How do we start a petition for Konami?


7 May 2012
all of us forums need to get together ie. evo web, Pes fan etc and we must demand:

A league mode

A proper 2v2 mode (not this communities crap where we are locked to one player)

What is the best way of doing this?
It won't work.

This - they've got your money already, you'll just get a form-letter for all your trouble.
The only 'petition' that might have had any effect was if people didn't buy this so-called game. There were plenty of warning signs everyone knew before it even came out - magic community - but the usual blind faith in Konami took over and everyone raced to get their copy on day one.
Funny thing is I would bet the exact same thing will happen next year - people will be drooling over the Fox engine and their order will already be in way ahead of time. Konami could cut the game mode to just being able to play a friendly offline with cement blocks for boots and it still wouldn't matter.
I for one, am done with them having sold my copy - pity.
There were people who said that man could't reacht the moon.
There were people who told Columbus that it was impossible to reacht other continents.
There were people who said that the earth was flath.

If you have to listen to those people you shouldn't get out of bed in the morning.

Konami do what they do because thousands of people think that protesting is a waste of time and that they wouldn't listen.

People didn't listen to Steven Biko, yet no blach people have equal rights in South-Africa...unlikelier things have been done...
its a shame that this thread only has 190 views. Its a very quiet forum isnt it?

I am going to join OPE, PES fan, WENB and any others I can find.

We all need to contact support and DEMAND league mode and 2v2:

We might be pi**ing in the wind but at least they'll know we are not happy.

Come on guys, please help.
I work in the pr biz. make some noise through some official game site and your petition will be heard of. Eurogamer for example.

Or send back copies of the game to the Konami HQ in europe and get some journalists to write up a story about it.

pretty easy to make media noise these days.
Can you help friend?

sorry mate, i am done with pes 2013. i was waiting for the 2v2 on line but since they screwed that up badly i just sold the game. there were no game modes i was interested in anymore. nba2k13 and some fifa 12.5 here and there are just enough for my night games when family goes to sleep.

my guess is that league mode is out due to license issues. most likely individual leagues asked too much money for it.
Glad there is other players out there very disappointed there is no 2 v 2, online team play is now my favourite mode for football games and removing this is a bizarre and incompetent decision.
It really is a shambles this year. Konami don't listen to their loyal fans so petitions are useless. We've all had the stock emails from them regarding lack of league mode.

Vote with your wallets next year.
It really is a shambles this year. Konami don't listen to their loyal fans so petitions are useless. We've all had the stock emails from them regarding lack of league mode.

Vote with your wallets next year.

Whilst I believe 2013 plays a fine game at its peak I have to agree, the one step forward two back every year has become tiresome
That is the thing it is superb game of football...

I will be happy when Daymos v.3 is released and I can finally start ML
I'm just at the end of my tether with PES/Konami unfortunately. I've been waiting since PES5 for the next 'great' PES game and PES2013 looked to be that until a couple of weeks before release when the bad news broke.

Had enough of supporting this company that I've been so loyal to for well over a decade. It's enough to make me consider giving up football games completely.
manual passing only MLO, would be my cup of tea. So easy to do, and differentiate PES from EVERYTHING online. Differentiation. Different...different,please...
I don't understand some of Konami's decision making.

Credit where it's due, they've made massive strides on the pitch - the gameplay is the best it's ever been, but the features they've removed for no good reason...:

Guest users on same system able to play online co-op
Challenge training (like in PES5)
League mode
International Challenge mode (PES6)

I'm going to buy and play any football game that has gameplay of PES 2013's calibre, but it is frustrating when they screw up such simple things.
I'm not so sure anymore about the game-play. Call me blind, but since the patch i don't like it anymore. Somebody started also a thread about the difference between game-play in exhibition mat(ches (brilliant) and ML (not good).
I've had that feeling since PES2011 (which i liked a lot despite obvious flaws) and that is the reason why i mostly played the league mode...but that is gone now. I'm starting to play more and more FIFA CM since i' m beginning to find the ML rather stale (play a ML with Brighton at the moment).

