I Got My Girlfriend To Model With My Car

Poor girlfriend...
I think it's very, very sad...also the insensitive responses from the other people...
Of course one way or another he deserves it, but still, i think it's utterly sad.
That's really sad - the guy (OP) must fancy her and that's all that matters. I'm guessing that most of the ones replying back don't have partners as well
Nah c'mon, we all know where or whereabouts we stand in the looks department, surely the guy can see she's not the greatest looking girl, posting pics up of her like that is asking for trouble. It's harsh but you can't say he didn't invite it on himself, what did he expect?
Alot of the responses were absolutley shocking, lets face it, because they are sitting behind a computer screen they will say anything and everything. Would they say it to the blokes face? or even the lass.

But I can't see how he would have expected anything else. Bodybuilders are usually vein creatures. Hence why they post pics of themselves, boast about how much they can bench etc etc

Hey to those who like to sit on their asses all day and ridicule complete strangers...just wanted to let you know that you're wasting your time, especially with me.

Your negative words and opinions seriously have no effect on me. I am extremely happy and secure with who I am. I don't care if you think I'm ugly or weird or hideous or whatever other colorful adjectives you've used.

You're entitled to your own opinion, you're entitled to voice them, you're entitled to be morons who waste hours of the day.

For those who keep harassing me about "if you don't want your pictures out, then don't post them" I love it how you turn it in to my fault when YOU should have the dignity and respect not to abuse people's information.

(However, I won't lie...a lot of the photo shopped pictures I saw totally made me laugh and were forwarded on to some friends. Thanks for the laugh at least!)

I didn't post the original pictures. I gave my friend permission to do so. Neither of us knew the extreme you crazy people would take it to.
It was just us playing around with a camera and having a lot fun. Gosh, so sue us.

My Myspace profile will remain open and public solely because I DON'T CARE. Not sure how long it will take it to get in to your skulls. I should not and will not alter anything about me or what I do because some people don't "approve".

I love life. I never claimed to be "hot" or a "model" or whatever. I just claim the beauty of life and I claim the right to embrace passion and be who I want to be.

So, if you would, please leave me the fuck alone already?? I mean, if you feel so compelled to keep leaving comments on how much you hate me, then by all means, go ahead. It's not my time you're wasting. I'm not the idiot here.

I'm not the victim either. You are. You're gifted with precious life and this is how you use it.

That is what makes me sad.

Go out and fucking do something with your LIFE already
I haven't bothered to look on myspace. I guess it's the text that soul has quoted...well what is she supposed to do otherwise ???

Saying that she is devastated by all these tasteless remarks ???? So maybe it's totally irrelevant if you do or do not buy what she says....i think she reacted fine and i don't think she's ugly. And the fact that she's ugly or not is irrelevant too...
I haven't bothered to look on myspace. I guess it's the text that soul has quoted...well what is she supposed to do otherwise ???

Saying that she is devastated by all these tasteless remarks ???? So maybe it's totally irrelevant if you do or do not buy what she says....i think she reacted fine and i don't think she's ugly. And the fact that she's ugly or not is irrelevant too...

:DANCE: be honest, would you hit it ?
I guess doing that on the net is asking for trouble. But I have to say some of the responses had me in stitches.

Oh my fookin God! That is hilarious - saw it somewhere else actually but 61 pages of comments??!!!
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