Grand Theft Auto IV


League 1
27 July 2018
Legends never die.
This is a phrase that T2 Interactive, the current owner's of this game & the whole R* company, should learn.

I felt like playing GTA IV again, as I haven't even completed the DLC properly.
I installed it on steam & instead of downgrading & installing my favourite mods, I was curious to see .. how badly have they actually butchered it?

Call me a "cOnSpiRacy tHeORiSt" if you like, but these new corpo's are literally ruining old games because SMART people don't buy their trashy new games.
For GTA 4 they removed about 50 music tracks from the radio & changed the graphics from what I heard.
How bad could it be right? I'll do steam achievements on vanilla! I'll shoot 100 pidgeons no problem.

First time I launched, ofcourse I had to wait for R* launcher to download & startup. It takes nearly 2 minutes to startup & then got stuck after I put my login details.

Close R* launcher, restart ( or Take - Two if you will ).. It get's past login this time & the game is starting, or is it!? .. NAH.
Now I got a Direct3d error. I'm pretty sure I have the required DirectX bro? & if not steam is supposed to download them on first run?

Anyway forget dx9 anyway, there's this new dxvk mod that everyone is talking about, that run's games in vulkan & doesn't disturb vanilla files (for the most part).
I installed it & configured it for my specs, the game finally opened up properly. "Great success!" :TU:

So Roman comes roaring in drunk with his boat & the first thing I notice is that the "Eins, Zwei Drei chiki chiki.." song isn't playing.
I feel like I'm in one of those alternative timeline parralel universe things that people talk about. CyKA!

Dvxk is working nice but it has framepacing issues. I realized I'm supposed to turn off native V-Sync in-game & turn on Freesync for my AMD.
No problem, after the first save I quit out and did the thing.

I launch the game again. aaand crash to desktop. What bro? I just closed the game & put on freesync, "you've gotta be joking me?" 😆
I launched again, nah, crash.
Next time I launched, I decided to check what R* launcher settings are. Because when game closes R* launcher closes & you can't check. So I had to be quick before the game crashed.

It turns out R* launcher has installed & activated battle-eye , so I turned it off .. and the game runs normally now.
Why would I want battle-eye for a singleplayer game? Why don't you ask me before you install it?

Ya know what? Who cares why. Go fuck yourselves, T2 & all the greedy corpo's out there. Which is what I imagine most of their time is spent doing anyway.
Greedy gutless cowards who depend on thier money to buy even their wives. But even then, some of them are so shit at life, so talentless & uncharismatic that they literally can't score in a brothel.

I'll just mod my game & make sure your stupid launcher never bothers me again.
Fuck R* for selling their baby. Fuck Take-Two Interactive for neglecting that baby. YOU WILL LEARN.

Legends never die.
@Pagi84 On my setups, I download my emulators before I download steam :D Retro forever!

I just wanted to add also, if anyone needs help downgrading, I will be more than happy to help.
most probably a licensing issue with the music

That it was. I know the sayings, that the music industry is a whole other beast.
I feel though that after all the millions of profit (billions after GTA V online), surely you can spend some extra money to preserve the game that immeasurably boosted both your reputation & that profit.

But no, instead they calculate how much backlash they will get, realize they can't be touched because these fools are all addicted to GTA online, & then they start min-maxing whatever they can.
There's no integrity or pride left in the industry.

EDIT: Let me also add that I bought GTA V twice (because I was a dumbass)
I was playing on PS3 & I had everything you could need. The fastest car's & all the gun's, all legit grinding, no help from a money god.

Who would've thought that they aren't going to transfer your account inventory?
I didn't. I bought it on PC for proper 60 fps & I thought I'll just use my account from PS3 & have all my car's.
No .. apparently this is so technologically unfeasable for this bunch, that they just said no. Proper wanker's.
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EDIT: Let me also add that I bought GTA V twice (because I was a dumbass)
I was playing on PS3 & I had everything you could need. The fastest car's & all the gun's, all legit grinding, no help from a money god.

