Jag är Svensk! / I am Swedish!

Why did you change nationality Paul ?
Or so you have the double nationality ?
Here in Belgium and Holland (i think) we have a high opinion about Scandinavian society.
Never been to Sweden, but i visited both Denmark and Iceland and like both very much...
Well primarily it's because my wife is Brazilian so despite the fact we've been together since November 9th 2004 we've never shared nationality/citizenship so haven't had the same rights/protections as a citizen, so it feels nice for us to be the same nationality as each other now, nobody can take her away from me ;) Plus we're happy and settled in Sweden, can't imagine us living anywhere else in Europe :) Yes I currently have dual citizenship, will probably keep the British citizenship as there's no negative to retaining it, for now! ;)
Välkommen till gemenskapen kära broder.

There is no need for that Gab! sorry placebo Gab must be feeling threatened that another swede is on Evoweb now.

To call you a gemenskapen is just too far! You should be ashamed of yourself Gab.....I'm dissapointed.
Nice one Paul, never been there myself but Sweden seems like a pretty nice place to live from what I've read.

I myself have been considering my future plans recently - thinking that the world is so diverse that it would be a shame to spend my entire life living in the UK, and the Scandinavian nations really appeal to me.

You seem to have travelled around a lot (was it Singapore you were in at one time?) What prompted you to move away from the UK/to Sweden? Was it work related or simply for the quality of life/culture/experience?
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It's ok I don't speak Swedish ;)

How did you become a Swedish citizen than?

Congratulations , never been there but I have a lot of cousins there and it's one of places I want to visit soon. I want to live in one of Scandinavian country's Sweden , Norway or Denmark but still don't know a way how !? :)
Well I was always somewhat disenfranchised with life in England, even from a young age I remember wanting to live in another country, as a school kid it was always the USA, fortunately I grew out of that ;)

I left England in 2004 to work for Bohemia Interactive in the Czech Republic, met my wife and after 3 years we felt like a change so moved to Singapore, amazing country but unfortunately then the banks decided to melt and Asia was hit first, so my wife had offers from Norway and Sweden but I'd visited Sweden with friends once before and really liked it so we chose here, so I guess you can say circumstances moved us here but it's definitely a great place to settle!

And yes I would definitely say you must experience life somewhere outside the UK as soon as you can, IMO it's key to becoming the person you will become, eventually a husband and father presumably, living/working abroad will give you the kind of experience and perspective that will allow you to grow as a person and know who you are and what you want to be, without 100% knowing all that you can never really achieve happiness :)

Well obviously I appreciate it sounds bad to some people, living in a country, taking citizenship without speaking the language, but in Sweden everyone speaks English so makes it very hard not to be motivated to learn the language ;) Essentially though you don't need to speak Swedish, there's no language requirement as part of the citizenship process, once you've lived here legally for 5 years you apply, pay 1500SEK and that's it, if you're approved you get your certificate of citizenship and then can go apply for a passport etc.
Thanks for the advice, very interesting.

I kind of feel the same about living in England - it's comfortable and I'm used to it, but I don't feel patriotic about the place and there are plenty of countries that do plenty of stuff much better, as well as just offering variety and a change of scenery, literally and culturally.

It's tough to leave family and friends behind, and with many places there's the language barrier, as well as the monetary and employment aspects to think about, but at some point moving abroad is something I'll seriously consider.
Now that you are a Swedish just try to not kill yourself or else we won´t have your Fifa sliders anymore and the game will be shit. But if you do it anyway, please let sliders for Fifa 15, 16 and 17 written in your suicide note. Thanks!
It's one of those incorrect stats everyone believes as fact that Swede's have a high proportion of suicides, was on QI, apparently Slovenia or somewhere like that are top at topping themselves ;)
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