FIFA/EASFC and PES/eFootball: Contrast & Compare

Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

FIFA - the AI doesn't get drawn out positionally enough, or in any kind of free form. It's all rigidly structured. Zonal defense in the main. Can lead to same buildup play and midfield play feeling stale after a couple of games...Offline I mean.

PES - the AI gets drawn out in a much more organic looking way but the issue is that they almost hunt you down too quick so at times you're forced to move the ball on quickly. This can make you start pinging the ball around, making the game seem too quick at times. That the AI moves the ball on so quickly doesn't help the gamespeed either.
I agree with this 100%. Nothing to add, but, this is absolutely the case for me.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Likewise. That aspect of PES has been better for years. FIFA's never managed to nail that fluidity of formation, which restricts the impact that tactics can ever really have, or that signing a particular player with particular tendencies can have. It's definitely better than it used to be though, and PES has for a few years now been a little bit too fluid, not encouraging the player to be a bit more positionally astute.

That said I've not really touched the tactics in FIFA yet. I'm still learning the game and I don't want to introduce too many variables at once, otherwise I'll never know why something is / isn't happening.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Seems to be a new option in player instructions to set how aggressive players are in the tackle, was that in the beta/Early Access? Surprised nobody mentioned it :)
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Likewise. That aspect of PES has been better for years. FIFA's never managed to nail that fluidity of formation, which restricts the impact that tactics can ever really have, or that signing a particular player with particular tendencies can have. It's definitely better than it used to be though, and PES has for a few years now been a little bit too fluid, not encouraging the player to be a bit more positionally astute.

That said I've not really touched the tactics in FIFA yet. I'm still learning the game and I don't want to introduce too many variables at once, otherwise I'll never know why something is / isn't happening.

on which platform are you? PC?
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Fifa 16 is a "barcelona - Real madrid"

Pes2016 is a "tottenham - arsenal"

2 are goods, but no it's the same.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Seems to be a new option in player instructions to set how aggressive players are in the tackle, was that in the beta/Early Access? Surprised nobody mentioned it :)

In the demo there's a new option for how aggressive players are in making interceptions, is that what you're referring to, or is it something else?
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Goals are cold in PES2016, same as 2015.
but in FIFA, you can feel the goal as it's in real life (mostly).

I'm a PES guy (to be accurate, PES6), but I lost faith in PES this year.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I accidentally posted this at the wrong thread.
Just my short and simple overview of the 2 soccer games this year.
About me : PES person till PES 6.
PES 2008 was one of the greatest disappointments ever!!
Fifa player since EA decided to do a proper PC port- Fifa 12, I would definitely try both games every year.

Every year I would see the same comment reappearing for PES " The King is back!"-.-
In my opinion, the last decent PES is still PES 6.

Fifa is clearly better this year.
In fact, PES 2016 is even more arcade orientated than Fifa 16.
- GK too weak.
- Almost all shots are on target
- Almost no fouls.
- lack in variety of goals
- Terrible PC port
I played on Top player.

Despite some little issues, Fifa 16 is still one of the best fifa in years. Probably since world cup 2010.

Fifa 14 demo as well as 15 demo was great but EA patched the full game in favor of casual players.
Thus both games became a sprint fest with speedy players.

Finger crossed that EA will not listen to people complaining about the buildup plays and the difficulties in scoring this year. (Gamesradar's laughable review)
I have been looking forward to this simulation version of Fifa for years.
I feel satisfied and happy when I score a goal, it is the good old PES 3-6 magical feeling that keeps me playing.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Goals are cold in PES2016, same as 2015.
but in FIFA, you can feel the goal as it's in real life (mostly).

I'm a PES guy (to be accurate, PES6), but I lost faith in PES this year.
I'm also getting no satisfaction whatsoever from scoring goals in PES2016. It feels too easy, too cheap. With FIFA16 I really have to work at it. Attempts on goal don't often come cheaply and scoring isn't a given when presented with a good opportunity.

