FIFA 20 Discussion (Console Versions)

How's the CPUs ball tempo (pass speed etc)
That's pretty much my nr1 no no with FIFA.
Having a mix of sharp ai and good ball tempo is hard as hell man

And I've discovered cam angle is so crucial to what sliders you have,what looks fast on Tele broadcast might be to sluggish on broadcast etc

If you want to,and have the time,feel free to DM some sliders mate,I'd appreciate it!
I'll post in a bit but I like a zippier game , I don't like the op sports sliders . Tried to mimic Pes flow
That actually a viable alternative considering the game is made for 1 vs. 1
Yeah,though i play "control whole team" and not fixed cursor,but gameplay varies slightly from a CM,since it's story based(without the story,sounds weird I know) and might shift over to me or the CPU at any given moment.
But I prefer playing that to CM,if I'd want to play CM I'd like to have full controll over the first team and not scout etc,which I'm certain that most first team coaches don't do (much)
Started off with an old Stuttgart save,krebstars sliders,15 min semi WC.

First off all,not one free kick,on two 15 Min halves,rubbish!
Second,movement,looks shit tbh,like they have a bungy cord up their asses,very strange and far from life-like.
Thirdly,way too easy,I even tweaked the sliders to CPU advantage,still beat league leaders Hannover 4-1 away.

But fun factor,pretty ok ,decent anyway!
The difficulty I can tweak to a pretty good balance I think.
Movement will still be shit,but I'm ok with that.
All in all,ok!
Just wish it played a bit more like my League mode on pes 19,with its freedom and snappy player movement,but I think I'll keep playing for a while anyways.
Bumped up to LEG difficulty,and I had much more fun,bit more competitive,though sprinting down the wings were no problem there too.
2nd game with no free kicks,CPU are so clinical in their tackling,never misses,feels like Pes 18 to me,and it's bugging me,I'm used to 4-8 freekicks and wild tackles,this is way to clean.
Bumped up to LEG difficulty,and I had much more fun,bit more competitive,though sprinting down the wings were no problem there too.
2nd game with no free kicks,CPU are so clinical in their tackling,never misses,feels like Pes 18 to me,and it's bugging me,I'm used to 4-8 freekicks and wild tackles,this is way to clean.

Unfortunately, it's not super consistent. 4 fouls from the CPU may be a pretty good game. I've seen my highest from the CPU at 7 in a 20 min match (10 min halves).

Most recent Europa match v Arsenal, you can see a good variety of tackles and fouls by the CPU here. Felt a lot of resistance. I just wish that EA will address the CPU scenario logic and adjust tactics accordingly.

Yes,and i honestly think that the game would open up a bit more if we had fouls,being able to challenge the CPU who has to tackle/challenge me would result in more cards etc.
Miss that element in this game.
When playing 18 I manage to pull more fouls from the CPU,so it shouldn't be that hard to implement.

Besides that I think it's growing on me,wish the CPU could shut down the wings a bit more,but it's growing on me,way better than I remembered it being 6-7 months a go.
Changed cam angle from Tele broadcast to broadcast (so not for me anymore) then settled on default cam and a just a tiny tweak in FT error (CPU 70 now) and man what a game I had.
2-0 up late second half Vs S tPauli (me Stuttgart).
They scored with about 8-9 min left and kept bombarding me the rest of the game,and acctually had more shots than me in the end.
Game ended 2-1 me,and was by far the best I've had on this game
4 free kicks and a pen (wtf have they done to the penalty system? Horrible) really enjoyable!
Went over to the OS "harder Legendary" sliders on 15 Min with my own adjustments,mainly because of the crappy defending,and not wanting to be 1-2d constantly (higher FT error for both and lower pass speed)
And it works pretty damn well,had a enjoyable game ending 2-1 me,I usually bang in 3-5 goals a game,so pretty damn good,stats too.

I'll slowly raise pass speed to make the CPU sharper when I feel comfortable defending.
Great goal, just got the game after years of full manual pes 2013, any ideas where best to find manual players?

If you're on PS4 then use the "communities" feature and search up variants of full manual/manual/fuma etc to find the manual groups.
Also add and message people that you face in manual Seasons matches

I've built up a very healthy manual friends list over the years primarily through these two methods
Starting to get some hang on the defending in this game,but O'boy how bad this system is (1v1).
Return back to the old system and this game would be one of the better ones this gen.
And also I e must have hit some sweet spot for not being able to score right now,keepers are saving everything,though I'm ok with that challenge
This has been my main game for a few weeks now,mainly because I want to play BL/La Liga etc.
It's been a long ride getting it set up to be enjoyable,but I've find a good balance on WC 10 min with semi passing,also handicapping myself with higher error on pass/first touch+plus having the CPU as sharp as possible.

