Football Video Goals[+ Premiership(8) + Serie A(6) + La Liga(6) + CL (2) + WCQ 06]

Can anyone here find a vid of the sublime volley that Ronaldinho scored against Osasuna?
the commentry is in arabic ,

& ur welcome (J@s0n88 , Scorpion 3:16) & everyone... for helping me make this topic what it is now...;)
the goal from the northern ireland game during the week?
its hard to get , cuz i use a device wich rips the video from the T.V & i dont have a chanel that airs the northern ireland league....,

sorry (loz) those r the games i got to save........
This thread is simply excellent!

Here in the states I get a chance to see a number of Premier League games, but it is not possible as far as I know to see La Liga or Seria A much-- or ANY of the international matches.

This is great for people in my position!

90th min. Keane -- Always.
Do you have the goals Jose Reyes scorfed against Chelsea int eh FA Cup quarter finals?
sorry (noted) i only post the recent goal , like this week goals or the week before , cuz the match was maybe played before i started posting...

r.carlos's 2nd goal seems bit off to me as the ball goes inside after it hits figo's hands...
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