French Parliament Accepted Armenian Genocide

He is right?!??!?! you think the french were going to invade the rest of europe? And you think it was ok that the nazis slaughtered the french?

I had to read the post to make sure you werent joking, cause i find it shocking that your serious, And you really have these awful thoughts about fellow human beings.

No comment about Nazi's or French's. :roll:
There is almost an industry with similar disgusting propaganda movies...
I love Turkey sandwiches!

It doesn`t matter what we think lawyers will find causes and set up law suits (isn`t there an American defending Hussein and a line of lawyer wanting to represent the Taliban and Bin Ladden)

I remember everyone in America was going to pro-test French fries that lasted 60 seconds...

I support the French people I have to I support Arsenal:mrgreen:
I love Turkey sandwiches!

It doesn`t matter what we think lawyers will find causes and set up law suits (isn`t there an American defending Hussein and a line of lawyer wanting to represent the Taliban and Bin Ladden)

I remember everyone in America was going to pro-test French fries that lasted 60 seconds...

I support the French people I have to I support Arsenal:mrgreen:

no that was a bunch of right wing nuts.... not all of america...
intersting thread.
got to admit i'm quite surprised by the reactions of people about french law.
i think that what happened in french is very dangerous, as theese kind of laws can bring dangerous consequences.:roll:

history teached us that when a state pretend to establish an "undenyable truth", then this is the first step to autoritaries forms of government.

of course i'm not saying that france is turning to a fascist regime, but there's no doubt this is a "fascist position".

a state has only to provide rules that assure a pacific coexistence between their citizens. a State can't establish a "truth", it hasn't the powers to do it... it must not have the powers to do it.

right now there's a law-proposal in italy quite similar to the french one (it punishes people who deny the facts of the fascist regime...... quite funny and grotesque..... a fascist law to punish fascits :roll: ) i really hope this law won't be approved.

i'd like to recall your attention to a point: we're not talking here about what turkey actually did (or about what italy did in libia, eritrea and etiopia...... what netherland and england did in africa........ what france did in europe and africa.....what germany did in europe.... what russia did in poland...... what spain did in south america.... or what portugal did in india)..... we're talking about what kind of powers a democratic state must have. that's the real point.

i think it would be a shame if someone would deny what italy did in Libia...... but i would blame even more the italian government, if it would pretend to punish an idiot for expressing his idiotic views.
Racism is not something you're born with, it comes from fear, ignorance, wrong information, charismatic politicians and stuff like that. If a guy like Bule says these things, it's becasue that's what's been taught to him, generation after generation. I can't blame him for that. I can only advice him to try to think for himself when he gets older.

Right, I'm off to my weekly Black Panther meeting. Bye.
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