Lost - The Final Season

Heard today that episode 15 contains none of the original cast and somehow explains most of the mysteries of the show.
Liked this weeks ep again!

Though not got a complete grasp on it, it appears the alternate realities are starting to creep back into the consciousness of the Losties?

Interesting how the same sort of theory is played out in Fringe, Abrams other show (moving between alternate realities).

A little disappointed it didnt start happening sooner in this series, as with only 6 or so episodes left, its a bit late in the day to bring in a twist that quickly (IMO), but Lost generally gets it right, so I'm not too worried that they cannot pull it off. Same with what Rad says about about e15. If that DID happen, I've no doubt they'll pull it off with jaw dropping style. I cannot see them letting us down with the ending somehow (though just imagine the internet fury if the ending is 'a dream' or something :D Think the Internet would melt).

Just seen one of the last shows titles though...
"They Died For Nothing"
- bet its not what we think, but still interesting...

Couple of other q's;

1) Does seem though that the Whidmore's knew what was happening all along and may be able to jump realities?

2) Why are some of the Losties in this reality as they were (Jack still a Doctor, Charlie still in DriveShaft etc) and some have changed (Daniel, Sawyer and Miles for example).

3) Any chance we'll find out more about Whidmore v Ben? Remember the Hotel scene of 'you know we cannot hurt each other' which was reminiscent of Jacob and MIB?

Dont want this show to end though :(
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Lost - 612

Not bad (but very predictable) but

Lol at the whispers. Ridiculous.

I lol'd when Desmond ran over Locke at the end of the episode :LOL:.
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Cheers Stef :TU:

Really good episode and it's good to see things being tied up now :)
re: Pboreham ?'s
Couple of other q's;

1) Does seem though that the Whidmore's knew what was happening all along and may be able to jump realities?

2) Why are some of the Losties in this reality as they were (Jack still a Doctor, Charlie still in DriveShaft etc) and some have changed (Daniel, Sawyer and Miles for example).

3) Any chance we'll find out more about Whidmore v Ben? Remember the Hotel scene of 'you know we cannot hurt each other' which was reminiscent of Jacob and MIB?

I think it's more where fate has brought them then some kind of choice. Or it could be that they need to change just to make the story. :D
Lost - 613

Very well done. It started like it should, no boring or pointless scenes and for once my interest was real for 40 minutes, even for the flashes.

I want more :D !

I always look for your review in the morning, Tuta :LOL: :TU:

You're right about this episode though, brilliant!

The comments from Sawyer about Lapides being from a Burt Reynolds movie and Claire drinking Locke's Kool Aid :LMAO:

While it's always dangerous to make any predictions on lost, it's getting so close to all making sense. Big fan of the smoke monster being Jack's dad that he saw way back when, that's a bit of a loose end tied up.

My current theory is that Jack is going to be the next Jacob, and going to take the role of the 'wine cork' articulated a few episodes ago. It seems the show's writers cleraly have a romantic side, because most key characters left are either a bit weird (Myles, Hurley) or paired off (Sawyer/Kate, Sun/Jin, Desmond/Penny) and I figure that those not fitting in will be slowly knocked off. Sorry Lapidas, that probably means you, even though he’s great. Also seems like Sayid is being written to make some great sacrifice because he no longer cares about living, possibly the smoke monster will trust him in the fight against Jack and he’ll turn on Smokey. Also wouldn’t be surprised if Ben kills Whitmore. Don’t know why.

Just seems to me that the relationship between Jack and Locke/monster has now gotten to the stage where the final scene of the show really could be the two of them sitting on the beach, ala Jacob and Smoke monster in the past.

The only big question mark that indicates none of this will happen is the opening scene of the season, where the whole island is submerged…
I like your idea Beach!

I wouldn't be surprised if Sayid turns on the smoke, I can bet he didn't kill Desmond and you could see he didn't want to kill good old Des! And for Ben killing Whitmore, I don't blame him because he still blames him for the killing of his daughter.
Thought it was an excellent ep this week...

Liked the fact the flashback/forward/whatever had loads of Losties in.

Sun clearly recognised Locke and whats the deal with Desmond in this reality. Like he is bringing everyone together (as Jacob did - perhaps Des is the new Jacob?). There is going to be something that explains the blurring of these 2 realities.

Very good episode though!
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