Funny / Bizarre / Cool Videos, Animations etc

Keegan signs Wright-Phillips!



Bwahahahahahahahah! Brilliant mate!
...and the experimnetal transplant doctor is thinking now: "See I told you we should have left the monkey brain there, buut noooo bla bla bla ethics bla bla bla..." :))
makes paris hilton look like a genius.
Its just me superimposed on our old TV to make it look like im on TV. The reason I cut the sound is because I was talking complete crap about this being a Chroma Key test.... Ive got another one ill post that actually DOES have sound and when my mates dad saw this he was like "how the fuck did you do that?!"
There is more where that came from soon. The long pause wasnt done on purpose but do you know how difficult it is to splice together 2 video clips? the timing has to be perfect. The one I did for my mate was the best so far. Ill upload it.
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