FIFA 22 Gameplay Lab


League 2
28 August 2021
Hello, I saw some threads here discussing about researching gameplay and would like to share my own findings so far.
Been doing this since last year when I heard paul won't be modding gameplay anymore for fifa 22.

All my records are kept in Notion, here's the shared page where u can see and duplicate it to ur own notebook:

*Sorry if u don't understand some of the description of the lines, I also sometimes don't understand what the hell I'm writing and would later retest it to make a better desc.

Hopefully if any of u have any findings that I haven't figure out yet, I would be more than happy to receive some feedback on this thread, cheers!
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Hi thanks for sharing. I can't reach the link Though
I have been modding fifa and pes for years
I quit modding fifa something like 5 years ago. It's time to restart. Do you have any tutorial where to start from with gp modding?
I mean: which tools to use, which files to edit etcc...
Hi thanks for sharing. I can't reach the link Though
Hello!, yeah sorry my bad i moved it to another account, here's the new link:
I have been modding fifa and pes for years
I quit modding fifa something like 5 years ago. It's time to restart. Do you have any tutorial where to start from with gp modding?
I mean: which tools to use, which files to edit etcc...
Nice to hear that, fifa gameplay mod has been quite abandoned lately, there's only few of them left.
For gameplay modding it's quite easy, the hard part is picking out the right balance and values.
1. Download fifa editor tool ->
2. Edit the lines in Fifa/Attribulator/Gameplay/groups
Hello, I saw some threads here discussing about researching gameplay and would like to share my own findings so far.
Been doing this since last year when I heard paul won't be modding gameplay anymore for fifa 22.

All my records are kept in Notion, here's the shared page where u can see and duplicate it to ur own notebook:

*Sorry if u don't understand some of the description of the lines, I also sometimes don't understand what the hell I'm writing and would later retest it to make a better desc.

Hopefully if any of u have any findings that I haven't figure out yet, I would be more than happy to receive some feedback on this thread, cheers!
I made some changes in my gp but not alla are noticeable. Some are weird.
Which level do you play? I'm trying to reduce cpu level for legendary
I took a quick look at your notes. And inside fifa file editor: did you notice that there are double gp section? Like for example gpactor can be found both inside fifa-side somethin and in iffa-groups. Also other files are doubled.
I tried to change gpactor first 2 sections acceleration and spedd. I didn't notice specifically what you did I just noticed a slower rythm but I relaized now that It is realted to players movements. it from 0 to 10. What do you think that means? I thought it was the level of players for atributes speed and acceleeration but from your notes it seems more about players movemnets. So 0 to 10 what could be? I made a mistake and I set lower values to 4 5 6 and the game became slower. can't figure out why.
Could be related to player roles (iI don't think so because it is not logical)
I made some changes in my gp but not alla are noticeable. Some are weird.
Which specific files/lines?
Which level do you play? I'm trying to reduce cpu level for legendary
I play on legendary and trying to do the same by reducing AI to make them more human like (by giving more errors etc)
I took a quick look at your notes. And inside fifa file editor: did you notice that there are double gp section? Like for example gpactor can be found both inside fifa-side somethin and in iffa-groups. Also other files are doubled.
Yes, one is for volta hence why its called smallsided (pure speculation but im quite confident about it)
I tried to change gpactor first 2 sections acceleration and spedd.
Before answering the other questions i need to know which lines u're referring to and trying to change
Which specific files/lines?

I play on legendary and trying to do the same by reducing AI to make them more human like (by giving more errors etc)

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Yes, one is for volta hence why its called smallsided (pure speculation but im quite confident about it)

Before answering the other questions i need to know which lines u're referring to and trying to change
Hi there! Yes I wrote in a hurry yesterday night. I made several changes.
First i worked on initfs and product.ini
In product.ini there is the adaptive difficulty which i turned to zero. But yet I am not sure it works. Previously in fifa 18 it was.known it worked for sure when it was in initfs. So i added the lines to intitfs too. Still not sure it works. You are sure it's working for you?
I forced injuries to check if things in init are readed. They are
I also change some ball speeds and activated cpuai processing all decisions.
I turned off emotions

Then In attribulator i changed:
gp team gpactor and perks.
in perks I zeroed all the boosts.
in gpteam I zeroed all team chemistry.
btw have you noticed the fifa editor bug with last line edited each section? (Doesnt let you change it)
In gpactor I modified the first file. Inside that at the beginning there is Speed and acceleration intensity. I tried several values. The one that makes game slower is one I did by mistake. I put something like 0.2,0.3,0.4 to the first 3 lines. Then by mistake I copied them also in the middle lines. I reduced last 3 from 1 to 0.75 starting from last and so on. I also tried to put 0 to all but it doesnt seem to work.

