[General Discussion] What have you been playing this week?

original mafia 2, which had IMO a cracking story line and characterization. And quite a shocking ending.
Yeah I really think we were spoiled back then. Mafia sequels, Max Payne sequels - I never gone near them, coz there was so many savage games around and I just assumed that if I played one of them - I played them all.
Now I'm revisiting all these games on Xbox (finished Max Payne 3 twice recently!) and I'm shocked how good they are in compare to most of the shite we are getting now.
Also looking at Uncharted Remastered Collection, coz both Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy were brilliant.
In little nightmares, i remember last playing it and being stuck and constantly getting caught under some floorboards.
Haha! That's why I had a walkthrough opened on my phone. I was spending 5/10 mins trying to find a way out and if that was failing - I was just looking up what to do. Ain't got time for being stuck in games anymore. Still have Little Nightmares 2, Limbo, Unravel, House of Ashes, Somerville, Under the Waves, Fort Solis.... And these are only the adventure/platformer games I'm planning, to go through.

Also doing yet another Red Dead Redemption 2 playthrough on the side, this time aiming at my first ever 100%ing the game.
Still playing The Witcher 3, still doing "family matters" but with some side stuff as well, clearing out question marks on the map.
Love this game
Also a season of 2k16 played, fell in a sweep by the Bulls in the conf finals.
I'm back to Hell Let Loose.
250hrs on Xbox, 30hrs on PS5.

@jaygrim - if you don't have 5mins to talk about Jesus our saviour, maybe you have 5mins to talk about Hell Let Loose?
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This game is on gamepass this month. Is it like an ARMA but from WW2? Do I need microphone?
It's a bit less hardcore than ARMA or SQUAD. I'd say it's a hardcore Battlefield.
Most casual of all hardcore milsims.

I would highly recommend a mic. There's a lot of people who don't have mics (and even I sometimes don't bother talking), but they are missing out. Not to mention that they are putting themselves in disadvantage big time, coz having someone to help you spot enemies and spotting enemies for others is huge. A lot of times you don't know who shot you and where enemies are.

It takes a while to learn and can be very frustrating at times, but it's the best shooter I have ever played.

Send me a PM if you want to know more. I can give you a nice brochure and few tips how to start. ;) :LOL:
I'm back to Hell Let Loose.
250hrs on Xbox, 30hrs on PS5.

@jaygrim - if you don't have 5mins to talk about Jesus our saviour, maybe you have 5mins to talk about Hell Let Loose?
I'm going to try it again. Currently playing RDR2 again and I've seen SO much more stuff this time round. It's got to be one of the best games ever made.

Also I really want to try Robocop after hearing good reviews. Don't want to pay full price though.
I'm going to try it again. Currently playing RDR2 again and I've seen SO much more stuff this time round. It's got to be one of the best games ever made
I was doing the same!
Second playthrough, leaving all the missions for later and just wandering off for in-game weeks, camping in the wild. I found so many new things, Easter eggs, mysteries... It's unreal. When it comes to the video game world - this one is the best, hands down. And it's not even close.

But I did get sucked back into Hell Let Loose. It takes a while to understand this game, learn how to read the map, how to move, where enemy will come from.. it takes a while to get comfortable and even then you will have frustrating games where you in a death loop. But when it clicks it's just awesome.
I was doing the same!
Second playthrough, leaving all the missions for later and just wandering off for in-game weeks, camping in the wild. I found so many new things, Easter eggs, mysteries... It's unreal. When it comes to the video game world - this one is the best, hands down. And it's not even close.

But I did get sucked back into Hell Let Loose. It takes a while to understand this game, learn how to read the map, how to move, where enemy will come from.. it takes a while to get comfortable and even then you will have frustrating games where you in a death loop. But when it clicks it's just awesome.

Ill try to approach it slow if possible. Lately im in a Chivalry 2 mode where I just do a battle yell and go out blazin. Will give it a try and if I see it can hold me for some time Ill reach out with pointers.

