I want My Money Back

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Hmmm..seems like not EVERYONE is having problems, if it doesn't run well on your pc then if you want to play the game you need to upgrade. Its as simple as that. The KONAMI fairy isnt going to fly into your pc and make it all better. If you are unwilling to spend the time and money on your system to get it playing nicely (which mine does cos I upgraded memory and graphics card specifically for this game) then simply dont play it. Thats your choice, but dont blame Konami or the programming because its clear that a lot of people are playing the game on HIGH, with no issues and whats more they are enjoying it. I am one of those people and Im tired of hearing about people spitting the dummy cos the system they have wont run it at an optimal level. Like I said, theres no KONAMI fairy and Im sure tech help doesn't have a magic wand in his desk drawer to solve everyones issues. My advice is research, tweak and upgrade. Thats what I had to do and I didnt cry, whine or act stroppy with KONAMI cos I was disappointed the game wont run.

I just d/l FRAPS and Im now getting a solid 60 fps on HIGH. Before I upgraded my crappy Geforce FX 5500 to 8600GT I was probably only getting 30fps on LOW settings.
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Hmmm..seems like not EVERYONE is having problems, if it doesn't run well on your pc then if you want to play the game you need to upgrade. Its as simple as that. The KONAMI fairy isnt going to fly into your pc and make it all better. If you are unwilling to spend the time and money on your system to get it playing nicely (which mine does cos I upgraded memory and graphics card specifically for this game) then simply dont play it. Thats your choice, but dont blame Konami or the programming because its clear that a lot of people are playing the game on HIGH, with no issues and whats more they are enjoying it. I am one of those people and Im tired of hearing about people spitting the dummy cos the system they have wont run it at an optimal level. Like I said, theres no KONAMI fairy and Im sure tech help doesn't have a magic wand in his desk drawer to solve everyones issues. My advice is research, tweak and upgrade. Thats what I had to do and I didnt cry, whine or act stroppy with KONAMI cos I was disappointed the game wont run.

I just d/l FRAPS and Im now getting a solid 60 fps on HIGH. Before I upgraded my crappy Geforce FX 5500 to 8600GT I was probably only getting 30fps on LOW settings.

its people like you that let konami sell a game to the people who obviously cant run it by putting the specs lower than is needed on the box quite frankly you are beginning to bore me senceless now its obvious that you are easily pleased and for you info i have loaded it on my other 2 pcs which i guarentee will blow anything you have to peices and guess what it still dont work right on one of them. If you knew anything about pc's and i have tried not to let this bit out as i build pcs for a living and quite frankly if aint owt to do with the drivers, the cards etc its to do with the makeup of the componemts within each machine and more does'nt mean better. Konami have created a game that will run ok on around 50% of machine and the rest well its trial and error so please dont try and tell me about what i should be doing cos quite frankly its looks like you are blinded by having your arse so far up konamis arse its scarey.

After the phone call today they more or less admitted everything i said to them and unless you have a standard build pc you are taking a gamble as to wheather it will work
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Don't know why i am even arseing myself to reply but. Maybe next time you will be a little smarter and buy from a shop which takes back its receipts. Even you may have played it once thought it was shit scratched the disk then complained about the scratch thus gaining your money back.

But i think you are just being a bit ignorant it laying everything at Konami's door.

Name me a flawless game and i will give you your money back

well dont reply then its simple?.. regarding the game l;aying everything at konamis door well who else should i f**king lay it at? the queen maybe , what about gordan brown?, please dont come out with stupid comments about its not konamis fault that they created a game that wount work on all pcs, for god sake think about what you just typed they made the game and i got a full and frank apologie today because i was right!
i really might be coming across as a moaning git on here and i guarentee you i aint , not by a long shot but i cant sit here a read stupid comments about it not been konamis fault that they made a little mess of the makeup of the new game ..i just cant get my head around it, they made a big mess for some people i got the game running a ok on one of my machines and believ it or not it was'nt the highest spec on either. I could accept a small hiccup here and there but these are BIG errors"
Well dont I feel special that PES 2008 works great on my computer? No, not really, because initially it didnt. I had to sort it out for myself and I did. So why is it that other people cant do the same? Play it or dont. I dont care. But if you build computers for a living then you shouldnt have a problem playing the game...unless of course...ahhhh never mind.
they made a big mess for some people i got the game running ok on one of my machines and believe it or not it was'nt the highest spec on either."

can you not read?? and why should people have to work at getting there machines to run it when they meet the min spec's ...and has for other people having to sort it out themselfs why should they have to spend money doing so?

