
LittleBigPlanet Demo Axed for 07

"I can officially confirm that there won't be a demo this year," Ron Eagle, senior manager of PR for Sony Computer Entertainment America told me. But he did say he's played 30 of the games 50 planned developer-made levels and that it's a lot of fun. He seemed genuinely pleased about his time with the game, but his company won't be showing more "LBP" at least until next month. Eagle could only add that the full game is set for a 2008 release.

I was doubtul there would be a demo seeing it had all went abit quiet. I can see an awful lot of publishers taking their time till release games next year, the PS3 base will prob be double after Christmas and thus they will ramp up their hype machine from January
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To me, the actual game play looks like it would stop being fun after a few sessions. The fun part of LBP would appear to be in designing your own level and then screwing around with your buddies.

It looks like a really really nice looking flash game. Fun for a bit, but certainly not something with which I would spend significant time. I imagine that people who want to make silly (in a good way) levels complete with their own personal touches (i.e. photos of friends) will find it amusing.

Probably the same people that are looking forward to PS3's "Home".

Personally, I'm not impressed with the direction Sony is taking the PS3. ITV, Blu-Ray, HOME, Little Big Planet, and the ridiculously silly (in a bad way) Metal Gear Solid 4 just do not interest me.

I hope the PS3 vs. 360 war lasts several years with both parties doing well so that there remains some variety, because it the PS3 becomes the dominant platform for this generation I'll be gutted. I'm really enjoying the more mature approach toward games that the 360 is taking, I hope it sticks.
My thoughts exactly, which makes it all the stranger that I just bought a PS3.

It will become annoying from the very first time your "team-mates" run over a collapsing bridge without you and leave you making desperate attempts to jump the gap.
My thoughts exactly, which makes it all the stranger that I just bought a PS3.

It will become annoying from the very first time your "team-mates" run over a collapsing bridge without you and leave you making desperate attempts to jump the gap.

For what game did you buy the PS3?
Rock Band. And most likely Everybody's Golf World Tour (or "Hot Shots" in the US probably). And after playing the demo of Uncharted, Uncharted.

But the number one reason was Rock Band, which is a game I've been waiting for forever (it genuinely does feel that way). It's been put back and put back as a European release, Q3 2008 is the release date for us now, so I just went for it, got a PS3 for a smidge over £200 (which is a good price for us in the UK) and got Rock Band for £180 (which is £80 to buy in the US, £160 is the RRP for when it's released in the UK, so I'm not paying too much of a premium to play it early).

Due to arrive on Friday or Monday, and it's one of those games that makes you prey for the postman's sake that it arrives on Friday.
Fair enough. Why didn't you just buy Rock Band for 360? Or is the 360 version coming out much later than the PS3 version in Europe?

Back on topic, I still don't think Little Big Planet will be amusing for more than a few sessions... nothings changed in my opinion over the last hour.
And after playing the demo of Uncharted, Uncharted.

Uncharted was a fun game with a twist nearing the end that you will either love or hate.

I am keeping LBP on my radar though because it definitely looks different, but hopefully it provides an experience that comes with some good variety. As to whether it will be fun, that is a completely different story since it looks like something you have to experience to understand how it tastes.

If I do buy it, I just hope I don't feel like returning it right away! My fear for any game since I am not rollin' with the cash like some of you pimps in this forum!
Man, LittleBigPlanet looks great. So, so, so great. In yesterday's LBP breakout session, Media Molecule's Alex Evans walked us through the game, pointing out all sorts of fun facts. Like? Well....
• The game will feature trophies.
• If two players of different levels play co-op together and one falls behind, that player will instantly die and respawn so the two players can keep up.
• There are over 60 tutorials that focus on creating.
• Because the Sony E3 press conference showed it was possible to embed text on objects, it will now be possible to do that in-game. (Media Molecule wants to make sure everything it's now showing with LBP is actually possible for users to make.
Hit the jump for the rest.

• Originally, they planned to give players complete freedom of depth, but found that a richer experience could be gotten with only three layers of depth.
• If you use voice chat, Sack Boy will be lipsynched to your speech.
• The tags used to label level you create are pre-selected and were intially from LOL Cats. This has since been changed.
• Stephen Fry does voice over work for the create mode.
• It hasn't been announced if you can import your own music into the game. Says Evans, "There's no reason technically why not."
You might've known all of these. Heck, you might even know more. Good for you.