Who would've thought that they aren't going to transfer your account inventory?
I didn't. I bought it on PC for proper 60 fps & I thought I'll just use my account from PS3 & have all my car's.
No .. apparently this is so technologically unfeasable for this bunch, that they just said no. Proper wanker's.
Well, a quick Google search would've helped:
Checking the dates for that article & seeing when it was updated, might've helped also.
& even so, there is no mention of PS3 in your article.

Also back then, R* was a respectable & reputable company in our eyes. No one expected this.

You don't read properly but you are quick with the sarcasm. There are alot of you. I have seen them at gtaforums.
Imagine defending a billion dollar corp, so hard :LMAO:

"Just play the CE, you don't have to downgrade" blablabla, how about STFU, I play what I want.. & have originally paid for.
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The cousin's Bellic, send their regards.



That it was. I know the sayings, that the music industry is a whole other beast.
I feel though that after all the millions of profit (billions after GTA V online), surely you can spend some extra money to preserve the game that immeasurably boosted both your reputation & that profit.

But no, instead they calculate how much backlash they will get, realize they can't be touched because these fools are all addicted to GTA online, & then they start min-maxing whatever they can.
There's no integrity or pride left in the industry.

EDIT: Let me also add that I bought GTA V twice (because I was a dumbass)
I was playing on PS3 & I had everything you could need. The fastest car's & all the gun's, all legit grinding, no help from a money god.

Who would've thought that they aren't going to transfer your account inventory?
I didn't. I bought it on PC for proper 60 fps & I thought I'll just use my account from PS3 & have all my car's.
No .. apparently this is so technologically unfeasable for this bunch, that they just said no. Proper wanker's.
Reading your comment, I was just checking…
I’ll probably give this song mod a try too!

It should restore the 50 songs that were missing.
Reading your comment, I was just checking…
I’ll probably give this song mod a try too!

It should restore the 50 songs that were missing.

Thanks very much friend, but here is an updated version of this mod.

This one is a bit more comprehensive, if you want the "schweine" song to play at very start in the cutscene.
(apparently its a special 16 second version, made just for the intro section)
I found the intricate details here -

So with the radio downgrader you have to use only pre-cut songs (default), the only other option to activate in the installer is to split radio's so EFLC songs don't play in normal IV. (if you want authentic original)

Anyway I'm glad you found the Fusionfix mod, was going to write up a post about it, but I found a very good guide that covers ALOT.

EDIT: If anyone plans on downgrading, there is another good guide here -
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Thanks very much friend, but here is an updated version of this mod.

This one is a bit more comprehensive, if you want the "schweine" song to play at very start in the cutscene.
(apparently its a special 16 second version, made just for the intro section)
I found the intricate details here -

So with the radio downgrader you have to use only pre-cut songs (default), the only other option to activate in the installer is to split radio's so EFLC songs don't play in normal IV. (if you want authentic original)

Anyway I'm glad you found the Fusionfix mod, was going to write up a post about it, but I found a very good guide that covers ALOT.

EDIT: If anyone plans on downgrading, there is another good guide here -
That song man… it stuck with me all those years. Will never forget it. 🥳
Thanks for the link.

Do you use DVXK to play the game?
Can you recommend save files? Maybe a pack that lets me jump to certain chapters or something…
That song man… it stuck with me all those years. Will never forget it. 🥳
Thanks for the link.

Do you use DVXK to play the game?
Can you recommend save files? Maybe a pack that lets me jump to certain chapters or something…

Yes indeed I'm using DVXK. It's pretty smooth for now, it will stutter at first while it compiles new shaders, but after that it is great.
So if you install a new car, it will drop alot of frames when that car first appears.

Link for anyone interested -

Also there is a seperate version for AMD cards -
(config explained in 'optimization' section of Gillian's guide)

I know there are savegames about, but I've never used one YET, so I can't reccomend one at the moment.
But I'll let you know if/when I find a good one.

I've left alot of mods out for now, to playthrough in somewhat vanilla fashion first. Then I will need a savegame to test some of the more obscure mods more quickly :DD
Almost forgot , I'll leave also a carpack which has been adapted for FusionFix, for a quick install.

This has the cars you see in my screens. They are very nice, but they have a much larger performance impact than other car mods.
My CPU is a bottlneck so I have to lower reflections to medium lol.