It's quite the role reversal between the two games.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Despite being an avid PES fan, I have to concede that Fifa 16 is an incredible game. It's so polished and immersive with player models that feel solid and next gen. I found Pes 16 just too similar to previous iterations with really dated gfx and animations and all players are just too agile.

FIFA has managed to get close to photo realism and the players have inertia in their movements. Overall there is much more unpredictability in shots and outcomes. Goalkeepers are spot on. Add the atmosphere commentary and all the small touches like ball boys etc. referees act appropriately

I don't understand how people can dismiss this game.

Minor criticisms include a certain level of clunkiness on defending and perhaps less individuality for players.

I think I will buy Fifa this year!
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Fifa was also my favorite, but today I spent my time with PES and this damn thing get better and better...
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

FIFA - They did slow down the passing and add some animation. But the "core" of the game still the same. It's the same fun and addicting for couple of days but after one week it feels so stale
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Saw it on eurogamer:

PES 2016


Don't take it too serious ;)
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I agree with a lot of what you have written. This year I prefer FIFA just because for me the fundamentals arent broken but with a few changes I could easily love PES 2016. Those few changes though, namely how easy to score goals it is, how bad the keepers are and the fact there are no fouls for me in a football game are pretty big issues.

Can I ask how you are enjoying the game despite them. I appreciate enjoyment of anything is subjective but is there anything you are doing that makes a goal feel earned? I just get such an empty feeling when scoring a goal that for me its an insult to the memory of scoring a goal in PES 5. Or are these issues not so apparent on PS3?

Should I be digging the PS3 out of the wardrobe??

To that in bold first: honestly no. If you have a spare few bob kicking about and are curious then maybe, but reckon if PS4 version not supplying the goods for you then hard for me to suggest you opt for the PS3 version. Simply haven't played enough on PS4 at all to suggest there are differences beyond PS4 having greater graphical polish, perhaps response, and more stadia and cut-scenes. I am on PS3 for the moment only on account of waiting to do a move before re-investing in current generation.

My enjoyment comes from playing offline. I haven't started ML yet but tend to play as lower ranking teams in the interim and I just find it a breath of fresh air. It is nowhere near where I want either it or any football game to be but I much prefer what Konami are trying to do with player individuality, contextual moves and alike that don't demand me faffing about with sliders, controller options and set-ups; do play using manual passing right enough. The obvious and lazy accusation that could likely follow by some (not your good self) off the back of my previous comment is that I want an arcade football experience. Simply not true and I stubbornly refuse to accept that in order to simulate the real sport in look, feel, just the simple joy of kicking a ball about competitively or otherwise that a football game need be overladen with mechanics and inputs to perform the most basic of tasks. The perfect balance would be a game that embraces the raw simplicity of knocking a ball about; realises fantastically the professional sports diversity in players, while also offering up a deep tactical experience to those who do wish to dig deeper. I can't honestly say PES or FIFA do that at all, but PES is the more acceptable product on the field for me this year, why that which I dream of simply isn't available.

The other thing I do to gain enjoyment is to simply not overthink what the game isn't doing when playing. I don't frequent these and other forums like I used to beyond that first few weeks following a demo release or final product release, and when I do I tend to skim read or avoid "spoilers" If others wish to dissect these games inside out and point out each and every flaw they encounter then I have no problem with that as I simply don't read those kinds of posts any longer. And I do that when it comes to posts regarding both PES and FIFA these days. Ignorance really can prove to be bliss if the aim is to simply enjoy a couple of hours gaming when I get the chance.
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Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

To that in bold first: honestly no. If you have a spare few bob kicking about and are curious then maybe, but reckon if PS4 version not supplying the goods for you then hard for me to suggest you opt for the PS3 version. Simply haven't played enough on PS4 at all to suggest there are differences beyond PS4 having greater graphical polish, perhaps response, and more stadia and cut-scenes. I am on PS3 for the moment only on account of waiting to do a move before re-investing in current generation.