October is the month - the USA date seems to point towards 10th October.

Game stop says pre orders ship october 7th.

If it's a worldwide release 10th... if not id guess at the EU getting it the week after 17th

Eurogamer moderated an interview with David Smith, Media Molecule co-founder and technical director of LittleBigPlanet, and lucky fans had the chance to send him some questions. Smith revealed some new elements of the game and confirmed some old ones; the release date is still October, with a beta trial that has already begun but Smith hopes "to have as many people as possible." Trophies were slightly elaborated upon, with creation being a big focus: an example brought up involved creating a new tool/machine that will launch a sackperson at a high speed.

You can create inventions, then use a camera tool make copies of them, and give them away. A simple system of "hitting a button at any time and following a simple series of operations." will allow users to report objectionable content, including copyrighted content. Water is currently not in the game, but "it's something that would be very high on our list of priorities." Gravity change is also said be added later on.

Whether install will be mandatory is unknown, but Smith simply said: "The HD install is perhaps around a gig. Perhaps more or less." LBP will run at "30fps at 720. The game uses a lot of filmic techniques like depth of field and motion blur, so this fits the game pretty well." There will be "VOIP and PS Eye support" but no further details are revealed. Finally, SIXAXIS will "let you look around, point at things and change your facial expression." For more details, read a transcript of the interview here.

Trophies are a no-brainer for this title. However, what are your thoughts on the mandatory installs and SixAxis support?
Not for me. Looks fun for kids and people who have the time and talent to get really creative with it. But for me, a guy who isn't that creative, it doesn't push my buttons.
So we've heard a little bit about LittleBigPlanet's saleable user-created assets, but does that mean you'll have to pay for everything? Not so, Sony's David Reeves told Eurogamer, clarifying that all user-generated content will be free at the game's launch.

"SCEE and Media Molecule can guarantee that all consumer-generated content will be free at launch. We know how important this is to the LBP community and what we want most is for people to enjoy playing, creating and sharing their content," Sony told Eurogamer.
I thought it was stupid that people were trying to shit on the game by spinning what was said.

Last month at GDC Paris during a keynote presentation, Media Molecule co-founder Mark Healey said "that's a fantastic idea" in response to a question of whether LBP user-generated content can be sold.

Everything is available to us - just after launch the best creators will be given the chance to charge for their newest creations and make a bit of money.

Media Molecule has revealed that sometime after the initial release of LittleBigPlanet the game will have some pay-to-play levels available for download. However, unlike most downloadable content these new levels will be created by players of the game, and not by the developers themselves.

Apparently, players will not instantly be able to put up content and start charging for it straight away. They will instead have to prove themselves by first uploading quality free content. If Media Molecule then sees a player is providing quality levels to the community they will then allow them the option to stick a price tag on their work.

“What we’re trying to do with LittleBigPlanet is almost iTunes meets eBay in the sense that once an individual or a developer has qualified by producing certain levels or certain add-ons, they will then be able in the future to exchange these and make money out of them,” comments David Reeves, president of SCEE. “Eventually, it’s feasible that you might well see the first LittleBigPlanet millionaire!“
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So if I prove my level creating abilities to MM and they give me permission to charge 50p for a level I can make some £££, sweet!
So if I prove my level creating abilities to MM and they give me permission to charge 50p for a level I can make some £££, sweet!

That's what it sounds like. If that's the plan, then that's a pretty good idea (at 50p a level or something) but they'd need to offer demo's of the map or something.
I'm already brainstorming as to what I'm going to make.
I liked Radiation's idea of merging a Sonic gameworld with a Mario world. It needs doing.

I don't want to come up with ideas until I see the tools.

Anyone know if the level creator will be a seperate app? It sounds like it will be with them saving user levels will be free at launch, so it sounds like they're suggesting we'll get the tools before the game releases.
I don't think there separate, it hasn't been implied anyway. Are you thinking of Spore?
Nope mate. But if they're saying user levels will be free at "launch", I'm reading that as saying we'll be able to create levels beforehand and then when we get the retail game, we'll be able to go to the store and download the user levels for free.
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