Football Video Goals[+ Premiership(8) + Serie A(6) + La Liga(6) + CL (2) + WCQ 06]

thx Roque , for helping... ;)


i'll post this week goal's about 1-2 GMT tomorrow , because ill wait for all the matches to end...

yah , like what (Milanesta) said , download real 1 player....


ill post the Goals after a while...
Ashed said:
Hmmm... What's the best free program to play RealMedia files? I don't want RealPlayer...

i really dunno , i think EO Video.... , but Real 1 , is the best.. ;)

Do you have Crespo's goal(s) against Aston Villa?

give me a while... , ill upload it soon..... ;)
i dont think so , if its an old match , i dont , if it was played recently... i may have it...'


sorry , cuz i only have the recent goals...
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