Not a big fan of LEG difficulty,no matter how you tweak the sliders,still makes the CPU very twitchy.
Having some house rules makes the game quite challenging (not exploiting wings etc)

Can see myself playing this a few more seasons.
If i see past the funny movement that FIFA has,the 1v1 defending etc etc,I really enjoy this game now.
Very unpredictable games with some exceptions.

If I keep pressing the CPU and score,then continue pressing and score one more,it's like the CPU at times just caves in,feels like this game is very momentum based at times.

Anyway,on my third season,I'm playing a player career (controlling the whole team) pretty much the same gameplay as a cm,with one slight difference,a bit more tougher on your "player" (defenders being much sharper etc).
I'm playing in Leverkusen,and it's very tough games Vs the top 3-4 teams,even though I'm on a 8 game winning streak,plus one win and one loss in the CL.

Just played Frankfurt away,and I felt from the kickoff that "well he won 7 stops today"
I managed to turn a 2-1 defeat around and winning 3-2 with the last kick off the game,brilliant stuff!

One thing,the defending,I really hate it,but,it makes for tough games,one slip up and you can lose a game,or even get blown out if you make two three errors.
To me that adds something really fun and challenging to this game,still don't like it,but it's really nerve wrecking having to deal with that when the cpu comes at you full force.
Also beat juve...Piemonte away in the CL,pretty funny that they never mention either Juventus ør Piemonte by name.
Good times really,don't think I've played 3 seasons of FIFA in this short amount of time before (16+17 probably)
Just downloaded free via ea play..I never played the demo or full game on release..

I never updated pes20 from the disc version and pretty much stopped playing that back late last September..That’s where my footballing for the last year kind of ended.

Had a quick CL game on world class while the games was still installing with the assistance pretty much fully off.Came away feeling pleasantly surprised..Going by all the negativity on the forum I was expecting the animation,ball physics and defending to be a real shit show..Even had three fouls awarded in my favour in a short game.

Its funny how you forget how smooth and responsive everything is compared to pes and how the shooting actually feels current gen..

Going to delve a little deeper..There’s something here that’s actually pretty good and I quite like what they’ve done to defending.Could be fresh eyes or just a deep hankering to play some digital football that seems semi cohesive..Even picked up another disc copy of 19 that I can run unpatched.
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Wow..Just a little bit blown away with this..

Sunk a few more hours on world class fully manual..Getting that anything can happen feeling and some lovely pass and moves using triangles with one and two touch football.Scored two absolutely top draw goals that would be impossible on any early edition of FIFA and the dream scenario if this was pes..Long balls,crosses in so many positions and scenarios finally aren’t the stuff of dreams and the angles and trajectories afforded are welcome.

Ball physics for me the best they have been in a football game and i don’t say that lightly..

Defending is just so well thought and you constantly micro managing (something which is a big plus for me)..

Theres some top technology in this game,and I’m just a little surprised this hasn’t got the praise imo it warrants..Tempo’s great,There’s error and the ball isn’t easily brought under control.

FIFA’s in great shape...
Awesome! Glad you enjoyed.

Just bare in mind that this Online Pro Clubs. I find this level of dynamicity and variety in defensive work is much easier to find when playing against human opponents than it is against AI.

Sadly I could only play against the cpu AI for three days..The superhuman AI on world class and above,and there ability to hit bullets off a ball with no pace and perfect first time strikes with no backlift in the legs killed it for me.Just not enough error and everything including passing is way to clean even on manual.The shooting has variety but it’s just to easy,much like the passing.To end to end,fast and the defending verges on just plain frustrating(especailly on world class or above)I don’t think it’s awful(defending),but offence is to overpowered and it’s ridiculous when the cpu can just score easy goals off deflections and score when your defence is set or in position..It just negates the whole purpose of tactical defending.The score lines are just so far removed from reality imo.

love all the presentation though,and tech.

