Funny / Bizarre / Cool Videos, Animations etc

Ramsey is so fucking funny

I'm trying to find from the same episode as this clip, same chef, he calls him a FATHEAD or something, its one of the funniest things I've ever seen, just the reaction on the guys face

Dermot that episode is called The Priory, I used to have all the links to these once but most have been taken down, I love them all and the US ones too... try here :TU:
Moany bitch avatar, I think this avatar was made for me:

When dogs attack (not once but twice):
Can you see a ghostly face in the cloud?


Reader John Anderson has submitted this picture showing a ghostly face in the clouds.
Mr Anderson said, "I took this photo of clouds from my back garden in Flixton last week and when I put the image on to my computer I noticed a ghostly figure looking down clenching his fist".

Can you see the ghostly face? You can stare at it for quite a while and not see it, but when you do...

Can you see a ghostly face in the cloud?


Reader John Anderson has submitted this picture showing a ghostly face in the clouds.
Mr Anderson said, "I took this photo of clouds from my back garden in Flixton last week and when I put the image on to my computer I noticed a ghostly figure looking down clenching his fist".

Can you see the ghostly face? You can stare at it for quite a while and not see it, but when you do...


Fucked if i can see it
that a-ha song. really, after 20+ years still one of the coolest music videos ever. you might not like the music but back then that video really must have made quite an impression to the people.
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