Gears of War

Eurogamer admit they haven't included the multiplayer when scoring the game (8/10), and they'll update the review next week. They said it looks amazing but offers nothing new or different in terms of gameplay, calling it "competent".
The thing with review scores is they are bollocks, the lot of them. People analyze them to death and it is such a waste of time. Ohhhh no it only got 9.4, I was expecting a 9.7 - get a grip FFS!

The way I think of game reviews is not whether the game has innovation, or great graphics, sound etc etc. It is about whether it is good entertainment. Giving a 10/10 or 5/5 doesn't mean it is perfect, it means it is first class entertainment and shouldn't be missed.

I do think reviewers and gamers get way to anal about review scores at times.
The Eurogamer one comes across as the most balanced so far and is actually the only one that made my mind up to pre-order it. It should be good fun anyway, hype or no hype.
It is region free

and its a very dissapointing game, its halo with brilliant graphics.
MrCoopz said:
It is region free

and its a very dissapointing game, its halo with brilliant graphics.

How can it be like Halo? It's totally different. As for it being a dissapointment it seems you are in an extemely tiny minority.
Coopz liked FIFA, I dont believe a word he says any more :D
First fps I have enjoyed in a while , Thought I would have preferred COD3 but this has a lot of things going for it , plus It gets insanely hard :(
The US verison is region free so far, not sure about other versions.
Anyone know if they are selling this early anywhere? And its rated 18!!! :angry:

Also COD3 vs GOW? Which one for you guys. Also I have never played Halo, apart from like 30 minutes multiplayer at a mates.
GOW over COD for me. Played last years COD so I dont see what else they could have done to the game to make it worth getting
Just for the record CW i have come to my senses and after playing more Fifa the conclusion is that its shit :)

and GOW is extremely like Halo i can only think of 1 new thing which is cover apart from that its the same old same old. Theres far to many shooters that are the same apart from the story and better graphics

Ash If u aint played Halo then is a tough choice
But COD3 is awesome if u liked any other COD then its a deffo buy

Jay im happy to be in the minority as well but out of interest can u name more than 2 things where it differs from Halo?
CWright said:
GOW over COD for me. Played last years COD so I dont see what else they could have done to the game to make it worth getting

This years is Next Gen :)

I think why i prefer COD is realism and GOW has none of it
Ok so ill get it because its 3rd person then, because after all thats a massive change :)
MrCoopz said:
This years is Next Gen :)

I think why i prefer COD is realism and GOW has none of it
COD realistic? If you mean the weaponry and setting ok, that's more realistic than GoW given it's a recreation of a real-life battle. But COD is far from realistic in how it plays, you can shoot someone three times in the back with an M1 Garand and there's no noticeable affect on their movement or ability to aim, etc. Loads of PC servers run realism mods for COD, because the default damage model is so shite. Throw in the red dots on the compass to show where your enemy is and it's definitely not realistic ;).

GoW isn't a FPS, but comparisons with Halo are always going to be made given this has been hyped so much (Halo was the 'Flagship' Xbox game) and at the core, it's still a shooter with a somewhat linear single-player mode, much the same way Halo was.
Well your not going to be convinced obviously, cause you've already made up mind.

Anyway, major differences:

1. Cover system
2. 3rd person
3. Reload system
4. Team-mates (not that important I know)
5. Online will be alot different
MrCoopz said:
I think why i prefer COD is realism and GOW has none of it
How do you judge the realism in a game where you're killing monsters that're taking over the Earth? ;) :lol:
RuneEdge said:
How do you judge the realism in a game where you're killing monsters that're taking over the Earth? ;) :lol:

Spot on. Cant wait for this. Comparing it to halo surely cant be a bad thing since its a quality shooter. Will be getting COD3 this fri also. Good times. :P
slasher said:
Spot on. Cant wait for this. Comparing it to halo surely cant be a bad thing since its a quality shooter. Will be getting COD3 this fri also. Good times. :P

I've agree with you mr slasher, but as many Halo fans there are, there is an equal amount of people that can't understand why its so highly rated, which is fair enough.

Either way, if your into your shooting games, this next couple of weeks is going to be bliss. I can see RS: Vegas getting some nice scores
rockykabir said:
I would have thought so bro - I've kept the money I was supposed to have spent on PES6 for this instead ;)

The money might be kept in the cupboard for a lil bit longer. I'm refusing to buy any games until a get a HDTV(!). Everything looks shabby on my 14" CRT :(

Care to set up a "Help get me a HDTV" fund?
I dont know what there delivery is like so you might not get it on release, but if you dont mind getting it a bit later you can get Gears Of War for £23.50 incl P+P here
by entering these promotional codes ZQ4322= £25 off XX549= 10% off

Or you can use the same codes to get a ....
Wireless 360 controller incl P+P for £8.19 !
Or a 12month Live card incl P+P for £14.49 !
Or a Full Xbox 360 console incl P+P for £229.60 !
Or a Nintendo Wii plus Zelda incl P+P for £176.50 !

I dont know if you can only use the codes once, and the £25 off code only works on things over £30, but there's still a few bargains :)
god ss12 you little beauty!
they r gonna be devastated youve told everyone!lol:)

is it bad that from my job in my gap year i read COD cash on delivery, not Call of Duty!? :D (and no i wasnt a pizza delivery boy before anyone says it!)

i amazed myself by thinking halo 2 was poo, as bad as it sounds i need to be able to shoot real things!.....and i was rubbish at it.....especially online! Ghost recon, theres a game i like!
Just seen the Marketplace video... Didn't know there were disco-headed aliens in it.

Tempted to cancel the pre-order now, I thought it was humans vs humans, I don't really savour the thought of shooting at yet more aliens, as good as the gameplay may be (the same reason I won't play another WWII shooter; not because they're infested with aliens, obviously, but because it's a concept that's been done to death and then some).
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