It has it's own handling.dat, carcol.dat & vehicle.ide already implemented with fusion install, so this is an easy install if you don't like editing handling, color files.
It keeps the vanilla handling but improves it alot I feel.
You don't have to handbrake every turn if you want to drift anymore, you can turn & the car will accelerate properly & whip the tail accurately.
Yes indeed I'm using DVXK. It's pretty smooth for now, it will stutter at first while it compiles new shaders, but after that it is great.
So if you install a new car, it will drop alot of frames when that car first appears.

Link for anyone interested -

Also there is a seperate version for AMD cards -
(config explained in 'optimization' section of Gillian's guide)

I know there are savegames about, but I've never used one YET, so I can't reccomend one at the moment.
But I'll let you know if/when I find a good one.

I've left alot of mods out for now, to playthrough in somewhat vanilla fashion first. Then I will need a savegame to test some of the more obscure mods more quickly :DD
Cool. Special AMD version I’ll have a look it. 💪
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Checking the dates for that article & seeing when it was updated, might've helped also.
& even so, there is no mention of PS3 in your article.

Also back then, R* was a respectable & reputable company in our eyes. No one expected this.

You don't read properly but you are quick with the sarcasm. There are alot of you. I have seen them at gtaforums.
Imagine defending a billion dollar corp, so hard :LMAO:

"Just play the CE, you don't have to downgrade" blablabla, how about STFU, I play what I want.. & have originally paid for.
That answer makes you look pretty stupid since it was definitely possible to transfer your PS3 character to PC until 2017. After they shut down that possibility, they wrote this helpdesk article. So if you bought the PC version before 2017 and didn't transfer your character, that's entirely on you.
That answer makes you look pretty stupid since it was definitely possible to transfer your PS3 character to PC until 2017. After they shut down that possibility, they wrote this helpdesk article. So if you bought the PC version before 2017 and didn't transfer your character, that's entirely on you.

LOL yeah alright mate, I'm the one who looks stupid.
Now run along & dig up some more R* articles & pat yourself on the back.

See if you can find teh article for when they canceled their singleplayer DLC too .. thanks mate.
You can be like the archive guy for
@Joga I installed the dvxk amd version but my image has a red tint to everything and looks dark.
The menu looks fine.
Any tips how to solve this?

Edit: now I’ve fiddled with the dvxk files again and the image is all black. Icon in the apartment is shown. UI and on screen menu like radar is fine. There is some off with rendering I guess.
Any tips are appreciated.

Edit2: I’ve now loaded a save and image is all black and white. Grey. After a couple of seconds it changes to all white… 😳
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@Joga I installed the dvxk amd version but my image has a red tint to everything and looks dark.
The menu looks fine.
Any tips how to solve this?

Edit: now I’ve fiddled with the dvxk files again and the image is all black. Icon in the apartment is shown. UI and on screen menu like radar is fine. There is some off with rendering I guess.
Any tips are appreciated.

Edit2: I’ve now loaded a save and image is all black and white. Grey. After a couple of seconds it changes to all white… 😳

hmmm probably just a wrong file, sorry I should've written this anyway.

EDIT before even posting :LOL:: If you have already done all this, then it may just be a case of missing directx.
In that case go here -
and get the 2010 & 2012 x32 redistrabutable (I don't know if 2008 is required, but I doubt it.. I have them all anyway becuase some old mods use the old ones)

so you only need 1 file from that dxvk archive for AMD ( )

the archive will have the 2 folders x32 & x64

we go in x32 (because GTAIV.exe is only x32)

only extract d3d9.dll into the main GTAIV folder (the one with all the exe's)
then next to it, in the same folder create a text file & rename it to dxvk.conf

Enter the follwing lines into your new conf file:

d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 1
d3d9.presentInterval = 1
d3d9.numBackBuffers = 3
dxvk.enableAsync = true
dxvk.gplAsyncCache = true

And leave 1 line empty at the end, so it'll look like this


I hope this will fix it, GG.

EDIT: If you use freesync monitor turn off v-sync in game options.
Also about the tint, you can find tint options in in-game menu too after fusionfix.
Console shadows will be there too, it makes the game much darker, try turn it off if it is active.
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hmmm probably just a wrong file, sorry I should've written this anyway.

