I have some footy nets as well, its all good and well playing in them but no fucker takes em down after haha
Used to love that, one of the local lads, who played for liverpool youth with his brother, had a net. We used to hang it up between two trees (which were nearly perfect for the goal) and play.....uuuhh... One in goal and ten outfield and whoever scored went through to the next round. Whatever that was called. Anyway, it was great scoring, hearing the ball hit the net and know that we didnt have to leg it after the ball down the hill :D
Single Cuppies ill have you know

you also had double cuppies which were 2 on a team
ahahaha just checked urban dictionary

Goal-hanging is not tolerated and persistant offenders will be penalised with 'Penalties-all-round' where every other player is awarded a penalty-kick from 12 paces.


Start getting into these nets then we can have a mass-debate.
Header's and volley's.

Headers and Volleys was a different game

thats where you hit it wide and you went in goals

we played "10 down" as well where you start on 10 and every goal that's scored get a point off, if you hit it wide you went in goals. Whoever was in goals at Zero had a peno against them and if the oppo scored the one in goals got beat up :LOL:
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You kinky Portugeezers!!!

Joe, I think some people do call it World Cup, I just meant when I was a kid we called it Wembley!

We played this wicked one like a combination of headers and volleys and 10 down, I cant remember the exact rules but the person who lost had to stand against the wall, bare arsed and all the other players got a free shot at them from about 12 yards or something.

This is so weird - Me and my friends had a picnic on Sunday and for the first time since I was 12 or something we played 60 secs headers and Volleys!!!!

I literally haven't even heard anybody mention it since then either - and now your having a whole conversation about it.

Its freaking me out!!!!!

We used to call it Wembley :DD
Wembley sounds familiar, thats probably what we called it aswell. And the headers and volleys was good aswell. One lad ended up with a very red arse after one session :D
Do any of you remember playing with your uncle, the one where when he scored against you he could put his hand down your shorts?

What ever happened to good old 3 and in...

we used to call that 'tackle-shooty-in'

we played first to 6 and the winner went in nets. we used to play against my best friend's mum's back-garden wall. it came with a ready made crossbar and we just painted some posts on it!

great days - truly fantastic!
Do any of you remember playing with your uncle, the one where when he scored against you he could put his hand down your shorts?

HAHA! made me laugh out loud!

i used to play that with my dad! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU WHEN ALL THIS WAS GOING ON, JAY!?!?

after that incident with my mum on the beach in '73, why weren't you there to protect me!?!? :SS
You kinky Portugeezers!!!

Joe, I think some people do call it World Cup, I just meant when I was a kid we called it Wembley!

We played this wicked one like a combination of headers and volleys and 10 down, I cant remember the exact rules but the person who lost had to stand against the wall, bare arsed and all the other players got a free shot at them from about 12 yards or something.


That was how it was done over in Italy!:beer:
That was how it was done over in Italy!:beer:
Yeah that's the way. With usually a penalty shootout before the beginning to decide who will be the first to go in nets.
How many arguments though about "it was in" against "it was wide" when we play it on the beach!!

It's also a great way of training for goalies :DD
Didnt you guys do "bids" for headers and volleys? Over here you can start at 20 and bid down to go in goal. The point being if you were good in goal and started on say 13 with the others on 10 you had less chance of a sore arse at the end. Or if everybody was good the bidding would stop at 15 to go in goal.
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