We need to figure out the ten levels in gpactor/speed and acceleration intensity what are related to. Could the 10 levels be the corresponding team chemistry levels? OR PlaYR levels FoR THose attributes (speed and acceleration) your opinion?
Hi there! Yes I wrote in a hurry yesterday night. I made several changes.
First i worked on initfs and product.ini
In product.ini there is the adaptive difficulty which i turned to zero. But yet I am not sure it works. Previously in fifa 18 it was.known it worked for sure when it was in initfs. So i added the lines to intitfs too. Still not sure it works. You are sure it's working for you?
I forced injuries to check if things in init are readed. They are
I also change some ball speeds and activated cpuai processing all decisions.
I turned off emotions
I noticed CPU AI become even more relentless after turning adaptive difficulty off, they will always try to score even when up by a few goals, no holding back. I also turned down emotion engine and pre match boost to not let the game give any noticeable attribute boost and let players perform according to their stats.
Then In attribulator i changed:
gp team gpactor and perks.
in perks I zeroed all the boosts.
I dont think those perks will affect any career mode match, it will only affect player career / become a pro as its the only part of the game using perks

btw have you noticed the fifa editor bug with last line edited each section? (Doesnt let you change it)
No i never really encounter any bugs with FET so far
In gpactor I modified the first file. Inside that at the beginning there is Speed and acceleration intensity. I tried several values. The one that makes game slower is one I did by mistake. I put something like 0.2,0.3,0.4 to the first 3 lines. Then by mistake I copied them also in the middle lines. I reduced last 3 from 1 to 0.75 starting from last and so on. I also tried to put 0 to all but it doesnt seem to work.
Yeah those lines have unnoticeable changes when i play with it, too extreme values will make players who don't have ball possesion to simply stand still and not do anything
I noticed CPU AI become even more relentless after turning adaptive difficulty off, they will always try to score even when up by a few goals, no holding back. I also turned down emotion engine and pre match boost to not let the game give any noticeable attribute boost and let players perform according to their stats.

I dont think those perks will affect any career mode match, it will only affect player career / become a pro as its the only part of the game using perks

No i never really encounter any bugs with FET so far

Yeah those lines have unnoticeable changes when i play with it, too extreme values will make players who don't have ball possesion to simply stand still and not do anything
I agree with cpu even worst with adaptive turned off. But that is the way it is supposed to be I guess, if you play legendary. I think we can try to leave it off but trying other levels of difficulty. I don t play inferior levels usually because it cheats the opposite way (cpu too dumb, not defending). Also we can try to adjust adaptive difficulty for legendary activating only the parts that advantage the player. I tried some years ago. It didn't work but there was no initfs. And in locale.ini it didn't work. Btw in which file do you turn on or off adaptive difficulty? INiTFs, product.ini, locale.ini?
I tried produc.ini but it seems to be working only after i added it to initfs too

For speed and acceleration intensity. You mean too extreme values low or high?
I agree with cpu even worst with adaptive turned off. But that is the way it is supposed to be I guess, if you play legendary. I think we can try to leave it off but trying other levels of difficulty. I don t play inferior levels usually because it cheats the opposite way (cpu too dumb, not defending). Also we can try to adjust adaptive difficulty for legendary activating only the parts that advantage the player. I tried some years ago. It didn't work but there was no initfs. And in locale.ini it didn't work. Btw in which file do you turn on or off adaptive difficulty? INiTFs, product.ini, locale.ini?
product.ini , actually all of those files like product and locale.ini are part of initfs
product.ini , actually all of those files like product and locale.ini are part of initfs
Sorry you are right. I mean inifs aidedefault. I added it there, like it was in old fifas

