Football Kingdom [PS2]

I know. I have one of this translation file (3). But I don`t know how this file use. Please help if you can.

P.S. It is true that I must have this game in full japanese version.
Hi guys,
I hope somebody can help me..:))
I bought a copy of Football Kingdom on ebay from Japan and I tested it on my PS2: it works correctly!
Then I extracted the .iso image of the game with DVDdecrypter and converted the .iso image to a .bin/.cue image with Ultraiso..
Finally I tried to apply the Fernando patch (I tried all the versions of the patch, from the first to the fourth..) with ppfomatic vers. 3 but it always gives "binblock/patch validation failed"! I burned a lot of DVDs but the game was still in japanese.. (Of course I applyed every patch on a clean image of the game).. the only patch that didn't give me the "binblock" error was the kingdom english 01 patch.. but after burning the game was still in japanese!
Please anyone can tell me what I do wrong?
I'm going crazy!
thank you all guys :BYE:
You can download the game from here:
The password is: vincentsx

I can't upload my game because I've got problems in upstream with my adsl..
However I tried to patch also the game that I linked above.. but the result is the same.. The patch seems not to work!
I hope anyone can help me..
Hi guys,
I hope somebody can help me..
I bought a copy of Football Kingdom on ebay from Japan and I tested it on my PS2: it works correctly!
Then I extracted the .iso image of the game with DVDdecrypter and converted the .iso image to a .bin/.cue image with Ultraiso..
Finally I tried to apply the Fernando patch (I tried all the versions of the patch, from the first to the fourth..) with ppfomatic vers. 3 but it always gives "binblock/patch validation failed"! I burned a lot of DVDs but the game was still in japanese.. (Of course I applyed every patch on a clean image of the game).. the only patch that didn't give me the "binblock" error was the kingdom english 01 patch.. but after burning the game was still in japanese!
Please anyone can tell me what I do wrong?
I'm going crazy!
thank you all guys

1) The game I linked above is the full japanese version.. The full japanese version is the ONLY existing version of the game! If you want an english version you should be able to make the patch work. At the moment I didn't succed in applying the patch so I'm looking for somebody who can help me..

2)Why do you ask me if the translation patch works with free MCboot? I previously said that I'm not able to patch the game.. so I can't tell you if the patch works neither with a modded PS2, nor with free MCBoot.. However I can say that the backup of the game works with SwapMagic3, but the game doesn't work on Pcsx2 emulator on my PC.

3) I'm italian.

Anyways.. I hope somebody answer to my prevoius posts.
I can't patch the game with ppfomatic and Fernando patch.. I have the original game in japanese.. I burned lots of DVDs without any result!
Please help. Thank you..
bye :BYE:
Hi guys
I discover the Football Kingdom a little bit late :)
I like the game so much.

I have the game with iso format but I have not got the english patch. Can you upload the final version of the english patch for me? Because the other links are not working.
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Is it possible for someone to post the last fernando translation patch please as all links are down...thanks

also are you able to do 1-2s and/or through balls over the top in this game?
Should of started playing this earlier!!!
Just had a look at the video a couple of pages back. The speed is too fast but the ball physics look amazing! If you could turn the speed down that would all look so natural.

Is this on PS2 only??
OK, so I was also looking for this patch everywhere on the Web, and when I had lost hope, a friend of mine said he had it :)

I've uploaded it to several links, so that people who Google this topic can grab it - FK English Patch 004 by Fernando + PPF-O-MATIC:

The patch must be applied over a clean BIN image. Hope this works for you.
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About time this got bumped :P

Did Fernando ever release a patch with all the players, and Kingdom mode teams renamed in English? In Kingdom Mode, only two of the selectable teams are renamed, one of which is AC Milan.
Strange, I tested it on my PS2 and the names are translated where it wasn't when I tested it out on PCSX2 :S

I noticed a view Holland names where wrong, such as van Persie being van. BERSIE. Did they have fake names on the default version and these are just translated ones?
If this was possible on the old tech Namco were using, well there's no excuse for where football games are now.

The game physics, both in balls and how they interact with players, and the nets seem well advanced of anything before or since. Game looks flawed in other areas, but the physics are impressive even now.
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