BAL mode is completely fucked up, my daughter is playing that...jesus...she created a AMF and is man of the match in eacht match she plays, yet she never starts (usually comes in in the second half).

If you look at the positions and the ranking, she isn't even mentioned as MF, but she's currently second GK...another brilliant failure by Konami.
Yeah something doesn't feel right. But it could be its just become stale. ML game play seems so slow as well compared to the other modes. Not sure if this has got anything to do with Konami compensating for player development, as initially players seem slow and slightly under developed but as soon as start to develop they become quicker and more response.

To be honest I sick of going round in circles year after year discussing the same things. FIFA's game play is a problem for me as well. Funny thing is Konami's mediocre gameplay with it's old creaking tech is still better than fifa's game play, which apparently has all the pazazz!

But the game play isn't enough as their is nothing to do in the game and I just can't stomach konami's incompetence and the overall look of the game. It stinks!
Their are plenty of other games on the market that have lot more to offer. The thing is I love football games.
we need to ask them for our money , this game is a joke for a pes fan , i saw so much games and i worked on some but i never saw anything like this buggy piace of sh*t , they don't have QA people to test the game before the release date? it's a shame , they use the same engine from 2004 until 2012 and don't be foul by the improved animation and graphics , this is the same engine from the ps1-2 era and this alone is a big disrespect for all the pes fans.
Those from Konami their breaks in two from the fans as long as there is community that works for them (some work and others take money)! Shame..
I'm just at the end of my tether with PES/Konami unfortunately. I've been waiting since PES5 for the next 'great' PES game and PES2013 looked to be that until a couple of weeks before release when the bad news broke.

Had enough of supporting this company that I've been so loyal to for well over a decade. It's enough to make me consider giving up football games completely.

My thoughts exactly. I've never been this dissapointed before. Although the gameplay at it's core is the best we've ever had this gen, their general attitude, lack of competency, and the constant feeling they don't really care & just want to rush out yet another very unfinished version of the game makes me fear for PES's future and hate football games in general...
we need to ask them for our money , this game is a joke for a pes fan , i saw so much games and i worked on some but i never saw anything like this buggy piace of sh*t , they don't have QA people to test the game before the release date? it's a shame , they use the same engine from 2004 until 2012 and don't be foul by the improved animation and graphics , this is the same engine from the ps1-2 era and this alone is a big disrespect for all the pes fans.

Agreed. Some people say Konami introduced a new engine with PES2008 and before that a new engine with PES3. In my opinion the current engine can be traced back to the PS1 games, i.e very little has changed at the core. Konami have simply evolved the engine rather than re-writing it, something they should have done years ago.

I feel cheated by Konami, not just with how they have allowed the game to become so horribly dated and stale, but because of the way they have no regard for the fans.
the game is just flat, poorly scripted, ugly in visual and sounds and oriented towards the "i can dribble everybody" kind of player. animation wise the game hasn't evolved too much since the iss time, actually when i watch some old stuff on utube i am amused about how similar the animations are. Gamemode wise the game is pretty much stuck in the middle ages...

I restarted playing pes3, i only with it had a modding community. the gameplay is immense. pure joy.
Gamemode wise the game is pretty much stuck in the middle ages...

Not really. It's worse than that. Standard league and cup modes have been a staple part of football games since the early days in the 80's. Nothing nowadays comes close to the custom league/cup creation in SWOS, and that was released nearly two decades ago.

What Konami are doing is purposely stripping away classic game modes to force people either online or into the new master league mode with it's branded, power-up boots.

It stinks.
Think i'm going back to playing pes on ps2. gonna trade the game in while its still worth somethng. Would usually keep the game as i may play it at a later date. But with this release it takes the piss. To me konami stink of arrogance.

May start a playing master league on pes 5. Fuck me, that was a great game. That's how you do it konami you cheating, arrogant, cheap, corrupt piece of shit. Konami have really shafted the fans, the final nail in the coffin.
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