There’s many a member on here that could spend a few months with Ea on development and make this a much more realistic propersition.I really don’t think it would take that much.All the frameworks there.
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Sadly I could only play against the cpu AI for three days..The superhuman AI on world class and above,and there ability to hit bullets off a ball with no pace and perfect first time strikes with no backlift kiin the legs killed it for me.Just not enough error and everything including passing is way to clean even on manual.The shooting has variety but it’s just to easy,much like the passing.To end to end,fast and the defending verges on just plain frustrating(especailly on world class or above)I don’t think it’s awful(defending),but offence is to overpowered and it’s ridiculous when the cpu can just score easy goals off deflections and score when your defence is set or in position..It just negates the whole purpose of tactical defending.The score lines are just so far removed from reality imo.

love all the presentation though,and tech.

There’s many a member on here that could spend a few months with Ea on development and make this a much more realistic propersition.I really don’t think it would take that much.

Yeah, I agree. I find difficult to play fun on anything above Professional because it feels like I spend too much time chasing the ball as the AI makes unrealistically accurate and quick passes. But when you go below those difficulties then the AI can barely even seem to make any decent scoring oppurtunity.

It's like the most fun I can have against AI is to just treat them like training cones and just focus on making creative attacks and play for myself and don't bother with trying to play the defensive of the game.
Yeah, I agree. I find difficult to play fun on anything above Professional because it feels like I spend too much time chasing the ball as the AI makes unrealistically accurate and quick passes. But when you go below those difficulties then the AI can barely even seem to make any decent scoring oppurtunity.

It's like the most fun I can have against AI is to just treat them like training cones and just focus on making creative attacks and play for myself and don't bother with trying to play the defensive of the game.
I play on WC,but lowering pass speed and raising first touch error for the CPU I get a good balance.
I usually have a very hard time Vs Bayern München/Dortmund,but beat lower ranked team pretty easily (I'm Bayer Leverkusen).

The tough part is having a balance between poor teams being good enough and really good teams not being super human.
I'm on my third season in my player career,despite the flaws I'm having a lot of fun playing this game.
After setting it up right, to be competitive,and not overpowered,it's really a challenge facing the top teams,I lose more than win Vs them

Season 1 Stuttgart BL 2,made it to Bundesliga via qualifications Vs Freiburg

Season 2 I finished 5th with Stuttgart

Third season I'm at Bayer Leverkusen,a top 5 team in the German Bundesliga.
Trying to win BL is so hard,last season Bayern lost 1 game and won it 10 points clear of BVB.

Anyway,I finished dead last in my Champions League group,Juventus/Atletico Madrid/Dynamo Moscow all came in front of me,I only won 1 game,and had 2 draws.
Really tough,but didn't feel cheated.

29 games played in Bundesliga,2 points behind leaders Bayern,and 5 points clear of BVB in third.
And I had BM at home,managed to beat them 2-1,first win against them
That game was a nerve wrecker for sure,had to defend perfectly (1v1 is horribly tough)
Now with 4 games left,I'm 1 point clear of Bayern.
Got a few tough one's left though, Schalke away,and local rivals Köln.

Yeah,om having fun playing this game,it's not a great game,but very entertaining and loads of "wtf...." moment's constantly.
Bonus being that you can control Def/off levels plus tactics,never had that in a player career before.
Loads of fun with a game I hated a few months back
I'm on my third season in my player career,despite the flaws I'm having a lot of fun playing this game.
After setting it up right, to be competitive,and not overpowered,it's really a challenge facing the top teams,I lose more than win Vs them

Season 1 Stuttgart BL 2,made it to Bundesliga via qualifications Vs Freiburg

Season 2 I finished 5th with Stuttgart

Third season I'm at Bayer Leverkusen,a top 5 team in the German Bundesliga.
Trying to win BL is so hard,last season Bayern lost 1 game and won it 10 points clear of BVB.

Anyway,I finished dead last in my Champions League group,Juventus/Atletico Madrid/Dynamo Moscow all came in front of me,I only won 1 game,and had 2 draws.
Really tough,but didn't feel cheated.

29 games played in Bundesliga,2 points behind leaders Bayern,and 5 points clear of BVB in third.
And I had BM at home,managed to beat them 2-1,first win against them
That game was a nerve wrecker for sure,had to defend perfectly (1v1 is horribly tough)
Now with 4 games left,I'm 1 point clear of Bayern.
Got a few tough one's left though, Schalke away,and local rivals Köln.

Yeah,om having fun playing this game,it's not a great game,but very entertaining and loads of "wtf...." moment's constantly.
Bonus being that you can control Def/off levels plus tactics,never had that in a player career before.
Loads of fun with a game I hated a few months back
Which Difficulty do you play?
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