Ive been wanting to clear my backlog again to get to RDR2 . I have to get past the beginning (which I lost progress due to Stadia, so starting from zero). I hope it can grip.
A lot more of Robocop: Rogue City and this game is not bad at all. Despite its roughness it does look quite good on the PS5, but it's hard to ignore the tiny glitches every time the viewpoint switches between characters. But the story is decent and the gameplay is solid. And I did find out I I have sort of been playing it wrong. For about half of the game, judging by how many missions are left, I have been trying to shoot people in the face. It works well when you get the shot, and close up you will often shoot their heads clean off. But the trick is to shoot them in the balls. Even the heavily armored enemies go down quick after a few pops in the groin. It was right there in the first movie, not sure why I didn't realize it sooner.
Red Dead 2 is easily the best open world game I have played, although admittedly I haven't played that many.
I mainly just wonder around the map and just do so much random stuff in the game now and never progress the story, as completed on the Xbox when it was originally released.
The amount I am still discovering is incredible and also watched quite a few YouTube videos to find new stuff to do.
I think the only thing I have not done now is finding the Ghost Train, I have waited at the point many a night and never seen it.
The game is just incredible and you could easily waste a good couple hundred hours trying to complete and find new things.

Also will menton Hell Let Loose, although not played it for a good few years now - As think I played it before it became popular.
It was a very good game which required very good teamwork, otherwise you would just get taken down way too quickly.
It is effectively a more hardcore BF, it is what BF used to be before it became a COD clone.
There are better versions of Hell Let Loose now like Squad and Post Sanctum, but Hell Let Loose is definitely worth a try and is an incredible experience.
Emroth will be better at explaining it more as sounds like he has put in 10x the amount of hours I have in the game - I think it done really well on consoles as there is absolutely nothing like it, where as PC there are more games like this.

As for me, I have only been playing 7 Days to Die at the moment as trying the Darkness Falls mod with the latest Alpha.
I know people on here probably don't play it or like it but it is basically a less hardcore and more fun DayZ - Although the first week to 10 days of the game is a bit of a chore and pretty boring.
But after Day 10ish to about Day 40 the game is incredibly fun, after Day 40/50 you have pretty completed the game and have as many resources and ammo than you will ever need.
Red Dead 2 is easily the best open world game I have played, although admittedly I haven't played that many.
I mainly just wonder around the map and just do so much random stuff in the game now and never progress the story, as completed on the Xbox when it was originally released.
The amount I am still discovering is incredible and also watched quite a few YouTube videos to find new stuff to do.
I think the only thing I have not done now is finding the Ghost Train, I have waited at the point many a night and never seen it.
The game is just incredible and you could easily waste a good couple hundred hours trying to complete and find new things.

Also will menton Hell Let Loose, although not played it for a good few years now - As think I played it before it became popular.
It was a very good game which required very good teamwork, otherwise you would just get taken down way too quickly.
It is effectively a more hardcore BF, it is what BF used to be before it became a COD clone.
There are better versions of Hell Let Loose now like Squad and Post Sanctum, but Hell Let Loose is definitely worth a try and is an incredible experience.
Emroth will be better at explaining it more as sounds like he has put in 10x the amount of hours I have in the game - I think it done really well on consoles as there is absolutely nothing like it, where as PC there are more games like this.

