Is Balotelli realy Italian or not?

We could change the title of this thread Benni...

"Is Benni really Italian or not ?"

Don't want to hurt you, but i suddenly realised that and it seemed kind of funny to me...
The thought of you and Bald Grim in bed makes me feel sick too!!

But seriously 'u r gay lol' jokes are something a prepubescent teenager would come up with. I'm very dissapointed Bobby :(
what you doing tonight Mr Sonic? Fancy going for a drive to GameStation and then get some food in Pizza Hut?
Nationality is a false identity. Nations are artificial boundaries for the purposes of control and taxation. Nations are more akin to farms than anything else. There's very little of anything substantive to it all.
And this argument that you can't be Italian unless your relatives are Italian is obviously stupid. How can your relatives ever become Italian if this is the criteria?. Under this criteria there are only Africans, since Africa is where the Human species evolved. But "Africa" doesn't exist in any true sense.
As for 'nationalistic pride' It's hard to think of something more infantile. Pride only makes sense when describing the feeling you gain from something you have done. Taking pride in what others have done makes you a parasite. It also makes you seem like a bit of a sad case, someone who latches onto the works of others to make up for your own lack of success. It's a peasant mentality.

Is Balotelli Italian? yes and no. Legally, yes. In reality? no. No-one is. Borders don't exist. They're a legal fiction.
Nationality is a false identity. Nations are artificial boundaries for the purposes of control and taxation. Nations are more akin to farms than anything else. There's very little of anything substantive to it all.
And this argument that you can't be Italian unless your relatives are Italian is obviously stupid. How can your relatives ever become Italian if this is the criteria?. Under this criteria there are only Africans, since Africa is where the Human species evolved. But "Africa" doesn't exist in any true sense.
As for 'nationalistic pride' It's hard to think of something more infantile. Pride only makes sense when describing the feeling you gain from something you have done. Taking pride in what others have done makes you a parasite. It also makes you seem like a bit of a sad case, someone who latches onto the works of others to make up for your own lack of success. It's a peasant mentality.

Is Balotelli Italian? yes and no. Legally, yes. In reality? no. No-one is. Borders don't exist. They're a legal fiction.

Respect. Very good post.
I totally agree.

And yet, somehow i feel Belgian...whatever that may be.
A legal fiction? That makes zero sense. Borders are real because of laws between and in countries. I have a border around my house,
It's called a property line which is defined by law and enforced by courts. It's not fiction. It may not physically exsist, but trust me, it is there. I agree with the gist of your statement with that exception.
Nationality is a false identity. Nations are artificial boundaries for the purposes of control and taxation. Nations are more akin to farms than anything else. There's very little of anything substantive to it all.
And this argument that you can't be Italian unless your relatives are Italian is obviously stupid. How can your relatives ever become Italian if this is the criteria?. Under this criteria there are only Africans, since Africa is where the Human species evolved. But "Africa" doesn't exist in any true sense.
As for 'nationalistic pride' It's hard to think of something more infantile. Pride only makes sense when describing the feeling you gain from something you have done. Taking pride in what others have done makes you a parasite. It also makes you seem like a bit of a sad case, someone who latches onto the works of others to make up for your own lack of success. It's a peasant mentality.

Is Balotelli Italian? yes and no. Legally, yes. In reality? no. No-one is. Borders don't exist. They're a legal fiction.
Couldn't agree more, great post.

As Albert Einstein once said - “Patriotism is a disease"

I understand that people will be born and raised somewhere, and relate to that place as "home", but to be proud and defensive of your country for no legitimate reason is crazy.

An example we have probably all seen is in football - "fans" of a football team will ridicule and abuse "fans" of another football team simply for supporting another team or coming from another area (or the same area) of the country.

Now that's fine if it's taken as light-hearted banter, however you see it all too often where "fans" will say/chant offensive things with real conviction and will actually fight and injure others because of those views.

Just recently I've been questioning my "support" for a football club (Coventry City) for a few reasons;
1) I don't live in Coventry anymore and don't intend to again.
2) From my own experience, Sheffield is a cleaner and safer city, and the people I've come into contact with have generally been more friendly.
3) The Coventry City Council has just agreed multi-million pound bailout of the stadium;
So instead of funding education, healthcare, infrastructure and the like, the council is spending taxpayers money on football. Fucking football? League One football at that? Ridiculous. I don't know all the details but the City Council shouldn't have to get involved at all.

So if I were to go and "support" another football team (i.e. Sheffield Wednesday) - attend the matches, buy the merchandise, sing the songs etc. I have no doubt that in many people's eyes I wouldn't be regarded as a "proper fan" because I switched allegiances, wasn't born in the area and speak with a different accent.

That brings it back around onto the subject of nationality. What is nationality? As Godotelli said, legally it exists for the purposes of taxation and control, and mentally it is simply a false identity that our culture breeds into us.

If, for whatever reason, someone migrates to another country, as long as they contribute to their new community and the people around them, in my eyes they are just as much a part of that community as anyone else regardless of heritage and history.

In an age where we can travel anywhere else in the world within a day or two, is nationality even relevant?
And how can you be proud of your nation if you just look into how incompetent the governments are? Just look at the amount of countries with unsustainable national debts or pointless/damaging military operations...
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