Football Clips & Pics!

WTF is Giroud doing?! :LOL:

That was a passionate kiss and Debuchy looked a bit confused himself after he walks away lol.
Robben Goal wasn't that great, it's normal .. he didn't even erase a deffender .. it's not Maradonnesque ..
Can't stop laughing!! :LMAO:

What happens after that? He looked pissed off and turned around to slap him or something! LOL
man, he's been on top form for most of the season. most exciting player to watch in turkish league by far imo and surely among the top five players overall.

great to hear this..

with him + Weiss and three other young and so far not very much known players (Lalkovic, Kiss and Mak), i think our midfield has bright future ahead..
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