As for me, I have only been playing 7 Days to Die at the moment as trying the Darkness Falls mod with the latest Alpha.
I know people on here probably don't play it or like it but it is basically a less hardcore and more fun DayZ - Although the first week to 10 days of the game is a bit of a chore and pretty boring.
But after Day 10ish to about Day 40 the game is incredibly fun, after Day 40/50 you have pretty completed the game and have as many resources and ammo than you will ever need.
There was always something I didn't like about RDR2. I still think it's a very good game but something feels off everytime I try to get back and finish it. It just feels empty? Idk. Thing is that I like slow burners, not full action packed games but this game could do with a couple more big cities and more quests/activities there. It's the same with GTAs. They have the technology and dev capability to give us fully accessible environments and buildings but they're holding back every time.
I know there are marketing restrictions behind these decisions but for example why in GTA we don't have the option of a lot of banks, stores, businesses etc to create our own stories/heists in single player?
As for me, I have only been playing 7 Days to Die at the moment as trying the Darkness Falls mod with the latest Alpha.
I always wanted to try it but it looks like ass on consoles. They promised "next gen" update but it was 84 years ago and still no sign of it..

I think they are working on a sequel, am I right?
I always wanted to try it but it looks like ass on consoles. They promised "next gen" update but it was 84 years ago and still no sign of it..

I think they are working on a sequel, am I right?

Don't think they are working on a sequel as they keep updating the Early Access Alpha every 6 months to year with new content and missions.
The PC version is really good and the Darkness Falls mod adds loads of new content which improves the game.

Not played it on console but it is meant to be really clunky and absolute trash.
The latest console build runs on Alpha 18 which is a 2019 PC build and hasn't been updated since, so guessing with bad sales and poor performance they have given up with the console release.
Finally managed to play and finish the old "Beyond two souls". Really enjoyed it, good storyline that kept me going. The interaction could have been a little more. But on the whole i would give it 6/10.

Also now playing Hitman 2. I forgot how brutal this guy can be with a screwdriver.
Just for fun and out of boredom.. I installed and played Guardians of the Galaxy last night, as it’s free in epic store.

It’s a nice single player experience, which I like the most for its 80s soundtrack and the comedy of the characters, but all those jumping and running games aren’t mine anymore. I just noticed this last night, when this game was fun to play, but all I want and need and have time for these days is sim racing. 😊
I’m maybe done with “video games”, like the regular ones…?! The Spider-Man’s, the Batman’s, the GTAs….
I think so. But I’m happy. Maybe it’s a priority shift of some sorts… not getting any younger. 😊
Plus that feeling of “ I have played it before”…

Edit: I’ll end this one for sure… it’s a nice little story and pretty much straight forward gameplay. Oh, I feel like I’m mashing buttons a lot, in between directing my team… that feels chaotic sometimes. But eh… I like to see how that “movie” ends. 😊
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FM 24, American Truck Simulator, sometimes ETS, and The Division 1. I swear, playing the division 1 during the winter in a NYC setting is majestic. It's the one of the few Ubisoft games I enjoy playing. I'll add Baulder's Gate 3 & Cyberpunk as well. Cyberpunk With mods is amazing.
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Finally managed to play and finish the old "Beyond two souls". Really enjoyed it, good storyline that kept me going. The interaction could have been a little more. But on the whole i would give it 6/10.

Also now playing Hitman 2. I forgot how brutal this guy can be with a screwdriver.
In my playthrough, I made Aiden to be the total asshole by trapping those punk ass teenagers in the living room and trying to burn the place down with them inside after they locked me in the closet. It was fun, but it didn't mean anything to the story. I wish it did.
FM 24, American Truck Simulator, sometimes ETS, and The Division 1. I swear, playing the division 1 during the winter in a NYC setting is majestic. It's the one of the few Ubisoft games I enjoy playing. I'll add Baulder's Gate 3 & Cyberpunk as well. Cyberpunk With mods is amazing.
I started playing The Division a week or so before the pandemic broke out, quite a surreal experience.
Love that game
Resident Evil 4 Remake - god i forgot even i dont like RE4 as an RE game how amazingly structured and paced game this is. Haunted house rollercoaster. Im halfway trough but i would gladly replay it next week. On top this is such an amazing remake… everything is there but has RE2 remake gameplay and improved enemies so the tension and survival elements are improved and closer to classic survival horror than the original.