My enjoyment comes from playing offline. I haven't started ML yet but tend to play as lower ranking teams in the interim and I just find it a breath of fresh air. It is nowhere near where I want either it or any football game to be but I much prefer what Konami are trying to do with player individuality, contextual moves and alike that don't demand me faffing about with sliders, controller options and set-ups; do play using manual passing right enough. The obvious and lazy accusation that could likely follow by some (not your good self) off the back of my previous comment is that I want an arcade football experience. Simply not true and I stubbornly refuse to accept that in order to simulate the real sport in look, feel, just the simple joy of kicking a ball about competitively or otherwise that a football game need be overladen with mechanics and inputs to perform the most basic of tasks. The perfect balance would be a game that embraces the raw simplicity of knocking a ball about; realises fantastically the professional sports diversity in players, while also offering up a deep tactical experience to those who do wish to dig deeper. I can't honestly say PES or FIFA do that at all, but PES is the more acceptable product on the field for me this year, why that which I dream of simply isn't available.

The other thing I do to gain enjoyment is to simply not overthink what the game isn't doing when playing. I don't frequent these and other forums like I used to beyond that first few weeks following a demo release or final product release, and when I do I tend to skim read or avoid "spoilers" If others wish to dissect these games inside out and point out each and every flaw they encounter then I have no problem with that as I simply don't read those kinds of posts any longer. And I do that when it comes to posts regarding both PES and FIFA these days. Ignorance really can prove to be bliss if the aim is to simply enjoy a couple of hours gaming when I get the chance.

Firstly thank you for taking the time to answer.

I have always respected your opinion on all things PES and hope you didnt take my original question as a 'how can you like PES at all' kind of question as that wasnt my intention. I totally understand why you enjoy the philosophy of PES and its a philosophy I share. I personally would want PES to be the best game out of the two titles because out of the two it is also closer to what I want a football game to be. If PES had got a couple of things a bit more right this year (for me) I think this would have been the first year I would have happily have owned both titles and got pleasure from both.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

@curdstar I agree. We over think games these days. I seriously doubt we played Pes 1-6 with such scrutiny.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I still don't understand how PES received all these high scores with core elements, that were broken last year, still broken.

IMO it seems like the 2 games are going in opposite directions and the scores reflect it although I generally disregard any PES review that doesn't mention fouls.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Slow, sluggish is realistic now. You know there are many ways to play football other then passing it to death between your defenders before making a move yea? Fifa16 has one tempo and a very limited differentiating between player and teams either human controlled or vs. the CPU.

How any of you compare it the good old days of Pes and winning eleven is beyond me. It is a totally different interpretation of the beautiful game, not bad in many ways but not as good and completely misses some of the most important fundamentals of the game (other then actually going out and kicking it with your foot).

I loved Fifa14 next-gen for the first couple of weeks of playing but started to lose interest slowly given how skin deep the depth of the gameplay was and completely dropped after EA patched it i think half way after release making it a more of a typical Fifa game which is unplayable for me.

At the time PES was shit so i played the game that infuriated me less, but given this year's Pes doing a lot of things right i might skip this years Fifa because eventually it will be patched and any good point going for it will have been removed.

Also, none of the games i played In Pes 2016 felt the same, there really is no one way to play and you feel like every match has its own story from the the boring yet tense 0-0s to the crazy 5-5s going in to PKs. Sadly in Fifa 16 which i really want to like even after much time with the game i felt like yea this is how you have to play to be able to carve chances and score. gets boring i think

Also, what kind of pro's miss passing all over even the godammit championship i mean even in the sunday league normal passes are not hard unless your pressured and believe me you havn't learned how to play PES defensively when you think every team plays like Bayrn or Barca. You can defend smart and haven them miss all kinda passes especially tricky ones and this is the case for even Bayrn if you were playing with a similarly strong team against them.

Still each to his own i guess, but in this FIFA thread there are many pre assumptions about why people like PES this year which really bothers me for some strange reason cause at the end as said each to his own this year especially because FIFA 16 is definitely a step in the right direction for EA (i mean if this how they meant it to be, which i don't think so at the highest level of that giant corp.)
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Slow, sluggish is realistic now. You know there are many ways to play football other then passing it to death between your defenders before making a move yea? Fifa16 has one tempo and a very limited differentiating between player and teams either human controlled or vs. the CPU.

