- 11 December 2007
I feel more or less the same way as Christopher here.
I gave up on PES almost two months ago.
Fired it up again yesterday, got the updates, new mods, etc. Thought "Hey I have to give it a second chance! Because I was loving it until not too long ago!". But as soon as I got into the first minutes of the first match, everything felt sluggish and limited. It's like a game stuck in time.
PES is the only game that, if you haven't played it it for the past 6 years and you go back to play it now, everything feels and looks more or less the same, whereas if you played the version from 2 years ago, it feels very different.
To put it in numbers: If you gave up on PES in PES 2014 and you suddenly decided to buy PES 2020 now to give it a shot, you'd think nothing changed or evolved in the past 6 years. Heavy game, with responsiveness issues, little-to-no dribbling possible unless you use a magical combination of 16 buttons to perform ONE successful skill move through out an entire match, like you were performing a Fatality in a Mortal Kombat game. Even graphics look very similar to be honest.
But, if the last PES you played is PES 2018, and suddenly you decided to give PES 2020 a chance, well... you'd probably feel a lot has changed. PES 2018 was a fast paced, very arcade-oriented, with a high success rate at dribbling moves with skilful players, a goal scoring fest at times. While PES 2020 is what I said above.
With FIFA, on the other hand (while still not my cup of tea) you can see the evolution (and the involution too).
You pick up FIFA 14, and then you pick up FIFA 20 and BAM. You see improvements pretty much in all areas. They'll blow up right in your face Sure, you might have your own personal preferences regarding gameplay. Like I do. I prefer FIFA 16 to FIFA 20 if we're talking strictly about gameplay. But still, you can see how many more animations have been added, the visual improvements are worlds apart, etc.
AND if you picked FIFA 18 and then 20, YOU WOULD STILL SEE A LOT OF IMPROVEMENTS. More evolution than involution, actually. In all areas, too.
So I feel like I fell for the same Konami trap. A-GAIN. It feels magical during the first two months and then it becomes annoying, repulsive (this is just my opinion, of course) and unplayable.
I feel more or less the same way as Christopher here.
I gave up on PES almost two months ago.
Fired it up again yesterday, got the updates, new mods, etc. Thought "Hey I have to give it a second chance! Because I was loving it until not too long ago!". But as soon as I got into the first minutes of the first match, everything felt sluggish and limited. It's like a game stuck in time.
PES is the only game that, if you haven't played it it for the past 6 years and you go back to play it now, everything feels and looks more or less the same, whereas if you played the version from 2 years ago, it feels very different.
To put it in numbers: If you gave up on PES in PES 2014 and you suddenly decided to buy PES 2020 now to give it a shot, you'd think nothing changed or evolved in the past 6 years. Heavy game, with responsiveness issues, little-to-no dribbling possible unless you use a magical combination of 16 buttons to perform ONE successful skill move through out an entire match, like you were performing a Fatality in a Mortal Kombat game. Even graphics look very similar to be honest.
But, if the last PES you played is PES 2018, and suddenly you decided to give PES 2020 a chance, well... you'd probably feel a lot has changed. PES 2018 was a fast paced, very arcade-oriented, with a high success rate at dribbling moves with skilful players, a goal scoring fest at times. While PES 2020 is what I said above.
With FIFA, on the other hand (while still not my cup of tea) you can see the evolution (and the involution too).
You pick up FIFA 14, and then you pick up FIFA 20 and BAM. You see improvements pretty much in all areas. They'll blow up right in your face Sure, you might have your own personal preferences regarding gameplay. Like I do. I prefer FIFA 16 to FIFA 20 if we're talking strictly about gameplay. But still, you can see how many more animations have been added, the visual improvements are worlds apart, etc.
AND if you picked FIFA 18 and then 20, YOU WOULD STILL SEE A LOT OF IMPROVEMENTS. More evolution than involution, actually. In all areas, too.
So I feel like I fell for the same Konami trap. A-GAIN. It feels magical during the first two months and then it becomes annoying, repulsive (this is just my opinion, of course) and unplayable.