Premier League
- 19 September 2003
Yet it keeps selling more and more.
Exactly. In Fifa for example you have a driven long ball, driven through ball, fancy passes and a few other means of passing that don’t exist in PES (through ‘threaded through ball’ is just stupid and needs to go).
As a manual pass user. I'd appreciate a 'driven' modifier button (for various types of kick). However, I'm not sure where you would put the button at the moment? R1 is the dash and you want to be able to pick either type while sprinting. R2 is for finesse already. L1 is lofting through-ball or early cross or chipped shot and L2 is the manual modifier.
Perhaps double tap of pass/cross/through ball should be driven and then you would need to triple-tap for a cross along the ground?
I'm sure that's how you did crosses in some football game at some point anyway?