EDIT before even posting :LOL:: If you have already done all this, then it may just be a case of missing directx.
In that case go here -
and get the 2010 & 2012 x32 redistrabutable (I don't know if 2008 is required, but I doubt it.. I have them all anyway becuase some old mods use the old ones)

so you only need 1 file from that dxvk archive for AMD ( )

the archive will have the 2 folders x32 & x64

we go in x32 (because GTAIV.exe is only x32)

only extract d3d9.dll into the main GTAIV folder (the one with all the exe's)
then next to it, in the same folder create a text file & rename it to dxvk.conf

Enter the follwing lines into your new conf file:

d3d9.maxFrameLatency = 1
d3d9.presentInterval = 1
d3d9.numBackBuffers = 3
dxvk.enableAsync = true
dxvk.gplAsyncCache = true

And leave 1 line empty at the end, so it'll look like this

View attachment 314534

I hope this will fix it, GG.

EDIT: If you use freesync monitor turn off v-sync in game options.
Also about the tint, you can find tint options in in-game menu too after fusionfix.
Console shadows will be there too, it makes the game much darker, try turn it off if it is active.
Well…. Now it freezes on start up and messed up the main menu words….

anyway... ill delete everything and start from scratch once more.
Well…. Now it freezes on start up and messed up the main menu words….

anyway... ill delete everything and start from scratch once more.

I'm sorry you gotta omit one of these, because Ice enhancer (lucky you posted the video or I wouldn't have had a clue :LOL:) isn't compatible with either dxvk or 1.08 onwards.
I read the if you want Ice enhancer you have to downgrade to 1.04 maximum.

Sorry friend. It's a one or the other deal with these. But you CAN still downgrade to 1.04 with the guides I posted earlier.
I'm sorry you gotta omit one of these, because Ice enhancer (lucky you posted the video or I wouldn't have had a clue :LOL:) isn't compatible with either dxvk or 1.08 onwards.
I read the if you want Ice enhancer you have to downgrade to 1.04 maximum.

Sorry friend. It's a one or the other deal with these. But you CAN still downgrade to 1.04 with the guides I posted earlier.
Yeah. No worries. I’m running a bit in circles here. Been downloading the game a couple of times and starting fresh.

I’m following this guide:

1. Steam: Install game

2. Downgrader v2.1 as admin: Downgrade to 1040 (it gives me a md5 hash warning though) not sure what to delete here to get rid of the warning

3. Starting the downgraded game (playgta4.exe as admin), works fine (Niko and cousin in car at the harbour)

3. copy d3d9.dll from wrapper folder to gta4 root

4. copy all files from main files (patch to gta4 root

Now I’m stuck on credits screen… 🤷‍♂️

Haven’t seen the enb or icenhancer logo on main menu… 🤪
Had it working once… even this weekend.

I really don’t get it. Maybe it’s the hash warning… 🤷‍♂️

Edit2: now I’ve downloaded and installed a 100% save file and it loads up. Just dark image, messed up colors…

Anyway… I’ve invested enough of my time…

Maybe you wanna sit down with me in discord and a can share my screen for a guided install?!
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i finally got an enb version now after watching this video and using the linked files!

its all just a bit blurry... i need some kinda high res texture pack! but for now i can play it.
its all just a bit blurry... i need some kinda high res texture pack! but for now i can play it.

Nice! I'm glad you've got it going.
I haven't tried downgrading to 1.04 yet, & everytime I try an ENB on any game, I don't like the results,
so I'm not really that knowledgable on the topic.

I'll leave here for reference again

The simplest guide for 1070 & 1080 -
A more in depth guide with optimizations & notes on 1040 -

And I'm pretty sure this is the downgrader you used but I'll leave it here anyway, there is an option to manually grab the 1040 files from mega -
For 1040 only , this one is outdated for 1080
Yo, I been sleeping ..I just found out about this, and it is a gamer's duty to share greatness.

A mod for GTA IV that brings Vice City to the IV engine, with missions & all apparently.

I only heard about it because R* took some legal action.
I am now downloading it with >1000 peers & >4500 seeds.

It is fkn BLYATiful I tell you :SMOKIN:

EDIT: also here with gdrive link, if you don't use the zorrentz
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