into the game it makes it worth it.

One of the video reviews also mentioned how you can choose to automate the leveling up for your squad aswell as being able to decide every little element. A really good choice from boiware, aswell as the filmgrain and another video effect, to let you decide how much you want to do. Hopefully they will release some kind of patch to fix some of the bugs/glitches/framerate drop before xmas.

Still looking forward to this as an xmas gift :D
Neither PC World or Curry's had the game in stock :( Had to go to HMV and pay £38.

Played about 45 mins and just landed on the first planet. Haven't played much but what I have played I love :) Reminds me of KOTOR and I love being able to shape my character by my responses to questions.

I like the grain effect Jack :)
Our PC world was full of fucking idiots... they looked for hours for the game in the back then came out and said "So what console is this?"... we were like "uhhh its an xbox 360 game" and he went on for ages how he got confused because the Elite just came out. I ended up getting it for £30!
Our PC world was full of fucking idiots... they looked for hours for the game in the back then came out and said "So what console is this?"... we were like "uhhh its an xbox 360 game" and he went on for ages how he got confused because the Elite just came out. I ended up getting it for £30!

oh my days
I asked one of the guys I know at PC World and he said they don't keep games in the back anymore, whatever they have is on the shelf. I reckon he just lied because he couldn't be arsed looking in the back.

Nevermind, got enough games to play and don't mind £38 for ME anyway as I'm sure I'll get my moneys worth :)
Yea, I completed KOTOR 1 as a good guy, KOTOR 2 as a bad guy and playing Mass Effect as how I'd react to situations myself :)
Disaster! Was playing this morning and kept getting 'Disk Dirty' error.

Not had a 360 that long, so is this common? I've checked the disc and it has a few tiny scratches on it, but nothing like the 'scratch ring' i've heard about.

This is bad right?! Please help me guys as I dont want to risk sticking anything else in the 360 now case its fucked...
Could be a dodgy disc, take it back to the shop and swap it mate. If your 360 is knackered, no point not putting anything in as it will break sometime anyway. You might as well hammer it and see if you get the RLOD to send it to MS.
That sucks :( I'd never buy a second hand 360 unless the seal was intact and I had the receipt :( If it's going to die, it's gonna die whenever you put games in. Just keep going with it mate. My brother just got the RLOD and he sold his Premium kit on eBay for £140 which was a good price.

I'm going to start Mass Effect again already :) Only just found the beacon site and added my first intimidation point, had a chance to say "I'll shut him up!" or something to the crazy doctor and it made me laugh :) I'm gonna be a nasty bastard in this game I think :)

Edit: It's funny being bad, but I do feel kinda shitty :( I'd like to be nice, I'm a nice person ... I don't know what path to take :( Maybe once as a bad guy and next time as a good guy.

Edit: I can't do it :lol: I feel too bad being shitty to everyone :(
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@ boreham, it might be worth getting a cheap. maybe crap, game and letting the xbox mess about with that for awhile to see if its the mass effect disc or the 360.

If its just the disc then you can get it replaced, however if its the 360 atleast it will save you the cost of a new ME disc otherwise its only going to be even more expansive.
@ boreham, it might be worth getting a cheap. maybe crap, game and letting the xbox mess about with that for awhile to see if its the mass effect disc or the 360.

If its just the disc then you can get it replaced, however if its the 360 atleast it will save you the cost of a new ME disc otherwise its only going to be even more expansive.

Yea, I will do... (if only I still had PES2008 to ruin ;) )

I got ME from ShopTo and they are letting me return it, so at least I wont have to spend out again.

With the scratching, is it totally random, or is that once it scratches one, it will always scratch?
Ok guys, heads up - been on the BioWare forum for Mass Effect and the 'Disk Error' looks to be a bug - loads of people are getting it the same as I did - not the same place, but just failing to work at a random time in the play.

Real pain - they have some solutions, but it seems they dont work for everyone. Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.

Ah well, guess I'll HAVE to play RockBand till ShopTo send me a new ME :D
I'll be sure to save often then :)

Some of the dialogue on this game utterly bores me. Just got to the Citadel and the guides are telling me about the different races. Any other game I find I'm interested but I just don't want to know in this game :( The database thing in your main menu is rubbish too, just lines and lines of text. No inclination to read it at all.

The framerate issues are annoying too, slight drops but noticible.

The fighting is better than I thought it's be. Very much GOW but without the duck-and-cover.

Adept powers are handy enough, throw is quite cool. Though being restricted (pretty much) to using a pistol is rubbish.
Just got to the Citadel and the guides are telling me about the different races. Any other game I find I'm interested but I just don't want to know in this game :( The database thing in your main menu is rubbish too, just lines and lines of text. No inclination to read it at all.
Yep, that's how I feel. I just don't care - not because I'm ignorant but because it's just so boring, and it's not helped by the way that they word it. They could take "you are part of this federation, these guys started a war against you ten years ago" and turn it into a ten-page essay. I only want to know what I need to know, otherwise I'm not going to read it as I get totally confused thanks to the level of detail they go into.

I'm hoping I read something over the next few days on the web that explains the entire story in 100 words or less.
I have been playing the game for a couple of hours so far and as of yet am not really into it. I will give it a bit more time but I don't know if I will be keeping hold of it
I'm very much enjoying it so far. Exactly like KOTOR but I wish there were more "jedi" like powers. I'm over two hours in and pretty impressed. Definately sticking with it, no game has kept me playing it straight for a while now. One of my favourite games on the 360 and likely the best of the year (if not the system) if it keeps up with how it's going :)
The AI on your team is shit, just like COD4. Constantly running straight into a room and standing in an open doorway taking shots from 50 people while they're in the open. Telling them to take cover doesn't do a thing either.

Also had my character get "stuck" on scenery twice in the last hour. Can't move anywhere and have to reload. Tip: Save OFTEN!
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