How any of you compare it the good old days of Pes and winning eleven is beyond me. It is a totally different interpretation of the beautiful game, not bad in many ways but not as good and completely misses some of the most important fundamentals of the game (other then actually going out and kicking it with your foot).

I loved Fifa14 next-gen for the first couple of weeks of playing but started to lose interest slowly given how skin deep the depth of the gameplay was and completely dropped after EA patched it i think half way after release making it a more of a typical Fifa game which is unplayable for me.

At the time PES was shit so i played the game that infuriated me less, but given this year's Pes doing a lot of things right i might skip this years Fifa because eventually it will be patched and any good point going for it will have been removed.

Also, none of the games i played In Pes 2016 felt the same, there really is no one way to play and you feel like every match has its own story from the the boring yet tense 0-0s to the crazy 5-5s going in to PKs. Sadly in Fifa 16 which i really want to like even after much time with the game i felt like yea this is how you have to play to be able to carve chances and score. gets boring i think

Also, what kind of pro's miss passing all over even the godammit championship i mean even in the sunday league normal passes are not hard unless your pressured and believe me you havn't learned how to play PES defensively when you think every team plays like Bayrn or Barca. You can defend smart and haven them miss all kinda passes especially tricky ones and this is the case for even Bayrn if you were playing with a similarly strong team against them.

Still each to his own i guess, but in this FIFA thread there are many pre assumptions about why people like PES this year which really bothers me for some strange reason cause at the end as said each to his own this year especially because FIFA 16 is definitely a step in the right direction for EA (i mean if this how they meant it to be, which i don't think so at the highest level of that giant corp.)

FIFA is only slow and sluggish if you're inexperienced with the game. My build up play was slow, rigid and repetitive for the first week of playing, but even during that period I was having immense fun with a football game that boasts great ball physics, shot variety and consistency with fouling. I note these three things specifically because they are completely void in Konami's shambolic Pro Evolution Soccer 2016.

Thing is, FIFA is a deep experience and thus you aren't going to be able to play smooth, seamless football from the get-go like you might be able to on Konami's half-cooked engine. Players are rewarded for investing their time in the game and trying to learn the new mechanics and intracies that seperate it from last year's iteration. I score 2-3 goals a game a lot of the time now whereas in the first week I could scarcely score one. It's still hugely challenging, but my midfield play is played at a far greater pace now because I have more confidence in semi passing.

And regarding these presumptions that have angered you so, you first have to appreciate that I'm sure all of us have played Pro Evolution Soccer this year and thus will come away with our own impressions. Personally, I think it's terrible. And I'm not going to go on about lack of fouls or the dated presentation. None of that would ultimately matter if they got the fundamentals right, but on rails passing and no shot variety in this day and age? It completely kills the game. There's no joy at all in scoring.

FIFA isn't perfect. Perhaps the game is a little TOO rigid, and the player individuality that is present in Pro Evo is not there to nearly the same degree in EA's game, but these are very minor issues. They aren't game breakers, not like in Pro Evo, of which there are far too many to overlook. I hope you have a great time with the game as it does have a few redeeming qualities, but I won't be playing it again. Each to their own.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Regarding team individuality, I would like to argue the consensus that current PES editions portrays it better. What it does, it simplifies the way teams play to a couple of categories - A team plays long, B team plays short, A team presses, B team defends deep, A crosses etc etc. All the time, not depending on the opponent. In real life meanwhile absolute majority of teams are somewhere in between with some tendencies to one or another direction. As the result in PES it is easy to set the right tactics for Barcelona, Bayern or West Ham, but insanely difficult for teams like Inter, Lyon or Sevilla. Most of the last year I was struggling heavily to find the right tactics for Juventus, because they play pressing and possession against most teams in Serie A, but against tough opposition, also in CL, they often defend deeper and counter (and this is how they are known to most).