Makes me feel like im 18 again.
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Resident Evil 4 Remake - god i forgot even i dont like RE4 as an RE game how amazingly structured and paced game this is. Haunted house rollercoaster. Im halfway trough but i would gladly replay it next week. On top this is such an amazing remake… everything is there but has RE2 remake gameplay and improved enemies so the tension and survival elements are improved and closer to classic survival horror than the original.

Makes me feel like im 18 again.

The RE4 remake was very good and one of the best games played last year.
Capcom really know how to do a true remake, as RE2 was incredible and my game of the year when it came out.

The remake of RE2 was so good as they massively expanded and improved the game over the already incredible original.

RE3 was a pretty short game anyway, but they didn't really beef it out and I completed the game in about 4 hours which was disappointing.

I know they aren't working on it, but would love an original RE remake - I know they did a remaster 10 years ago but a full remake with the new engine would be incredible.
The RE4 remake was very good and one of the best games played last year.
Capcom really know how to do a true remake, as RE2 was incredible and my game of the year when it came out.

The remake of RE2 was so good as they massively expanded and improved the game over the already incredible original.

RE3 was a pretty short game anyway, but they didn't really beef it out and I completed the game in about 4 hours which was disappointing.

I know they aren't working on it, but would love an original RE remake - I know they did a remaster 10 years ago but a full remake with the new engine would be incredible.
I think that was rather a remake. Its my all time favourite classic survival horror. Im hoping for a Dino Crisis remake tho.

Also after the Tomb Raider remasters a Soul Reaver remaster.
Still trying to complete Diablo 3. I play it every so often for a bit of mindless fun.
Still trying to complete Diablo 3. I play it every so often for a bit of mindless fun.
New season today? Im thinking about starting a new build. Always have fun once i stop playing for a few months. Never did witch doctor but not crazy about it. Prob go with wizard. Love that mindless fun once in a while. I uninstalled D4 for now and left D3
New season today? Im thinking about starting a new build. Always have fun once i stop playing for a few months. Never did witch doctor but not crazy about it. Prob go with wizard. Love that mindless fun once in a while. I uninstalled D4 for now and left D3
I’m playing it on switch so I’m not sure about seasons. I know there was an update ready for me to download when I loaded it up today so maybe it’s that.
I’ve never played it before I got it for switch and I’m currently on Act 3 using crusader. I only play it every so often, probably why it’s taking me so long to complete 😄 I’ve got no idea about builds and all that stuff so I generally just take the strongest armour or armour that has slots for gems and for a weapon I like using a fast hitting weapon.
It’s definitely a game I’ll keep and go back to using a different class…. Well, once I’ve completed it with Crusader.
I’m playing it on switch so I’m not sure about seasons. I know there was an update ready for me to download when I loaded it up today so maybe it’s that.
I’ve never played it before I got it for switch and I’m currently on Act 3 using crusader. I only play it every so often, probably why it’s taking me so long to complete 😄 I’ve got no idea about builds and all that stuff so I generally just take the strongest armour or armour that has slots for gems and for a weapon I like using a fast hitting weapon.
It’s definitely a game I’ll keep and go back to using a different class…. Well, once I’ve completed it with Crusader.
Oh yes. First playthrough is good. But really the game is most fun for me once you start end game. Builds which aren't too complex and lots of loot and just watching your entire screen just explode. Crusader was my first class too. But probably if you start end game you'll choose another as you'll probably be tired of it as you will have to level up again from scratch.
Oh yes. First playthrough is good. But really the game is most fun for me once you start end game. Builds which aren't too complex and lots of loot and just watching your entire screen just explode. Crusader was my first class too. But probably if you start end game you'll choose another as you'll probably be tired of it as you will have to level up again from scratch.
I’m sticking with Crusader until I’ve finished it. I don’t play often so I don’t really get tired of using Crusader. I imagine if I played a lot I would.
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