Anyhow please stop replying now fowl cos you are boring me and tbh are sounding like a c**k

I made my point and my point is right whether you like it or not.
now then guys.your problems with stability and slow down are all due to the sound conflicting with the graphics.if u have onboard graphics and sound turn ur sound settings down.or buy seperate sound card. i turned mine down and it runs smooth as now.i got amd athalon 3200. radeon x1600 pro 512 mb graphics card.1768 of ram and it still played up. its all ur sound. trust me. online still shit tho.
\\:o/now then guys.your problems with stability and slow down are all due to the sound conflicting with the graphics.if u have onboard graphics and sound turn ur sound settings down.or buy seperate sound card. i turned mine down and it runs smooth as now.i got amd athalon 3200. radeon x1600 pro 512 mb graphics card.1768 of ram and it still played up. its all ur sound. trust me. online still shit tho.
Oakwell, with your profound computer knowledge you should know that a game will not run or perform properly if it is played on a computer with only the recommended MINIMUM specs.Usually its a good idea to exceed the RECOMMENDED specs to ensure proper game performance. Thats my point. People shouldnt complain about the game, they should do a little research before buying. I have no beef with you, but you see my point...no?
In my opinion the game is excellent and really worth of buy=)


I love this Pro Evo. I personally find some of the bugs make for hilarous viewing on Youtube and when playing in the game.

I know the online mode is shit, and the game has its problems. It runs perfectly on my system.

People are overcritical about anything and everything. Of course there will be errors, some people have never read about how games are produced then with game testing and quality assurance.
A Sad Year for PES

Where is my beautiful game?
A PES2008 review and rant

After playing PES2008 for quite some time I've come to the conclusion that for the first time since its inception, the PES series has fallen... badly... (it has infamously garnered low ratings in Gamespot, far behind Fifa, a first for the whole series!!). It saddens me to say this, but Seabass has severly botched the job on this one. Previous versions had hickups here and there (PES5 constant fouls, anyone?) but the series main trademark, GAMEPLAY, remained tight and responsive. Ball physics were always top notch. Animations played well and captured each player's unique traits.

Not any more.

Our beloved simulation has turned into an arcade-fest speed-demon. Motivated top players will completely whiz past defenders with ease. Player animations are a disgrace. They lack proper timing and believability (sliding shots and passes are more frequent than in PES6). Constant fumbles break the pace of the game (you'll be hearing that "oomph" clip a lot!), especially among your own defenders! The ball has the weight of a pile of bricks, and during shots and crosses the speed of a bullet. Adding insult to injury, we get to hear a constant "tapping" sound each time a player dribbles with it. This is something I could expect from the arcade-centric FIFA 1999, but PES??!!

What about the AI? Well... goalkeepers fumble the ball so often it leads to many own goal situations. The cpu will resort frequently to cheap diving tactics to its own benefit or detriment.

And Teamvision? Either it is a non-existant marketing ploy, or it's very badly implemented/programmed. Without constant manual tweaking, Defenders will mantain pressure at the midfield, ignoring zoning or coverage areas, leading to a barage of counter-attacks and 1-on-1s.

There are many other things to nitpick: referee ai, buggy online, crappy nets, over-simplified player editor, no stadium variety. I can go on, but many of these things have already been discussed to death in these forums. All in all I give the game a 6.0 out of 10, and as so, as anyone else in this thread, I feel ripped off!

Guess my PC won't be seing any next-gen football action this year. For those of you looking for a next-gen soccer fix, go to the dark side: EA's FIFA 2008 for the Xbox360 is what PES should have been (the animations are incredible! The speed is right.) Don't judge it by the PC version. The console version is a completely different beast altogether. If you have to play football in a PC, stick to PES6 with the Evo or Super patch and wait a year.

I'm just hoping that in the future, with a real konami football game in our hands, we might look back at PES2008 and say: "It never happened".

Windows XP
Geforce 8800GTS 320MB
Core2 Duo E6750
Kingston HyperX Memory 2GB RAM
Creative Audigy4 Soundcard
Im playing on a c2d e6750, 8600GT, 2gig ram. Game runs on max settings perfectly (30fps on replays, 60fps normal view). And 8600GT costs AU$130, if you cant afford that you shouldnt be bitching about not being able to run a game properly.
Oakwell, with your profound computer knowledge you should know that a game will not run or perform properly if it is played on a computer with only the recommended MINIMUM specs.Usually its a good idea to exceed the RECOMMENDED specs to ensure proper game performance. Thats my point. People shouldnt complain about the game, they should do a little research before buying. I have no beef with you, but you see my point...no?

i know that anygame will run better with more than the rec specs that aint rocket science and my point is again not that the game is sh*t because i agree it aint no pes6,but its still better than fifa but the fact there is no support from konami there is false advertising on the box and it aint stable on 50% of pc's thats a fact! the amount of people i have had ringing about this problem is frightenming and guess what most are about this game?

There should be some protection for buyers regarding buying this game as alot of them are paying for brand new systems just for this game??? with a little tweaking it can be made better but should we be having to go out and buying new components for this game if we already meet the computers rec specs?
I suppose that would depend on how much you want to play the game. Its not realistic to expect to be able to play a brand new game on an older system sporting a Geforce FX 5600 card.If you are a big fan of the series and want to form an OBJECTIVE opinion on PES 2008 then you have to be able to play it on HIGH settings, otherwise you are just not getting the full picture of what the games about and how it plays. Its totally unfair to slag off the game and KONAMI just because you are unable to do that. If you are lucky enough to be able to play on HIGH with no slowdowns then great, form your opinion, good or bad. But to have a go at KONAMI who have brought us years of football pleasure just because some people are unwilling to upgrade their systems to support a newer, better game is unfair. Are all the people who own original xbox systems pissed off because they no longer make games for it? Sure. Are they all clamouring at Bill Gates door or are they planning to upgrade to a next gen system?
Anyway, thats my point, Im not arguing....Im going to play PES 2008 on my Sega Master System... LOL

Sorry.....but thats just too funny.