FIFA tactics is also not perfect, but the settings work. In the demo try to press high with Dortmund and then do the same with Monchengladbach and you will see the difference.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Pedderrs offering great insight into how difficult he finds playing football and the "deep layered mechanics" and "intracies" demanded to kick or run with a ball. Spot on about how minor indivduality and diversity in players styles is in the real sport too; and how it has always, ALWAYS, been about dem ball physics and dat engine.

FIFA has better team styles too but it is top top secret multi-layered stuff? Heard it all now.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I kind of wish this thread was called something different than FIFA 16 'v' PES 2016. Its implying there has to be a winner, that one of them has to be better where all I really want is for both of them to be successful. Its not as if we are inundated with football titles, like Curdstar has stated in previous posts, he would like to see a third football game come into the market and I would like that also but at the moment we only have two and there is room for both.

I love open world games, but I dont see them as Far Cry v GTA or Witcher 3 v SKyrim, I enjoy them all in different ways and I am the same with FIFA and PES. Both nail different aspects of football and if both were top of their game I would own both and play both and enjoy both. Right now I enjoy FIFA more but PES is close this year to recapturing what made it special, for my own personal taste the issues I have with it stop me going back to it, but patches could easily change that. I can see why many people really enjoy FIFA this year and why some people really enjoy PES this year and for me its really good to see. In one way the fact that people want to defend which game they prefer more shows that both games are heading in the right direction.

Some people will naturally prefer one or the other as both are going about simulating football from different perspectives but that doesnt make anyone right or wrong and if I closed myself off to one I know I would be missing out. The attachments of labels like arcade and simulation do neither game justice, games have to be fun, games have to feel realistic and they have to have an element of fantasy and the perfect game will mix it all up in such a way that you just dont care.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

I kind of wish this thread was called something different than FIFA 16 'v' PES 2016. Its implying there has to be a winner, that one of them has to be better where all I really want is for both of them to be successful. Its not as if we are inundated with football titles, like Curdstar has stated in previous posts, he would like to see a third football game come into the market and I would like that also but at the moment we only have two and there is room for both.

I love open world games, but I dont see them as Far Cry v GTA or Witcher 3 v SKyrim, I enjoy them all in different ways and I am the same with FIFA and PES. Both nail different aspects of football and if both were top of their game I would own both and play both and enjoy both. Right now I enjoy FIFA more but PES is close this year to recapturing what made it special, for my own personal taste the issues I have with it stop me going back to it, but patches could easily change that. I can see why many people really enjoy FIFA this year and why some people really enjoy PES this year and for me its really good to see. In one way the fact that people want to defend which game they prefer more shows that both games are heading in the right direction.

Some people will naturally prefer one or the other as both are going about simulating football from different perspectives but that doesnt make anyone right or wrong and if I closed myself off to one I know I would be missing out. The attachments of labels like arcade and simulation do neither game justice, games have to be fun, games have to feel realistic and they have to have an element of fantasy and the perfect game will mix it all up in such a way that you just dont care.
You're not biased or ranting or trying to convince me you're right and I'm wrong. What's the matter with you?

Great comments.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

People will inevitably compare though, and there needs to be a place for that so that the main PES / FIFA threads don't turn to absolute fanboy-war shit (they're bad enough now, the PES thread in-particular, so imagine what they'd be like without this - weirdly the debate seems to be more mature in here).

I think it's also fair to say that if you took the best bits of both games, you'd have a super-game, and so it's good to discuss what makes each game successful in its own right - and by "successful" I mean what makes it successful to you, whether that be realism, excitement, graphically or otherwise.

But yeah, to repeat myself from yesterday, it's definitely a choice equivalent to Aston Villa v Everton or Valencia v Villareal, as opposed to "I exclusively watch PL games because I can only watch one or the other, La Liga is shit" (which would be an utterly stupid thing to say, and yet people do when it comes to FIFA / PES).

I'm playing both almost in equal measure at the moment - for me, FIFA provides something PES can't, and when I want something a bit nippier, smoother and exciting, PES provides something FIFA can't.

