Game Speed - FIFA 11

What Game Speed Do You Prefer?

  • Slow

    Votes: 80 64.0%
  • Normal

    Votes: 33 26.4%
  • Fast

    Votes: 12 9.6%

  • Total voters


29 July 2010
What game speed is everyone playing?

A reason I ask is because I'm finding myself enjoying normal this year whereas in the previous titles I've always played slow. The reason for this is I'm finding I can dribble far better on normal, using close dribble and analog sprint to their best effect.

It could be that dribbling has just recently "clicked" for me, so I'll give Slow some more games, but is anyone else noticing that they can dribble better on different game speeds? Other observations?

(Edit: I should mention that I play with all manual controls.)
I always used to play Slow on 09, 10 & WC2010

When it comes to FIFA 11 though, things are more complex ...

FIFA 11 without the patches or FIFA 11 Demo = Normal, this speed was perfect all around for me.

FIFA 11 with the patches = Slow, changed it as it seems they speeded it up.

Will try it again with normal on the patched version and see if the dribbling feels better as you say.
Nevermind, I think I'm back on slow, lol. I think I just happened to pass a personal cornerstone when it comes to dribbling while playing a series of games on normal because after playing a couple on slow, I enjoyed it as much. This game fucks with my head like that.

Don't know about everyone else but the trick I've found is using the analog sprint regularly. That extra speed while dribbling makes a cut using slow dribble that more effective. I still can't score for shit but at least I'm creating more chances.

I've got the CPU playing more realistic defense using CTs, now if only I could get them to play with some intelligence on offense. They miss a lot of easy ones even on WC.
I dunno, have you tested all of them maxpower? they don't really seem to make much of a difference?

I remember on the demo, on FIFA 10, and 09 all the settings seemed pretty much the same tbh. maybe because the game is just built to be fast (counter attacking etc..) I think that even on slow, you can still play the same quick football.

The World Cup game seemed like slow made a difference though!
Currently using a crap team in my CM mode, and without any patches etc. I find 'normal' to be the best speed.

I tried 'slow' which is what I played FIFA10 and WC under... but it was TOO slow and snail-pace when playing with crap teams like I usually do.

Seemed fine when playing Barca vs. Inter etc. tho I'll have to check that out again later.

But when playing with weaker teams at least, 'normal' is the speed I go for and have been playing at and happy with this year.

I did have a couple friendlies as top teams against other top teams though and the game did seem a little too fast/chaotic/pinball like under 'normal'... so perhaps when I start playing with better teams regularly, I'll do 'slow'...
Currently using a crap team in my CM mode, and without any patches etc. I find 'normal' to be the best speed.

I tried 'slow' which is what I played FIFA10 and WC under... but it was TOO slow and snail-pace when playing with crap teams like I usually do.

Seemed fine when playing Barca vs. Inter etc. tho I'll have to check that out again later.

But when playing with weaker teams at least, 'normal' is the speed I go for and have been playing at and happy with this year.

I did have a couple friendlies as top teams against other top teams though and the game did seem a little too fast/chaotic/pinball like under 'normal'... so perhaps when I start playing with better teams regularly, I'll do 'slow'...

Great point. I play with a lot of crap teams too in CMs and I think with those teams it can be better to use slow. Otherwise they seem to move a little to sluggish and feel unresponsive at times. Right now I'm playing with a Bundesliga 2 side so I'm sort of in between!

Maybe it's a stupid question but I'd like to know what EXACTLY game speed does. If I decrease it, is all that's happening is all movement in the game - ball speed, player turns, sprint, general movement - slower? Is it just meant to make things easier by slowing things down?

@klash: it makes a difference but not as much or in the ways we might wish it would. The game is always going to play a more frantic counter-attacking style as long as certain things are programmed the way they are. Changing the CPU's custom tactics does help.
I'll say that even on SLOW speed, it's pretty damn fast compared to -1 or -2 on PES 2011.

Still, once you get used to it, it's fine. I play on SLOW speed, out of interest.
I'll say that even on SLOW speed, it's pretty damn fast compared to -1 or -2 on PES 2011.

Still, once you get used to it, it's fine. I play on SLOW speed, out of interest.

After only playing with lower sides in CM for a while I recently played a friendly match between Barca and Birmingham City on slow and I was shocked at how fast the game felt. I felt dizzy trying to keep up with the pace!

Love the pace of games with the lower sides.
I also love to be play at normal speed. Actually I have never tried fast speed. As of now I am playing at normal speed and I really enjoy it. Till now, I have played at slow speed only. I have enjoyed that. But recently I started at normal speed.
Sorry old thread. I have been playing WC and 11 quite a bit lately. In some ways WC is a better game. The program is more sensitive in the WC game. Normal passing is less forgiving and the ball seems to zip around a bit faster. Both games are a lot of fun for what they are. ;)
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