Team Heffernan
thanks, I know.Downloaded at lunch.
You can delete the PS4 version of the game.
I just went to my collection and selected the PS4 version and deleted.
When you insert the disk again it will install the PS4 version. It’s only 3.5 MB in FIFA21 but Valhalla for example installs the whole game afair.
yes. I noticed those slow downs during gameplay too. Needs fixing.Thanks for posting!
I've seen those slow.downs on YouTube.
Is the midfield any better at offering some resistance?
I'm not expecting fifa 16 levels of clogging the midfield but is it any better than ps4?
game looks better. Not miles but better.
the non resistant passing on manual was down to the slider settings btw. I could fix that.

@Matt10 what would you recommend setting shot and pass error to, when playing fuma? I mean everything manual!!!
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