I'm really happy this year.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Pedderrs offering great insight into how difficult he finds playing football and the "deep layered mechanics" and "intracies" demanded to kick or run with a ball. Spot on about how minor indivduality and diversity in players styles is in the real sport too; and how it has always, ALWAYS, been about dem ball physics and dat engine.

FIFA has better team styles too but it is top top secret multi-layered stuff? Heard it all now.

One game is challenging and stimulating, the other is far too easy to be taken seriously. I don't think deep analysis is necessary in this case. Pro Evolution Soccer has too many shortcomings in the areas that matter to be considered a viable alternative to FIFA. Unfortunately, due to some rather perplexing positive reviews, Konami might not feel the need to change too much next year. Wholesale changes required before PES can be considered a satisfying experience again.

Do you not feel the game has regressed since 2014? The dribbling mechanics felt more organic then whereas now it all feels scripted and "on rails". The animations are clunky, shooting is "samey" and goal keepers don't seem to have made any progress at all, which is absolutely mind-boggling considering how painstakingly bad they are. These are critical and game-breaking issues that aren't present in the competition.

It will be interesting to see where people are in a month's time when the dust has been allowed to settle.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

Pedderrs offering great insight into how difficult he finds playing football and the "deep layered mechanics" and "intracies" demanded to kick or run with a ball. Spot on about how minor indivduality and diversity in players styles is in the real sport too; and how it has always, ALWAYS, been about dem ball physics and dat engine.

FIFA has better team styles too but it is top top secret multi-layered stuff? Heard it all now.

For a man of your age, your lack of maturity in debate is astounding. What does this post achieve other than to inflame?

PES do have play styles but they're very basic in their implementation and I don't think that can realy be up for debate. They're better than fifas by default because fifa doesn't have any but they're extremely linear and once you know how the cpu will play it's simple to beat. I must stress that if that's what you value (slightly varied team styles) most then that's great. No need for the ad hom response, though.

You're right to say not to over analyse but i do think that's very easy with PES because almost every mechanic is very basic. That's not necessarily a negative but I think it's true. Of course you can also do the same with fifa but the depth in gameplay mechanics and i mean mechanics, is vast. Shirt pulling, triggered hold up play, first touch error, control affecting ball spin, wrong footing defenders, plus the huge variation in dribbling and passing give you almost unlimited scope in how you approach a game. Again, if you don't value that then fine but for me I value how I play above how the AI play because i like creating the picture in my head. PES doesn't cater for every scenario like fifa does. There's very little i feel i can't do in FIFA.

Like what you want but please substantiate your opinion with something rather than resorting to petty posts like above.
Re: FIFA 16 v PES 2016

FIFA for me this year, and it's a surprisingly easy decision.

I can only concur with Pedders, mfmaxpower and a few others in this thread. I really don't understand the glowing praise for PES2016. I'm listening to gaming podcasts and reading articles talking about the best PES ever. It's bizarre. Perhaps it's just me.

At a base level PES2016 plays a decent game of football and excels in a few areas but all-in-all it feels a little basic, scripted, clunky, arcadey and downright broken in some aspects. It's too easy to score and keepers are not good enough, the latter being a problem for PES over the past few years, still unresolved. The distinct lack of fouls is a game-breaker for me. As an all-round product it's looking a bit sickly these days. The stadium list is threadbare, licenses are quietly being lost, commentary is still poor.

Given the above, how PES2016 can even be considered the best football game of all time is beyond me.

FIFA, on the other hand, feels like the more rounded, complete football game. I'm not just talking about licenses, presentation and all the things off-the-pitch that FIFA usually has nailed down: it's surprisingly great on the pitch too. I wasn't expecting such a solid improvement on FIFA15 so its come as a nice surprise. I'm loving the way the ball feels truly free and anything can happen. That's the essence of a great football game for me. The feeling that no two games are the same. That's the 'one more game' factor and I think FIFA has it this year.
what:BYE: amazes me every year people say yes FIFA is great this year and then after few month ohhhhh what the heck is this game defending is broken its scripted what a bad game..... every year since FIFA 10 its like that
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