Have you noticed the bad player animation?
Have you noticed the skating players?
Have you noticed the concrete ball that flies at 100mph on crosses?
Have you noticed the TERRIBLE frames per second issues?
Have you noticed the Goalkeepers who score LOADS of own goals?
Have you noticed the ref gives free kicks for collisions TOO OFTEN?
Have you noticed the ref books players for perfect sliding tackles TOO OFTEN?
Have you noticed the top balanced players are now EVEN MORE un-tackleable?
Have you noticed your average players with red condition arrows being unstoppable? (i ran past an entire team with Riise on professional level, cos he was on a red)
Have you noticed the Home side plays in their away kit, sometimes leaving ALL players wearing the same colour?
Have you noticed the amount of goals you concede off corners?
Have you noticed the amount of goals you can score DIRECT off corners?
Have you noticed the online lag?
Have you noticed the lack of communication online?
Have you noticed the lack of options online?
Have you noticed theres no 2v2 online? (Biggest mistake of all)
Have you noticed that "Teamvision" doesn't exist and was purely a fabrication to sell the game?
Have you noticed the game was VASTLY undertested before release?

Have you noticed KONAMI have taken your money and don't care about what you have spent it on?

Now i can run the game on high settings and top resolution, the grahics textures are an improvment but the game itself is a BIG, HUGE, MASSIVE, MONSTEROUS, ENORMOUS, GIGANTIC, IMMENSE......RIP OFF!!!

I've been playing since ISS, so i know all about this game and what they've given us over the last 10 years or so.

The only thing i can say i'm impressed with is the fact that the replays are longer, showing more build up play.

PES6 is still the one for me, i hope they keep the server open.

I've never nodded my head so much in my life. I looked like the churchill dog reading that. OHHH YESSSSSSS.
This game is under rated by you guys, but really this game is amazing, you must play it a good graphics card, great job Konami.
WOW, youre such an expert...you really do know it all dont you? Then may I suggest in youre infinite wisdom you go and make your own football video game. Im sure with your skill and knowledge it will be a smash hit, a perfect simulation of the beautiful game.Then, when you have spent years of effort making it, you can come here so idiots like you can tell you how crap it is. Grow up sonny, different strokes for different folks. I like it so I will play it. You dont so you wont...thats fine. And as for the 8 year old comment..Im 36, a little more experienced than you, Im sure.

LOL i respect your comments has i dont assume that every single person hates pro evo, there will always be someone like you who will love pro evo regardless of how bad it is (IMO).

i for one wasted my £18 on this peice of crap they call a game, luckily i have fifa to fall back to so all is not lost.
does anyone have links for any patches/updates for pes 6 to get it upto date just re-installed it RIP PES2008

Have a blank canvass now on PES6 so any help would be appreciated

In my opinion the game is excellent and really worth of buy=)
čawte lamy...
You are crazy?
Online=not works
Italian version=not works(crazy,italy is a soccer nation..or somethig like that, everybody like play football..from children)

This game is excellent, lol yes is excellent like a nuclear bomb....
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The konami spot was:

Pes2008 will be The best soccer game...
You will can make every thing..with new features...


You will lost 30kg in a week!
You will win at lottery!

Buy a Pes2008!!!!

WTF.(In reality This game have only new graphics player model,stop).
Online not works.
My point is if you feel PES2008 is crap, fair enough - so go back to PES6 and stop moaning .

and who are you to stop me is this not a forum for opinions? just cos u dont agree you dont need to reply to it do you? off you go and play on your thrown together game and stop moaning yourself
I havent actually seen many of the problems people bitch about.

- Goal Keepers are fine for me, they barely ever make mistakes (in 1 whole season of la liga my keeper made 1 mistake).

- Player animation is 90% excellent, however there does seem to be some skating with the wingers.

- Frames per second issue doesnt exist for me so cant comment

- Its impossible to score "direct" off corners if the opposition keeper is smart and collects the ball in the air.

- Again, i dont concede off corners because i use my keeper properly. Deciding wether or not to go for the ball or leave it is an awesome part of the gameplay and adds alot of depth.

- I agree that the ref sucks, its very biast against the player because the CPU can make perfect slide tackles all the time.

- Defensively, yeah its hard to tackle players. But thats why you have to defend passively.

- Again, lag is a joke, but it'll get fixed dont worry.

Overall i think alot of the gameplay bitching occurs because people don't know how to play the game properly. PES2008 is harder than PES6 (especially defensively).
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