For speed and acceleration intensity. You mean too extreme values low or high?
Sorry you are right. I mean inifs aidedefault. I added it there, like it was in old fifas
I've tried changing some things in aidefault but it doesn't seem to affect anything
For speed and acceleration intensity. You mean too extreme values low or high?
For those intensity to accel and speed, if i increase or decrease them by some margins it will make non ball possessor to stand still
I've tried changing some things in aidefault but it doesn't seem to affect anything

For those intensity to accel and speed, if i increase or decrease them by some margins it will make non ball possessor to stand still
Enabke force injuries in defaulaide to check if it works. It forces injures imeven by removing the // in front and leaving to 0 which should make no sense
Enabke force injuries in defaulaide to check if it works. It forces injures imeven by removing the // in front and leaving to 0 which should make no sense
Ah i see, that's cool, any other interesting lines that we can use to somewhat improve gameplay? All im seeing there is stuffs for testing purposes by ea devs
Ah i see, that's cool, any other interesting lines that we can use to somewhat improve gameplay? All im seeing there is stuffs for testing purposes by ea devs
About the injuries. I removed the line and....injuries where still present. I had to restore original file. I don t know bit there are sonethings not working really well. For example I tried your extrem settings in gpactor but nothing happens. I suspect sometimes it doesnt work, or worst, it happens that something hardcode overrides our settings. Not a news. It s always been like this. Both in fifa and pes.
Sone interesting lines there should be if they worked gpteam there are the cpu levels for both attacki g and defending. I tried to reduce attacking for legendary and increase defence for world class but not seems working.
Do you know how to increase ball size? Just to see if it works.
World class level is unplayable: the defence is so stupid.
Atm I have three problems:
- either make legendary cpu attacking less efficient (they play flipper in my penalty box, it really sucks)
- or make lower levels to defend Better. Especially on the sides. I can run without being stop and cross...and i play manual.....
- the pace.....too fast...

Ps this phone touchpad sucks ans also doesnt correct types as he wants
I made a test and can tell that you can move lines fron defaultaide to product and they will work
I made a test and can tell that you can move lines fron defaultaide to product and they will work
That's interesting, my assumption is that it doesn't matter where u put the lines as long as it's in initfs it will work, because if u open any .fifamod in text editor (i use visual code studio), u can clearly see any changes made to the initfs by the mod.
Does the fifa editor tool works to change the gameplay of fifa 22? I tried to increase the radius of the ball but after launching the game the ball is still the same size...
Does the fifa editor tool works to change the gameplay of fifa 22? I tried to increase the radius of the ball but after launching the game the ball is still the same size...
Yes it does, I achieve all of my mods through FET alone.
After reinstallation there is still no evidence that it is working ☹️

Can you tell me a property where I can change it by a stupid value to make sure the changes are applied?
I just want to make sure that when I make changes in the gameplay it is applied to the game. What I did:
1. Edited the splash screen to understand if the patch is applied when I launched the game. It works, the image has my changes.
2. Edited the value of "Soccerball_Radius" to "0.9". No evidence, the ball still remains the same size.
3. I looked at your work "Gameplay Understanding", edited "Airflow_AirPressure" for a value multiplied by 10, and the same for "Airflow_AngularDamping". No evidence of what you described for that keys.

I think I will have no luck, but thanks for the help :)
I just want to make sure that when I make changes in the gameplay it is applied to the game. What I did:
1. Edited the splash screen to understand if the patch is applied when I launched the game. It works, the image has my changes.
2. Edited the value of "Soccerball_Radius" to "0.9". No evidence, the ball still remains the same size.
3. I looked at your work "Gameplay Understanding", edited "Airflow_AirPressure" for a value multiplied by 10, and the same for "Airflow_AngularDamping". No evidence of what you described for that keys.

I think I will have no luck, but thanks for the help :)
hi. i've been modifing the game those days and I could change ball size and movement in ball ratio you have to up or down number
bro thank u for making that tutorial!
i knew nothing about those gameplay options untill i saw ur post!i looked for the whole night on the internet cant find anything to teach me whats those options mean.Appreciate for that,and btw are u still update this notion?fc25 released and seems like more options come out😀
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